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Bitcoin Core Web Scraper

A script for web scraping and downloading the Bitcoin Core bin directory.
Ideal for creating your own mirror!



Run-time dependency:

  • Python3 + pip (python3 python3-dev python3-pip)
  • Additional libs for Scrapy (libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev)

More packages will be downloaded via pip, see next section.


I advice you to use a Python virtual environment, create & activate such an environment via:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Next, install the required packages via:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run scraper

Execute scraper and start downloading:

scrapy crawl bitcoincore

Or by running: ./

Note: Files are stored within the bin sub-folder of the root-folder of this project.

Optionally, execute scraper and output the meta-data to a "feed" file (eg. JSON file):

scrapy crawl bitcoincore -O bitcoincore.json

Docker Image

The Docker image is available on DockerHub.

Note: The Docker Image will start the scrawler using a cronjob, so the bitcoin spider runs automatically once a week.

I provided a docker-compose file for convenience.

Building Docker image

Create a Docker image locally using:

docker build -t danger89/bitcoinscraper .

Learn & Debug

You can use the Scrapy shell to help debugging or learn how to extract data when using scrapy:

scrapy shell ''

Check the response object for data, just an example:

response.css('pre a')[3].get()

External Links

More info: