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Artifact for the paper Explicit Effects and Effect Constraints in ReML submitted to POPL 2024

Getting Started

The artifact comprises a Docker image reml-popl24.tar.gz. Depending on your system, docker commands might or might not need to be prefixed with sudo. In the following we will leave off sudo, but you may have to add it yourself.

You can load the Docker image into Docker with:

$ docker load -i reml-popl24.tar.gz

You can then run the image with:

$ docker run -it reml-popl24:latest


$ docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it reml-popl24:latest

This command will put you into a shell inside a directory containing the experimental infrastructure. Run make all to compile and run the ReML test suite and all the examples. Running make all should take less than a minute.


This artifact includes (1) a tutorial aiming at demonstrating the features of ReML presented in the POPL 2024 paper "Explicit Effects and Effect Constraints in ReML", and (2) the source code for ReML, including a description of the implementation aspects of ReML.

A Standard ML program is also a ReML program and in ReML, source files are given to the ReML compiler (i.e., the reml executable) either as a single source file or as an mlb-file describing a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of source code files. The ReML compiler also accepts a series of flags, which can be printed using reml --help:

$ reml --version

For the sake of the tutorial, a pre-installed reml-demo folder is present in the reml-popl24 directory:

$ cd reml-demo

The reml-demo directory contains a series of ReML tests and a few serious examples.

List of Claims

The artifact establishes the following main claims mantioned in the paper:

  1. ReML has been implemented and syntactic constructs are available on top of Standard ML syntax to control the underlying region inference process (Introduction and Section 4.)

  2. A few larger ReML examples demonstrate how ReML can be used to reason about effects and in particular about the lack of allocation races (Mergesort, ray tracing, Mandelbrot).


The following subsections describe the basic ReML tests, the ReML parallel library, parallel Mergesort, parallel Mandelbrot, and a parallel ray-tracer. All tests and examples can be executed (and the output tested) by running make all from within the reml-demo folder.

Running the ReML Tests

An overview of many of the basic ReML tests can be generated by writing

$ make tests.txt

This command generates a file tests.txt with descriptions and expected output of ReML behavior. The behavior is checked by running make test in the reml-demo folder. Many of the aspects of ReML described in Section 4 of the paper is reflected in these tests, including err_copylist.sml.

Here is a snippet including a few lines of the generated tests.txt file:

(*** SOURCE err_copylist.sml ***)
     1	(* Exomorphisms by non-unifiable explicit region variables *)
     3	infix ::
     5	fun copy `[r1 r2] (xs : int list`r1) : int list`r2 =
     6	   case xs of
     7	      nil => nil
     8	    | x :: xs => x :: xs   (* copy forgotten *)

     [reading source file:	err_copylist.sml]
     > infix 0 ::
       val copy : int list`r1->int list`r2
     err_copylist.sml, line 5, column 9:
       fun copy `[r1 r2] (xs : int list`r1) : int list`r2 =
     Cannot unify the explicit region variables `r1 and `r2

And here is another snippet:

(*** SOURCE er4.sml ***)
     2	(* It is an error to refer to a region name that is not in scope *)
     4	fun f () =
     5	  let val a = 3.2`r
     6	      with r2
     7	  in #1 (4,3.2`r2,a)
     8	  end

     [reading source file:	er4.sml]
     > val f : unit->int
     er4.sml, line 5, column 17:
         let val a = 3.2`r
     Explicit region variable `r is not in scope.

There is also an example demonstrating local mutable updates:

(*** SOURCE nomut-ok.sml ***)
     1	local
     2	  fun print (s:string) : unit = prim("printStringML", s)
     3	  fun !(x: 'a ref): 'a = prim ("!", x)
     4	  infix 3 :=
     5	  fun (x: 'a ref) := (y: 'a): unit = prim (":=", (x, y))
     6	  val r = ref "Hello\n"
     7	in
     8	fun f() =
     9	    ( print (!r)
    10	    ; r := "Hello again\n"
    11	    ; print (!r)
    12	    )
    14	val rec g `e : (unit #e -> unit) while nomut e =
    15	 fn ()  =>
    16	    let val r2 = ref "hi"
    17	    in r2 := "hi there\n"
    18	     ; print (!r2)
    19	    end
    21	val () = f()
    22	val () = g()
    23	end

     Hello again
     hi there

We see that ReML has determined that the function g has no external mutable effects.

In general, the generated file tests.txt may be a good reference to understand some of the basic syntactic parts of ReML.

It is straightforward to compile and run a ReML program in isolation. For instance, to attempt to compile the program err_copylist.sml in the reml-demo folder, execute the following command:

   $ reml err_copylist.sml
   [reading source file:	err_copylist.sml]
   err_copylist.sml, line 5, column 9:
	 fun copy `[r1 r2] (xs : int list`r1) : int list`r2 =
   Cannot unify the explicit region variables `r1 and `r2
   Stopping compilation of MLB-file due to error (code 1).

On the other hand, compiling the program funty1.sml generates an executable file run:

   $ reml funty1.sml
   $ ./run
   Num: 11

The ReML Parallel Library

ReML comes with basic thread libraries reml-basis/Thread-reml.sml and reml-basis/ForkJoin-reml.sml, which implement the signatures

signature THREAD = sig
  type 'a t
  val spawn    : (unit->'a) -> ('a t->'b) -> 'b
  val get      : 'a t -> 'a
  val numCores : unit -> int

signature FORK_JOIN = sig
  val par    : (unit -> 'a) * (unit -> 'b) -> 'a * 'b
  val pair   : ('a -> 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c * 'd
  val parfor : int -> int * int -> (int -> unit) -> unit
  val pmap   : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list

  val alloc  : int -> 'a -> 'a array

  type gcs = int * int (* max parallelism, min sequential work *)
  val parfor' : gcs -> int * int -> (int -> unit) -> unit

ReML does not currently reflect ReML region- and effect-constraints and annotations at the signature level, thus, we need to look into the implementation files basis/Thread-reml.sml and basis/ForkJoin-reml.sml to find the explicit region- and effect-annotated versions of the definitions:

signature THREAD = sig
  type 'a t
  val spawn `[e1 e2] : (unit #e1 ->'a) -> ('a t #e2 -> 'b) -> 'b while e1 ## e2
  val get            : 'a t -> 'a
  val numCores       : unit -> int

signature FORK_JOIN = sig
  val par  `[e1 e2] : (unit #e1 -> 'a) * (unit #e2 -> 'b) -> 'a*'b while e1 ## e2
  val pair `[e1 e2] : ('a #e1 -> 'b) * ('c #e2 -> 'd) -> 'a*'c -> 'b*'d while e1 ## e2
  val parfor     `e : int -> int*int -> (int #e -> unit) -> unit while noput e
  val pmap     `[e] : ('a #e ->'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list while noput e =

  val alloc         : int -> 'a -> 'a array

  type gcs = int * int (* max parallelism, min sequential work *)
  val parfor'  `[e] : gcs -> int*int -> (int #e -> unit) -> unit while noput e

Whereas the spawn function is considered primitive in the sense that the constraint is there to provide guarantees about allocation races for the underlying implementation of spawn, all the functions in ForkJoin-reml.sml (FORK_JOIN) are implemented using spawn and the ReML constraint system is capable of discharging these constraints based on the constraint type provided for spawn.

Parallel Mergesort

A parallel version of Mergesort similar to the version shown in the paper is implemented in reml-demo/pmsort/pmsort.sml (the implemented version uses an accumulating version of merge, which avoids troubles with lack of stack space). The example uses the ForkJoin.par function until the available parallelism is exhausted at which point in reverts into a sequential Mergesort. Here is how to run the example:

$ cd reml-demo/pmsort
$ make all pmsort.exe
$ ./pmsort.exe -P 1

ReML finds out that local regions are used for storing the results of the local sort results and is able to discharge the proof obligation of the ForkJoin.par function.

A more interesting version uses array slices, which allows for parallelising also the merge function using a binary search. This version is available in reml-demo/slmsort/slmsort.sml:

$ cd reml-demo/slmsort
$ make all slmsort.exe
$ ./slmsort.exe -P 1

Parallel Mandelbrot

A parallel version of Mandelbrot is implemented in reml-demo/mandelbrot/mandelbrot.sml. It uses the ForkJoin.parfor' function to generate the pixels of the Mandelbrot set in parallel. Using the parfor' function it is possible to control both the grain size (-G), that is how much work an individual thread should do, and the number of used threads (-P) . To test the implementation, do as follows:

$ cd reml-demo/mandelbrot
$ make all mandelbrot.exe
$ ./mandelbrot.exe -P 12 -f pic.ppm
$ convert pic.ppm pic.png         (convert not installed on image)

Notice that ReML checks that the function passed to ForkJoin.parfor' makes no global put-effects. The function can perfectly well make allocations in local regions. The -P parameter specifies the number of parallel Pthreads used.

Parallel Ray Tracing

A parallel ray tracer is implemented in reml-demo/ray/ray.sml. It uses the ForkJoin.parfor function to generate the pixels of the Mandelbrot set in parallel. Using the parfor function it is possible to control only the grain size; the number of threads used is determined by the library. To test the implementation, do as follows:

$ cd reml-demo/ray
$ make all ray.exe
$ time ./ray.exe -G 10000 -f pic.ppm
$ convert pic.ppm pic.png         (convert not installed on image)

Notice that ReML checks that the function passed to ForkJoin.parfor again makes no global put-effects. The function can perfectly well make allocations in local regions. The -G parameter specifies the work given to each thread. Playing with different values for -G is likely to have a influence on the time performance.

For this example, it was necessary to arrange that pixel values are stored in a record of arrays instead of an array of records, which would lead to allocation races due to each thread allocating records for the pixels; an alternative would be to pack the channels into a single word (instead of using three words as is currently the case.)

Adding a new Example

This artifact is not intended as an extensible framework, but it is not too onerous to add new example.

Each of the larger examples resides in their own folder in the reml-demo directory and is represented by an .mlb file (and a Makefile) that mentions the source files of the example, and its dependencies.

The easiest way to add a new example is to copy reml-demo/mergesort (for example), give it a new name (including the .mlb file), modify the Makefile, and add it to the parent folders' Makefile. Examples that compile successfully expects a file To add a new test, you may copy one of the existing tests, rename it, and add it to the all.tst file in the reml-demo folder. Examples that are expected to halt with a compile time error appears with an "ecte" entry in the all.tst file, which is processed by the kittester helper application (installed together with ReML and MLKit). The examples are responsible for doing their own validation by writing to stdout (e.g., using print).

System Requirements

The artifact assumes that reml is immediately runnable from the command line and that necessary environment variables have been set for them to work. The provided Docker container has all this set up already.

Constructing the image from Dockerfile requires access to the Internet, but running make does not.

Building ReML from Source

The Docker image contains source code for ReML v4.7.5, which is part of the MLKit distribution located in the folder mlkit-4.7.5. As an optional first step (before running the benchmarks), it is possible to compile and install ReML and the MLKit from source, using the following steps (ignore the possible error by autobuild):

$ cd mlkit-4.7.5
$ ./autobuild
$ ./configure --with-compiler=mlkit --prefix=/home/art/mlkit
$ make mlkit && make mlkit_basislibs
$ make install
$ cd ..

These steps will overwrite the binary MLKit and ReML installations with a bootstrapped version of the MLKit and a ReML compiler built with MLKit.

Docker Image

For space reasons, the Docker image is very sparse and does not have text editors installed. The user account has password-less sudo so you can install more things if you want. Otherwise you can use commands such as docker cp to move data out of the image for inspection on the host system. Consult your favorite search engine for information on how to use Docker if you are unfamiliar.


This section describes every top-level directory and nontrivial file and its purpose.

  • reml-demo/: The ReML demo programs and a Makefile containing targets for compiling and executing the programs with ReML. The Makefile target all runs the target test, which runs the tests.

  • reml-basis/: A local copy of the ReML parallel library including implementations of THREAD and FORK_JOIN signatures.

  • Dockerfile: The file used to build the Docker image. You should use the pre-built image if possible, but if necessary you can build it yourself with make reml-popl24.tar.gz (uses sudo).

    Notice that the Dockerfile is not reproducible, so it may or may not result in a working image if you try this in the distant future.

  • Makefile: The commands executed when running make. You can extract the commands if you need to run them out of order.

  • mlkit-4.7.5: Source directory for MLKit v4.7.5, which is the source for the binary version of ReML and the MLKit, installed in the Docker image.

ReML Source Code Overview

ReML is implemented on top of MLKit and is tightly integrated with the source code of MLKit. The source code for the compiler is Standard ML and the runtime system (target code is x86_64 machine code) is written primarily in C. There is almost full support for the Standard ML Basis Library.

As mentioned above, the source code is available in the folder mlkit-4.7.5. Below, we will briefly describe the major source code components that contribute to the ReML additions of MLKit:

  • src/Parsing: ReML is backwards compatible with Standard ML and features no additional keywords. ReML make special use of the with and while keywords to bind effects and regions (with declarations) and to add constraints to type schemes (while types). The DEC_GRAMMAR signature is extended to fit the new constructs and src/Parsing/Topdec.grm is extended to support with declarations and while types. The special back-tick syntax for annotating expressions and types with explicit region and effect variables also involve changes to the grammar and the AST described by the DEC_GRAMMAR signature.

  • src/Common/EfficientElab/ElabDec.sml and src/Compiler/Lambda: ReML does its best at propagating source code locations for annotations into the deeper languages in the compiler. Roughly, after elaboration (ML type inference), code is translated into a typed intermediate language representation (src/Compiler/Lambda/LAMBDA_EXP) for which all module language constructs have been eliminated. At these levels (elaboration and typed lambda language), ReML constraints and annotations are yet not used for any kind of checking.

  • src/Compiler/Regions: After LAMBDA_EXP (and a series of optimisations), programs are compiled into explicit region-annotated terms (the language REGION_EXP). This translation is the process of region inference, a typed- and effect-based transformation that happen in two phases (see the paper for details). The first phase is a spreading phase that inserts fresh region- and effect-variables to the program. During this phase, which is implemented in src/Compiler/Regions/SpreadExpression.sml, explicit ReML region annotations are used to guide the insertion of fresh region- and effect-variables (by, for instance, associating explicit region- and effect-variables with the internal counterparts, which may be unified. The definition of internal region- and effect-variables is located in the file src/Compiler/Regions/Effect.sml. The definition is based on a union-find data structure that features a series of graph operations for instantiating and generalising graphs (i.e., region- and effect-polymorphic type schemes). The second phase is the region inference phase (file src/Compiler/Regions/RegInf.sml), which applies a series of so-called contracting substitutions (i.e., unifications) to ensure that the region-typing rules are satisfied. Because no fresh variables are created during this phase, the phase is guaranteed to terminate (provided the underlying ML program is well-typed).

    During these phases, ReML may complaint with errors if region inference is forcing unifications that do not adhere to the explicit region- and effect-annotations (including pinning of region- and effect- variables with with declarations and explicit region- and effect-parameters). The constraints that are annotated through the notion of while types are pushed into the region- and effect-graph structure, by annotations on region and effect variables.

    After the two region-inference phases, the constraints are checked by attempting to resolve constraints using simpler constraint assumptions and other effect properties (e.g., that locally defined effects are finite and closed and that a nomut constraint on an effect entails put-disjointness (##) with other effects). The code, which essentially follows the formal development in the paper, appears in src/Compiler/Regions/Effect.sml (functions check_constraint and check_prop_constraint).

  • The deeper ReML compiler phases are fully shared with the MLKit Standard ML compiler.


Artifact for POPL '24 paper: Explicit Effects and Effect Constraints in ReML







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