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SMLexpose is a tool for exposing SMLserver functionality to SMLtoJs clients. The tool works by parsing an interface (an SML signature) of a specific form. The interface specifies the functionality to be exposed by SMLserver in terms of function specifications for the exposed functions. Here is an example demonstrating the exposure of a quotes function for obtaining stock quotes for a specific stock ticker (e.g., AAPL):

signature SERVICES = sig
  type 'a res
  type ('a,'b) fcn  (* ~ 'a -> 'b *)
  type ticker = string
  type isodate = string
  val quotes : (ticker, {date:isodate,eod:real,avg:real} list res) fcn

From this service specification, SMLexpose may generate three functors (optionally structures) to be integrated in the SMLserver and SMLtoJs build projects:

  • ServiceDefs: This generated functor takes as argument a Pickle structure and results in a structure for use both in the SMLserver context and in the SMLtoJs context. The structure matches the SERVICES signature and defines how argument values and result values are serialised and deserialised in terms of serialisation picklers.

  • ClientServices: This generated functor takes as argument a Pickle structure, an Async structure, matching the ASYNC signature, and an url address for the server entry point. The functor returns a structure to be used in the SMLtoJs context. The structure matches the SERVICES signature with the 'a res type specified to of type 'a Async.Deferred.t, which allows for asyncronous communication between the client and the server.

  • ServerExpose: This generated functor takes as argument a Pickle structure, a Web structure, and a Services structure that implements the SERVICES signature. The functor returns a structure that contains a single variable declaration exposeServices: unit -> unit. The function can be used in an SMLserver script that exposes the functionality available in the structure Services : SERVICES on the server.

Generating the ServiceDefs functor

Generating the functor ServiceDefs is done by passing the -d option to smlexpose:

$ smlexpose -d SERVICES.sig > ServiceDefs.sml

Here is the content (slightly prettified) of the generated file:

functor ServiceDefs (P:PICKLE) : SERVICES where type 'a res = 'a
                                            and type ('a,'b) fcn = {id:string,
                                                                    arg:'a P.pu,
                                                                    res:'b P.pu} =
  type 'a res = 'a
  type ('a,'b) fcn = {id:string,arg:'a P.pu,res:'b P.pu}
  type ticker = string
  type isodate = string
  val quotes =
     res=P.listGen (P.convert0(fn (date,(eod,avg)) => {date=date,eod=eod,avg=avg},
                               fn {date,eod,avg} => (date,(eod,avg)))

Generating the functor ClientServices:

Generating the functor ClientServices is done by passing the -c option to smlexpose together with an appropriate (relative) url address (specified with the -url option to smlexpose):

$ smlexpose -c -url "expose_services.sml" SERVICES.sig > ClientServices.sml

Here is the content of the generated file:

functor ClientServices (structure P : PICKLE
                        structure Async : ASYNC
                       ): SERVICES where type 'a res = 'a Async.Deferred.t
                                     and type ('a,'b)fcn = 'a -> 'b =
  structure ServiceDefs = ServiceDefs(P)
  structure Deferred = Async.Deferred
  type 'a res = 'a Deferred.t
  type ('a,'b) fcn = 'a -> 'b

  val url = "expose_services.sml"

  fun mk_service (sd: ('a,'b)ServiceDefs.fcn) : ('a,'b res)fcn =
      let val {id,arg,res} = sd
          val op >>= = Deferred.Infix.>>= infix >>=
       in fn a =>
              Async.httpRequest {binary=true,
                                 body=SOME(P.pickle arg a)} >>= (fn r =>
              Deferred.ret (P.unpickle res r))

  (* services *)
  type ticker = string
  type isodate = string
  val quotes = mk_service ServiceDefs.quotes

Generating the functor ServerExpose

Generating the functor ServerExpose is done by passing the -s option to smlexpose:

$ smlexpose -s SERVICES.sig > ServerExpose.sml

Here is the content of the generated file:

functor ServerExpose(structure Pickle : PICKLE
                     structure Web : WEB
                     structure Services: SERVICES where type 'a res = 'a
                                                    and type ('a,'b) fcn = 'a -> 'b
                    ) : sig val exposeServices: unit -> unit
                        end =
  structure P = Pickle
  structure ServiceDefs = ServiceDefs(P)

  fun wrap (sd : ('a,'b)ServiceDefs.fcn) (f:'a -> 'b) : string -> string =
      P.pickle (#res sd) o f o P.unpickle (#arg sd)

  fun exposeServices () =
      let val headers = Web.Conn.headers()
          val id = case Web.Set.iget(headers,"SML-serviceid") of
                       NONE => raise Fail ("ServerExpose: No SML-serviceid header set")
                     | SOME id => id
          val data = Web.Conn.getRequestData()
          val f : string -> string =
              case id of
                "quotes" => wrap ServiceDefs.quotes Services.quotes |
                _ => raise Fail ("ServerExpose: Unknown service: " ^ id)
      in Web.Conn.returnBinary(f data)

The exposeServices function should be called in an SMLserver script. The Web structure is compatible with the SMLserver Web structure.

Instead of generating functors, SMLexpose may generate open structures instead, which is enabled by passing the flag -struct to smlexpose. This feature is essential when using SMLexpose's support for inferring the location of a pickler based on the type constructor. For qualified (long) identifiers, SMLexpose uses the following strategy for determining the location of a pickler:

  • For a type Module.t, it is assumed that a pickler (of type Module.t Pickle.pu) is available as Module.pu.

  • For a type Module.tycon (with tycon different from t), it is assumed that a pickler (of type Module.tycon Pickle.pu) is available as Module.pu_tycon.

Building and Testing

To build, test, and install SMLexpose, simply execute the following commands in a terminal:

$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install

The test will, for a number of SERVICES signatures, type check (and compile) the generated modules against interfaces for pickling (test/pickle/pickle.sig), SMLtoJs asynchronous client-server communication (test/async/async.sig), and SMLserver integration (test/web/web.sig).


MIT license.


Tool for exposing SMLserver functionality to clients







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