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Node.JS & Postgress + React + Docker boilerplate

This repository contains the boilerplate for creating a full application using the Javascript Stack. The arhitecture is as following:

  • The backend written with Node.JS using
    • Express as the web framework using an 3-Layer arhitecture
    • Sequlize as the ORM for accessing the Postgress database
    • Inversify.JS for IOC (inversion of control) used for putting all of this together
    • Puppeteer & Cheerio used for scraping instagram in order to get certain pictures
  • The frontend written with React which includes
    • Simple authentication & authorization using React Contexts
    • Form validation using react-form-hooks
  • Docker which starts the backend, the frontend and docker with the proper environment variables and ports

App overview & Features

  • There are 2 types of users, Internal and External

    • Internal users are created at sign up
    • External users are created by Internal users
  • External users will have access to a simple notepad where they can write a title and description

  • Internal users

    • can create External users
    • can delete External users they created
    • can view the notes of the External users they created. The available info is: username, note description, note title, note last update
  • All the users (either created or registered) will feature an instagram image by finding the first picture that has the hashtag #username (if available).

  • At login the user has the option for the browser to remember the session or not.

How to start ?

  • run docker-compose up. This will start the postgress db, will install deps and start the backend and build the frontend and start an nginx container with it's dist/

  • all the env variables can be seen in docker-compose.yml, also they can be set using the .env files from both be and fe (see .env.example)

  • in order to actually use the app you will need to run some migrations. So after starting the db docker container (by running docker-compose up), do cd backend and then npm run migrate:up. This will esentially execute the necessary migrations. This will work only on the default, exposed 5432 port.