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Search Recipes Using Natural Language

Frontend Table of Contents

Lay out and discuss the Flow and the Objects and Methods that control it.

1. SearchViewController

File: (~/Controllers/SearchVCs/SearchViewController)

  1. Loads SearchView (~/Views/SearchViews/SearchView)
  2. UITextField Recieves Input
  3. SearchButtonTapped -- If UITextField is Empty, display error message -- Else Display Results in RecipeListCollectionView

2. RecipeListCollectionView

Displays a Collection List of Results (loadRecipes(for: searchedRecipe)

  1. CollectionViewCells (~/Views/Elements/RecipeCell) -- didSelectItemAt loads RecipeViewController (~/Controllers/RecipeVCs/RecipeViewController)

    Note: Need default screen if there are no results

3. RecipeViewController

  • Methods called on viewWillAppear:
    1. loadRecipeByID(for: recipeID) (local method)
    2. getInstructions(for: recipeID) (local method)
  • Loads RecipeView (~/Views/RecipeViews/RecipeView)

3.1 General Button (tapped)

  • Loads GeneralModal (~/Views/Modals/GeneralModal)
  • Displays Basic Info, i.e. Time To Make, # of Servings, etc.
  • Data populated from method generateGeneralInfo(for selectedRecipe: Recipe) File: (~/Controllers/VCMethods/DataGeneration/GeneralInfo) Extension of RecipeViewController

3.2 Ingredients Button (tapped)

  • Loads IngredientsModal (~/Views/Modals/IngredientsModal)
  • Displays Basic Info, i.e. Time To Make, # of Servings, etc.
  • Data populated from method generateGeneralInfo(for selectedRecipe: Recipe) (~/Controllers/VCMethods/DataGeneration/GeneralInfo) Extension of RecipeViewController

3.3 Summary Button (tapped)

  • Loads IngredientsModal (~/Views/Modals/Summary/Modal)
  • Displays all Summary of Recipe from API
  • Data populated from method generateSummary(for selectedRecipe: Recipe) (~/Controllers/VCMethods/DataGeneration/GenerateSummary) Extension of RecipeViewController

3.4 Macros Button (tapped)

  • Loads SummaryModal (~/Views/Modals/MacrosModal)
  • Displays Nutritional Information, i.e. calories, iron, vitamins, etc
  • Data populated from method generateDietsInfo(for selectedRecipe: Recipe) (~/Controllers/VCMethods/DataGeneration/GenerateMacros) Extension of RecipeViewController

3.5 Diets Button (tapped)

  • Loads SummaryModal (~/Views/Modals/DietsModal)
  • Displays Diets Information, i.e. vegan, gluten free, keto, etc
  • Data populated from method generateMacrosModel(for selectedRecipe: Recipe) (~/Controllers/VCMethods/DataGeneration/GenerateDietsInfo) Extension of RecipeViewController

3.6 RecipeViewController In Action

3.7 Start Cooking Button (tapped)

  • Loads StagedCardContainerViewController (~/Controllers/StagedCards/CardContainerViewController)
  • Calls Method buildCards(ingredients: [String], instructionsDictionary: [Int: String], ingredientDictionary: [Int: [String]]) -> [Card] (~/Controllers/VCMethods/CardRelated/CardBuilder)


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