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  • API version: 0.1.1
    • Build date: 2023-12-17T15:47:50.270747166-08:00[America/Los_Angeles]

This is the Control Plane and Data Plane APIs for MeMaS (Memory Management Service). See for more details.

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.8+
  2. Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

  repositories {
    mavenCentral()     // Needed if the 'memas-sdk' jar has been published to maven central.
    mavenLocal()       // Needed if the 'memas-sdk' jar has been published to the local maven repo.

  dependencies {
     implementation "ai.memas:memas-sdk:0.1.3"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/memas-sdk-0.1.3.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

// Import classes:
import ai.memas.memassdk.invoker.ApiClient;
import ai.memas.memassdk.invoker.ApiException;
import ai.memas.memassdk.invoker.Configuration;
import ai.memas.memassdk.invoker.models.*;
import ai.memas.memassdk.api.CpApi;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

    CpApi apiInstance = new CpApi(defaultClient);
    CreateCorpusRequest createCorpusRequest = new CreateCorpusRequest(); // CreateCorpusRequest | 
    try {
      Memorize200Response result = apiInstance.createCorpus(createCorpusRequest);
    } catch (ApiException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception when calling CpApi#createCorpus");
      System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
      System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
      System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
CpApi createCorpus POST /cp/corpus Create corpus
CpApi createUser POST /cp/user Create user
CpApi deleteCorpus DELETE /cp/corpus Delete corpus
CpApi deleteUser DELETE /cp/user Delete user
DpApi memorize POST /dp/memorize Memorize information
DpApi recall GET /dp/recall Recalls information

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
