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Deploy BIG-IP in GCP without internet access


This repo contains sample Terraform to provision a BIG-IP HA cluster with CFE on GCP where internet access is prohibited. The files will create a Cloud DNS private zone to shadow * with endpoints, and install run-time libraries from a GCS bucket.

High-level architecture

  1. BIG-IP (and bastion) instances attempt to connect to Storage APIs.
  2. Cloud DNS private zone for has been injected into each VPC network; DNS returns a CNAME alias for for all lookups.
  3. A custom route provides a way to reach Google API endpoints from VMs to GCP services that does not traverse the public internet.
  4. GCS API endpoints in Google's private VPC respond.


  1. GCP project with APIs enabled

    • Compute Engine -
    • IAP -
    • OS Login -
    • Secret Manager -
    • Storage JSON API -
    • Cloud DNS -
  2. User account (or Terraform service account) with permissions to create resources, assign roles, and manage networks.

  3. GCS bucket or other HTTP(S)/FTP site accessible from the BIG-IP VMs to host software packages

Steps to execute

  1. Create or prepare a GCS bucket, or other HTTP host on the private network that can supply Cloud Libraries and supporting files as needed by BIG-IP and bastion host.

  2. Prepare Terraform config and variables setting files; you can make a copy of env/emes folder and modify the base.config and base.tfvars files to match your environment.

    • This repo assumes you have setup and enabled IAM impersonation for a Terraform service account; set tf_sa_email variable to empty string ("") to use your own credentials or a service account via application-default credentials.

    • If you are using a GCS bucket to host RPMs, etc, use the scheme for encoding HTTP download requests as described at Encoding URI path parts and set cloud_libs_bucket variable to the name of the GCS bucket. Terraform will ensure the BIG-IP and bastion service accounts have read-only access to the bucket.

      E.g using automation-factory-f5-gcs-4138-sales-cloud-sales bucket as a software repository:-

      install_cloud_libs = [
      install_tinyproxy_url = ""
      cloud_libs_bucket = "automation-factory-f5-gcs-4138-sales-cloud-sales"
  3. Initialise and execute Terraform

    Using emes configuration as an example.

    terraform init -backend-config env/emes/base.config
    terraform apply -var-file env/emes/base.tfvars -auto-approve
    Apply complete! Resources: 52 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    admin_password_key = projects/f5-gcs-4138-sales-cloud-sales/secrets/isolated-vpcs-bigip-admin-passwd-key
    bastion_name = isolated-vpcs-bastion
    bigip_addresses = {
      "isolated-vpcs-bigip-0" = {
        "external" = [
        "internal" = [
        "management" = [
        "vips" = [
      "isolated-vpcs-bigip-1" = {
        "external" = [
        "internal" = [
        "management" = [
        "vips" = []
    cfe_label_value = isolated-vpcs
  4. Wait for BIG-IPs to complete initialisation

    You can check initialisation status by viewing the serial console output of instances and verifying that the CFE declaration has been applied, as this is the final step in initialisation.

    gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output --project f5-gcs-4138-sales-cloud-sales --zone us-central1-c isolated-vpcs-bigip-1 2>/dev/null | grep '/config/cloud/gce'
    2020-09-17T15:54:25.447-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Initialisation starting
    2020-09-17T15:54:25.451-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Generating /config/cloud/gce/network.config
    2020-09-17T15:54:25.610-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Waiting for mcpd to be ready
    2020-09-17T15:55:14.543-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Rebooting for multi-nic management interface swap
    2020-09-17T15:56:00.021-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Initialisation starting
    2020-09-17T15:56:00.025-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Generating /config/cloud/gce/network.config
    2020-09-17T15:56:00.037-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Waiting for mcpd to be ready
    2020-09-17T15:56:27.580-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Nothing to do
    2020-09-17T15:56:27.587-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Waiting for mcpd to be ready
    2020-09-17T15:56:27.841-0700: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Resetting management settings
    2020-09-17T22:59:08.234+0000: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: waiting for mcpd to be ready
    2020-09-17T22:59:08.959+0000: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Applying CFE payload
    2020-09-17T22:59:26.609+0000: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: CFE declaration is applied
    2020-09-17T22:59:26.614+0000: /config/cloud/gce/ Info: Initialisation complete
    2020-09-17T22:59:26.620+0000: /config/cloud/gce/ waiting for mcpd to be ready
    2020-09-17T22:59:27.051+0000: /config/cloud/gce/ complete
  5. Login and configure BIG-IP as needed

    In this demo, accessing the BIG-IP requires the use of the bastion host. Create an SSH tunnel through the bastion host and use tinyproxy to access instances.

    1. Create an IAP session for SSH to the bastion and tunnel between port 8888 on local computer and bastion. Tinyproxy has been configured to be active on port 8888 too.

      gcloud compute ssh --project f5-gcs-4138-sales-cloud-sales --zone us-central1-f isolated-vpcs-bastion --tunnel-through-iap -- -A -L8888:

      This command will ensure that your key is forwarded to the bastion so you can SSH to a BIG-IP instance on it's management IP address

    2. Set your browser to proxy HTTP and HTTPS traffic through localhost:8888

      Proxy Config

    3. Retrieve the random admin password from Secret Manager

    Secret Manager

    1. Login to a BIG-IP instance using admin account and password from step 3

      BIG-IP Device List

Clean up resources

  1. Tear down the resources created in this demo

    terraform destroy -var-file env/emes/base.tfvars -auto-approve
  2. Destroy any supporting GCS buckets or other reosources that were created outside of this repo


Name Version
terraform ~> 0.12, < 0.13
google ~>3.44
google ~>3.44


Name Version
google ~>3.44 ~>3.44
google.executor ~>3.44 ~>3.44
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
bastion_zone The GCE zone to deploy the bastion host. Default is 'us-central1-f'. string "us-central1-f" no
bigip_zones The GCE zones to deploy the BIG-IP instances. Default is 'us-central1-f' and
cfe_label_key The CFE label key to assign to resources that are going to be managed by CFE.
Default value is 'f5_cloud_failover_label'.
string "f5_cloud_failover_label" no
cfe_label_value The CFE label value to assign to resources that are going to be managed by this
BIG-IP deployment. If left empty, a value will be generated for this deployment.
string "" no
cloud_libs_bucket An optional GCS bucket name to which the BIG-IP service account will be granted
read-only access. Default is empty string.

See install_cloud_libs.
string "" no
image The GCE image to use as the base for BIG-IP instances; default is latest BIG-IP v15 payg good 25mbs. string "projects/f5-7626-networks-public/global/images/f5-bigip-15-1-0-4-0-0-6-payg-good-25mbps-200618231522" no
install_cloud_libs Contains the URLs for F5's Cloud Libs required for BIG-IP w/CFE on-boarding,
overriding the default download patch from and
list(string) n/a yes
install_tinyproxy_url Contains the URL for tinyproxy RPM to install on bastion host. string n/a yes
labels An optional map of label key-values to apply to all resources. Default is an
empty map.
map(string) {} no
prefix An optional prefix to use when naming resources; default is 'isolated-vpcs'.
Override this value if you are deploying in a shared environment.
string "isolated-vpcs" no
project_id The existing project id that will host the BIG-IP resources. string n/a yes
tf_sa_email The fully-qualified email address of the Terraform service account to use for
resource creation. E.g.
tf_sa_email = ""
string null no
tf_sa_token_lifetime_secs The expiration duration for the service account token, in seconds. This value
should be high enough to prevent token timeout issues during resource creation,
but short enough that the token is useless replayed later. Default value is 1200.
number 1200 no


Name Description
admin_password_key The name of the Secret Manager key that contains the generated admin password.
bastion_name The name of the bastion VM.
bigip_addresses The set of IPv4 addresses and CIDRs assigned to the BIG-IP instances.
cfe_label_value The CFE-specific label that has been applied to CFE related resources.


Provision BIG-IP in VPCs that do not have access to the internet







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