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Luis Gimenez edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the st-server Wiki!

st-server is a robust and efficient server-side application written in Go, designed to handle various aspects of stock trading platform operations. This application is modularized into three core services:

  • Authorization/Users Service: Manages all user-related operations, including authentication and authorization, user profile management, and security features to ensure that only authorized users can access the system.
  • Journals/Trades Service: Responsible for processing and recording all trade-related activities, such as trade entries, journals, and transaction histories. This service ensures that all trading activities are tracked and stored securely.
  • Gateway Service: Acts as the entry point for external REST API calls. It uses gin, a high-performance HTTP web framework, as the router to direct incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate services within st-server.

Getting Started

Before diving into the services, ensure you have Go installed on your system and are familiar with RESTful API concepts and HTTP routing with gin.

Authorization/Users Service

This service is the first line of defense and the access point for user operations. It handles:

  • User authentication
  • Session management
  • User permissions and role-based access control

For more details on the Authorization/Users Service, see the Authorization Service page.

Journals/Trades Service

The Journals/Trades Service is crucial for maintaining a reliable and auditable record of trading activities. Key functionalities include:

  • Recording trades and journals
  • Trade validation and execution
  • Historical trade data retrieval

To learn more about the Journals/Trades Service, visit the Journals/Trades Service page.

Gateway Service

The Gateway Service is responsible for interfacing with the client-side applications. It routes the incoming RESTful requests to the appropriate internal services and handles:

  • API endpoint exposure
  • Request validation and routing
  • Response aggregation

More information about the Gateway Service can be found on the Gateway Service page.

Contribution Guidelines

st-server is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome. Please ensure to follow the Contribution Guidelines when proposing changes or enhancements.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please report them using the Issues section of our GitHub repository, following the provided issue templates for consistency and clarity.


st-server is released under the MIT License. For more information, please check the LICENSE file in the repository.