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Welcome to our group homework homepage!

About us

We are a team of passionate and creative master's students committed to collaborating on various academic tasks and projects. Our team members come from different professional backgrounds, bringing together a wealth of knowledge and skills to pursue excellence together.

Mission and Goals

Our mission is to achieve excellence in the academic field through collaboration and innovation. Our goal is to work together to promote the academic and personal development of team members while making positive contributions to the community and academia.


We are currently working on an exciting project aimed at solving practical problems in society. Through teamwork, we hope to have a profound impact and provide innovative solutions to complex challenges. Welcome to visit our homepage at 10:36 Team.

Team Members

  • Meng Chenye: Artificial Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, Generative Model

  • Yi Peiqi: Product innovation design, service design, computer-aided design, etc

  • Gao Zikun: Traditional culture and digital creativity, Children's developmental dyslexia and attention

  • Zhang Ying: HCI, AIGC

  • Liu Hongchi: Generative AI

Contact Us

If you are interested in our project or team, or would like to learn more, please feel free to contact us:

Thank you for visiting our group homework homepage! We look forward to working with you to create a wonderful journey of academic and innovation.


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