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[Development] Setting up a new CondaCI repo

James Booth edited this page Jan 11, 2017 · 2 revisions
  1. Create a repo called conda-PACKAGENAME
  2. Copy the contents from an existing package, say conda-dlib
  3. Set the PYTHON_VERSION as needed in .travis.yml
  4. Fill in the correct meta.yaml etc in the conda directory
  5. Go to and add the project
  6. Go to the project settings for travis and add an env variable called BINSTAR_KEY with the unencrypted key
  7. ssh into the jenkins box and cd /Users/jenkins/git/templates && ipython notebook
  8. Tunnel the port ssh -NfL localhost:7777:localhost:8888 jenkins and go to localhost:7777
  9. Add the new name to the tuples at the top
  10. Re-run the whole script
  11. Go to, global config, and reregister the github hooks.
  12. Commit and push! :)