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Stemmer for Polish language, based on Porter's algorithm.

It's not perfect, as I do not have background in linguistics, but I hope it's good enough. It is solely based on this python implementation.

About this package

This package provides a simple stemmer for Polish language. For provided word it extracts its stem by cutting off its affixes (prefixes and suffixes).

For example:

  • fajni -> fajn
  • chłopców -> chłopc
  • grzecznie -> grzeczn
  • najlepszy -> lep


npm install stemmer_pl


getStem(word: string) -> string

Return stem for given word. If no affixes were cut off it returns the same word.


import getStem from 'stemmer_pl'

const stem = getStem('fajni')
console.log(stem) // expected output: fajn


MIT, see license file