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Björn Sonnen edited this page Nov 20, 2023 · 5 revisions

Before you begin

After you've installed the aa-simplewiki plugin, make sure to add the simplewiki | general | Can access this app to correct state.

If you now click on "Wiki", you will get an error saying that there are no menus. Let's create one.


Alliance Auth Production

Non-Docker Version

1.) Install the pip package via pip install aa-simplewiki

2.) Add simplewiki to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects

3.) Restart your server, then run migrations and collectstatic

Docker Version

1.) Please make sure you followed the custom docker-image tutorial here:

2.) Edit your conf/requirements and add the following line aa-simplewiki (Check for different versions!)

3.) Add simplewiki to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects

4.) Start your server docker compose --env-file=.env up -d

5.) Run docker compose exec allianceauth bash

7.) Run auth migrate

8.) Run auth collectstatic

Alliance Auth Development

Make sure you have installed alliance auth in the correct way:

1.) Download the repo git clone

2.) Make sure it's under the root folder aa-dev, not under myauth

3.) Change directory into aa-dev aand run pip install -e aa-simplewiki

Important: If you are getting an error saying that simplewiki is not installed after running pip install -e aa-simplewiki, delete the file in the aa-simplewiki root directory and try again.

4.) Add simplewiki to your INSTALLED_APPS in your projects

5.) Change directory into myauth

6.) Make migrations with python makemigrations

7.) Migrate with python migrate

8.) Restart auth with python runserver