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meowxiik edited this page Aug 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Each activity consists of several files, all of them will be described over here


├── activities
│   └── <activity>.json
├── enabled
│   └── <activity> # Symlink
├── ready
│   └── <activity> # Symlink
├── scripts
│   ├── disable
│   │   └── <activity>
│   ├── enable
│   │   └── <activity>
│   ├── managers 
│   │   └── <activity> # Optional
│   └── checks
│       └── <check> # Optional
├── trackers
│   └── <activity> # Auto generated
└── reverse-trackers
    └── <activity> # Auto generated

Activity Definition

Activity is a .json file in activities. Contains following properties: "Limit", "AutoStart", "AutoStop". Example activities:

  "Limit": "40M",
  "AutoStart": "08:20",
  "AutoStop": "09:00"
  "Limit": "1H"

The Limit property is mandatory.


scripts/disable/<activity> - Script that is ran when an activity is to be disabled.

scripts/enable/<activity> - Script that is ran when an activity is to be enabled.

scripts/managers/<activity> - Activities that have a manager script will get automatically enabled when manager script returns 0.


When activity is enabled state, there will be a symlink from enabled/<activity> to activities/<activity>.json

When activity is ready state, there will be a symlink from enabled/<activity> to activities/<activity>.json


Overseer provides 2 ways of tracking activity limits:

trackers/<activity> - Contains number of seconds an activity spent enabled.

reverse-trackers/<activity> - Contains number of seconds activity has left until limit.