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An application to digest your data like url's, files or texts and saves it on disk or on database and gives you a shareable url to access the data.


Basic usage

To add new entries to your server, you always need to make a POST request to the {base_url}/entries endpoint.

  • To access it you must add your token you set in the Headers Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • The content of your body must be of type multipart/form-data
  • If you want to send a file, the name of it in the form (not the file name) must be file

There are three things you can set in the form

  • type: The type of the data you want to send and the server to parse (Either file, text or url). Required
  • value: The data you want to send. It is required for the types text and url, but disallowed to set on type file
  • slug: your custom identifier of the resource (or data), it is fully optional. If an entry with the specified slug already exists, it will be overwritten

If you need more information about the currently existing endpoints and their request parameters, you can open the api documentation located at {base_url}/docs

Using it with with ShareX (recommended)

Imgur Gallery demonstratring the options that need to be set



  • Docker to run the application on
  • A MongoDB instance, either hosted in docker as well or accessible from the application

Docker stack

version: '3.1'
    image: mongo
    restart: always
      MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: mongo_username
      MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: mongo_password
    image:{tag} # Either 'latest' or a specific tag
    restart: always
      - 80:80 
      MasterToken: {master_token} # Your own master token to access the endpoints with
      BaseUrl: {http://example.domain} # The base url in which the server resolves newly created entries
      Storage__Path: {path} # Storage location for files, use absolute paths please
      MongoDB__ConnectionString: mongodb://mongo_username:mongo_password@mongo:27017/
      MongoDB__DatabaseName: general_shortener


Data migration from redis model (below version 1)

Populate all of the Transfer__* environment variables to the redis database that hosted your data, start the container and let it run for a short time. It will inform you about the state of the migration.

When the migration is done, stop the server and remove the Transfer__* environment variables as they are not needed anymore

Environment variables

Environment variable Type Description Required
MasterToken String Mastertoken with full access to the underlying api true
BaseUrl String Base Url true
Storage__Path String Path of where the files will be saved to true
MongoDB__ConnectionString String Connection string to connect to the database server true
MongoDB__DatabaseName String Name of the database in MongoDB false
HTTP__Redirect__NotFound String Redirect on 404 false
HTTP__Redirect__Root String Redirect at Root false
HTTP__Redirect__Deletion String Redirect at Deletion false
Transfer__Transfer Boolean Transfer data from old database to new database false
Transfer__Redis__Host String Host address of the redis server false
Transfer__Redis__Port Integer Port of the redis server false
Transfer__Redis__Password String Password to connect to the redis server false

Note: These are double underscores