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Browser: make selection in dropdown within a form

Martin Peter Madsen edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Lets say you have a form that contains a dropdown and you want to make a selection in that dropdown based on the value of the option.

Example of From:

<form name="myFormName">
	<select name="myDropdownMenu">
		<option value="0">Select option</option>
		<option value="OptionValue1">Option 1</option>
		<option value="OptionValue2">Option 2</option>
		<option value="OptionValue3">Option 3</option>

You will need a java script function to select a particular value, here is how:

//set your variables
$formUrl	= "";
$formName	= "myFormName";
$ddName		= "myDropdownMenu";
$ddOptVal	= "OptionValue2";

$funcName	= "selectForMe";
$localHostObj		= \MTS\Factories::getDevices()->getLocalHost();
$windowObj		= $localHostObj->getBrowser('phantomjs')->getNewWindow($formUrl);

$scriptData = "function ".$funcName."() {
	//get the form element
	var formEle = document.forms['".$formName."'];
	if (typeof formEle != 'object') {
		return 'Form with name: \'".$formName."\', does not exist';
	//find the child dropdown element
	var ddEle	= formEle.elements['".$ddName."'];
	if (typeof ddEle != 'object') {
		return 'Dropdown with name \'".$ddName."\' in form: \'".$formName."\', does not exist';
	//select the option you want
	ddEle.querySelector(\"option[value='".$ddOptVal."']\").selected = true;
	//did we succeed?
	if (ddEle.value == '".$ddOptVal."') {
		return 'Success';
	} else {
		return 'Failure';

//load your script
//execute the script
$funcReturn = $windowObj->callJSFunction($funcName);

//render a screenshot to show the dropdown has the desired value. In reallity you will check that 
//$funcReturn == "Success", but for testing an image is more convincing.
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode($windowObj->screenshot()) . '" />';

That is all.

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