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Stack multiple bar plot by default and properly render bar plots if there is negative values #8404

Stack multiple bar plot by default and properly render bar plots if there is negative values

Stack multiple bar plot by default and properly render bar plots if there is negative values #8404

Workflow file for this run

name: Lint
- opened
- synchronize
- ready_for_review
contents: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2
# uses version from "packageManager" field in package.json
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
cache: pnpm
node-version-file: '.node-version'
- name: Install Packages
run: |
pnpm install --frozen-lockfile
- name: Run Linting
shell: bash
run: |
if ! pnpm run lint; then
# print a nice error message on lint failure
ERROR_MESSAGE='Running `pnpm run lint` failed.'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' Running `pnpm -w run lint:fix` may fix this issue. '
ERROR_MESSAGE+=" If this error doesn't occur on your local machine,"
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' make sure your packages are up-to-date by running `pnpm install`.'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' You may also need to delete your prettier cache by running'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' `rm ./node_modules/.cache/prettier/.prettier-cache`.'
echo "::error title=Lint failure::${ERROR_MESSAGE}"
# make sure to return an error exitcode so that GitHub actions shows a red-cross
exit 1
- name: Verify `./src/config.type.ts` is in sync with `./src/schemas/config.schema.yaml`
shell: bash
run: |
if ! pnpm run --filter mermaid types:verify-config; then
ERROR_MESSAGE='Running `pnpm run --filter mermaid types:verify-config` failed.'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' This should be fixed by running'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' `pnpm run --filter mermaid types:build-config`'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' on your local machine.'
echo "::error title=Lint failure::${ERROR_MESSAGE}"
# make sure to return an error exitcode so that GitHub actions shows a red-cross
exit 1
- name: Verify no circular dependencies
working-directory: ./packages/mermaid
shell: bash
run: |
if ! pnpm run --filter mermaid checkCircle; then
ERROR_MESSAGE='Circular dependency detected.'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' This should be fixed by removing the circular dependency.'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' Run `pnpm run --filter mermaid checkCircle` on your local machine'
ERROR_MESSAGE+=' to see the circular dependency.'
echo "::error title=Lint failure::${ERROR_MESSAGE}"
# make sure to return an error exitcode so that GitHub actions shows a red-cross
exit 1
- name: Verify Docs
id: verifyDocs
working-directory: ./packages/mermaid
continue-on-error: ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
run: pnpm run docs:verify
- name: Rebuild Docs
if: ${{ steps.verifyDocs.outcome == 'failure' && github.event_name == 'push' }}
working-directory: ./packages/mermaid
run: pnpm run docs:build
- name: Commit changes
uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9
if: ${{ steps.verifyDocs.outcome == 'failure' && github.event_name == 'push' }}
message: 'Update docs'
add: 'docs/*'