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Memory Adventure

This is the home of the analysis code developed for our `Bazelcon 2023 talk`_ and further development.


We want to find allocations from crashed Bazel builds, some Starlark code somewhere is eating too much memory. Most of the built-in tools provide post-hoc analysis that require the Bazel server to survive, we can then dig into its data structures. But if it crashes, all the data is torn down and we have very little to work with.

Reproduction: Memory eater

This project contains a small reproduction of pathological memory allocation, in a convoluted build tree. There is an aspect ./memory/eat.bzl to consume large quantities of RAM, and a set of rules ./cpu/rules.bzl that perform innocuous CPU work, with bounded allocations,

The memory eater aspect encodes the full dependency tree of all targets, providers and all, with many small strings that are concatenated. The big string is then tied to an Action object with ctx.actions.write. So this string can not be freed until the action is executed. This can be tuned based on the dependency tree height to allocate more and more memory, but with this repository it is in the 200 - 500 MB range, to make iteration faster. We expect to find this as traverse_impl in the logs somewhere.

And the CPU-bound rules are all the same, just implemented with numbered functions, to dilute their individual presence in the profiling logs.

Of course real code bases are much larger, and more annoying to analyze, but we hope that this can serve as a jumping-off-point for a discussion.

Post-hoc analysis

The first step when troubleshooting memory is to follow the memory profiling guide, which highlights bazel dump --rules this is often useful at indicating list errors, where a depset can drastically improve memory requirements. But we found that in this example it does not give the correct answer.

Then drill deeper with bazel dump --skylark_memory=memory.pprof, which writes the memory allocations to a pprof format file. Using a java memory instrumenter which is explained in the guide.


The script benchmark-different-memory and $STARTUP_FLAGS are described below

$ ./benchmark-different-memory manual/2023-10-30/ 10g 2
# The dump is done within the script:
# $ bazel $STARTUP_FLAGS --host_jvm_args=-Xmx"10g" dump --skylark_memory=manual/2023-10-30/10g-1/memory.pprof

$ pprof manual/2023-10-30/10g-2/memory.pprof
Main binary filename not available.
Type: memory
Time: Oct 30, 2023 at 12:16pm (CET)
Entering interactive mode (type "help" for commands, "o" for options)
(pprof) top
Showing nodes accounting for 2816.70kB, 73.34% of 3840.68kB total
Showing top 10 nodes out of 19
      flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
     512kB 13.33% 13.33%      512kB 13.33%  impl2
  256.16kB  6.67% 20.00%   256.16kB  6.67%  traverse_impl
  256.11kB  6.67% 26.67%   256.11kB  6.67%  _add_linker_artifacts_output_groups
  256.09kB  6.67% 33.34%   256.09kB  6.67%  alias
  256.09kB  6.67% 40.00%   256.09kB  6.67%  rule
  256.08kB  6.67% 46.67%   256.08kB  6.67%  to_list
  256.06kB  6.67% 53.34%   256.06kB  6.67%  impl7
  256.04kB  6.67% 60.01%   256.04kB  6.67%  _is_stamping_enabled
  256.04kB  6.67% 66.67%   256.04kB  6.67%  impl18
  256.03kB  6.67% 73.34%   768.15kB 20.00%  cc_binary_impl

This looks good, and contains a lot of information, but we are not able to find the real culprit. The exponential string allocation of the memory eater aspect, traverse_impl, shows up with modest allocation. But the 17MB allocation is nowhere to be seen.

impl2, impl7 and spin18 are three of the CPU-bound rules.

To illustrate, using too little memory (200m):

$ ./benchmark-different-memory manual/2023-10-30/ 200m 1
WARNING: Running Bazel server needs to be killed, because the startup options are different
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Starting clean (this may take a while). Consider using --async if the clean takes more than several minutes.
WARNING: Running Bazel server needs to be killed, because the startup options are different
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Invocation ID: 72092cbf-edf1-45db-bb5b-29658e731d75
Loading: 0 packages loaded
Analyzing: 42 targets (8 packages loaded, 0 targets configured)
Analyzing: 42 targets (51 packages loaded, 376 targets configured)
FATAL: bazel ran out of memory and crashed. An attempt will be made to write a heap dump to
Printing stack trace:$UncheckedEvalError: OutOfMemoryError thrown during Starlark
 evaluation (//cpu:lock_19)
        at <starlark>.write(<builtin>:0)
        at <starlark>.traverse_impl(/home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/memory/eat.bzl:57
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Fails for allocation errors in the aspect, but we cannot dump the memory after Bazel crashed.

Analyze your own memory with this reproduction project

Measurement Data

This requires Bazel's profiling data for multiple build with different memory limits. Bazel's memory can be limited through the startup option:

--export STARTUP_FLAGS \

And you want the allocation instrumenter, as is explained in the memory profiling guide:

set --export STARTUP_FLAGS \
    --host_jvm_args=-javaagent:java-allocation-instrumenter-3.3.0.jar \
    --host_jvm_args=-DRULE_MEMORY_TRACKER=1 \

Profiling data

To enable the profiling data add the following flags to your build --generate_json_trace_profile and --profile=<profile file>, for better fidelity we recommend --noslim_profile, to avoid merging events, which is faster but requires extra effort to parse.

You can also save the console output, the build event protocol (--build_event_json_file), Starlark CPU pprof-profile (--starlark_cpu_profile=<pprof file>), and heap (--heap_dump_on_oom). This will capture the most data for you, so you can analyze it further after the fact. There is certainly more signal to find in all this data than what we have today.

Sample benchmarking file

You can start with benchmark-different-memory in this repository, it is designed to make multiple attempts with different memory limits.

This contains a bunch of flags, first skymeld, nobuild, or just regular, then the profiling data flags, followed by remote execution to a local Buildbarn deployment and finally our memory traversal aspect that we want to benchmark. You probably want to split this up into multiple bash arrays or bazelrc configs.

Note that this does not set the STARTUP_FLAGS, you need to set that in your interactive terminal.

There is currently no way to change build mode (skymeld, nobuild) from the measurement driver. You need to modify the file manually to change mode of operation, but it is possible to add that the benchmarking script's API.

Measurement driver

You can drive measurements with any looper-program, or two nested shell loops. We used hyperfine, which is a great general purpose benchmarking tool but we do not actually use its time measurement.

First is the loop of memory limits, then you decide the number of iterations for each limit. Following good practices, we used warmup runs for each limit, but did not see any difference in the behavior compared to real runs.


hyperfine \
    --parameter-list run "$( { echo WARMUP; seq 5; } | paste -sd ',')" \
    --parameter-list mem "$( { seq 155 1 180; seq 190 5 250; seq 250 10 300; seq 300 50 1000; } | paste -sd ',')" \
    --runs 1 \
    --ignore-failure \
    -- './benchmark-different-memory measurements-skymeld/ {mem}m {run} --skip-if-exists'

Note that the memory is currently analyzed from the directory name.

Extract stats

We now have the measurements we need, and can begin analyzing them. Here we split the path, first we will discuss the plots of build duration of this script, then we will discuss further analysis you can do to find memory thieves, which is not part of this program.

This program requires the duration and garbage collection count from a measurement. The data is fed in one or two files (so you can cache the computation, see the usage section), containing comma-separated (csv) data:

<memory limit: <str>>,<iteration: int>,<gc count: int>,<duration: int>,<status: str: "crash"|"ok">

Plot the memory consumption

This can then be plotted with, a tool that takes one or two data serieses, as described above.

# Generate the data, this takes a couple of seconds per build of this Bazel
# workspace. So using 'tee' to cache the result speeds up iteration significantly.
# This uses bash's pseudo file redirection <(...) for convenience,
you can save the files directly if you want.
$ ./ --out plot-combined.png \
    <(echo ./measurement-regular/*/ | xargs -n1 ./ | grep -v WARMUP | tee cache-regular) \
    <(echo ./measurement-skymeld/*/ | xargs -n1 ./ | grep -v WARMUP | tee cache-skymeld)

# Iterate the plot on the same data.
$ ./ [--out phase-regular.png] --exclude-crashes cache-regular

Further analysis

We think that the following data points are very interesting:

  1. The active functions at the time of a crash
  2. All functions in a successful build

These can be combined:

  1. The most commonly seen functions when Bazel crashes
  2. The most overrepresented functions when Bazel crashes, this requires the baseline distribution.

Additionally you can look at functions and correlate with GC events

  1. Number of time-adjusted GC events during evaluation of a function.

Or the number of restarts for a function:

  1. Additional restarts for each function in a low memory execution compared to high memory
  2. Correlation of restarts in other functions. Maybe a function causes other functions to restart, so see if a correlated, or concurrent measure of restarts can be bound to all active threads.

And much much more, please tell us your ideas.

Basic Analysis

Some basic measurements for memory pressure through garbage collection were implemented in as part of the exploratory work, you can look at them, but we did not see any interesting signals.

Documentation for the example project itself


This is a forked from


This project shows an example of a cc program that depends on generated code, through a cc_library, that can optionally be statically linked. And this has a rudimentary rule for that code generation.

There is also a linter aspect for the python code, that is configured with a toolchain.

$ bazel query //... --output=maxrank
0 //:Runner
0 //:test
0 //toolchain:ruff_toolchain
0 //:Touch
0 //config:ConfiguredBinary
0 //toolchain:ruff
0 //config:Runner
0 //Parameters:filter
1 //Library:Static
1 //config:debug_build
1 //toolchain:toolchain_type
1 //:capture
1 //config:opt_build
2 //:Program
3 //Library:Library
4 //Parameters:Parameters
5 //Parameters:Generate
5 //config:config_file

The main points to build and run are //:Runner and //:Program. This compiles all the code and generated defines that are printed below:

$ bazel run //:Program
Target //:Program up-to-date:
Hello: Meroton 105%

# There is also a python runner to execute the program
bazel run //:Runner
Target //:Runner up-to-date:
Hello: Meroton 105%
1: from
2: python

The generated code is available here:

$ bazel build //Parameters
Target //Parameters:Parameters up-to-date:

# This code generator is handled by a bazel rule
$ bazel run //Parameters:Generate -- --help
Target //Parameters:Generate up-to-date:
usage: [-h] --output OUTPUT --base BASE inputs [inputs ...]


The basic use for query is to show what targets are available and what kinds they are:

$ bazel query //...
$ bazel query --output=label_kind //...

And advanced use can show dependencies between targets and limit scopes:

# all dependencies within //Library/...
$ bazel query 'deps(//:Runner) intersect //Library/...'
$ bazel query --output=label_kind 'allpaths(//:Runner, //Parameters)'
cc_binary rule //:Program
py_binary rule //:Runner
cc_library rule //Library:Library
codegen rule //Parameters:Parameters

# We also depend on the python code generation tool
$ bazel query --output=label_kind 'allpaths(//:Runner, //Parameters:all)'
py_binary rule //Parameters:Generate

# But not if we disable implicit and tool dependencies (--notool_deps)
# This is the same as the allpaths query.
$ bazel query --output=label_kind --noimplicit_deps 'allpaths(//:Runner, //Parameters:all)'
cc_binary rule //:Program
py_binary rule //:Runner
cc_library rule //Library:Library
codegen rule //Parameters:Parameters

We can find targets expanded by macros, and filter based on the macro name "generator_function" is the old name for "macro", some such old names leak through the Bazel abstractions.

If we had a "write_source_file" target and macro, this would show both a write and a test target. You could add that for the reference output of //:Program!

$ bazel query 'attr(generator_function, diff_test, //:all)'
_diff_test rule //:test

Macros can be expanded to see all the attributes, compare this to what you see in the BUILD file. There is also a stack trace with filepaths to open all relevant BUILD and .bzl files.:

$ bazel query --output=build //:test
# /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/BUILD.bazel:48:10
  name = "test",
  generator_name = "test",
  generator_function = "diff_test",
  generator_location = "/home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/BUILD.bazel:48:10",
  file1 = "//:reference.txt",
  file2 = "//:capture",
  is_windows = select({"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:host_windows": True, "//conditions:default": False}),
# Rule test instantiated at (most recent call last):
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/BUILD.bazel:48:10                                                               in <toplevel>
#   /home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/external/bazel_skylib/rules/diff_test.bzl:169:15 in diff_test
# Rule _diff_test defined at (most recent call last):
#   /home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/external/bazel_skylib/rules/diff_test.bzl:140:18 in <toplevel>

$ bazel query --output=build //:capture
# /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/BUILD.bazel:39:8
  name = "capture",
  tools = ["//:Program"],
  cmd = "\n        ./$(location Program) > \"$@\"\n    ",

We can also look for certain kinds of rules with the kind function: kind(<regexp>, <pattern>).:

$ bazel query 'kind(config_setting, //...)'
config_setting rule //config:debug_build
config_setting rule //config:opt_build

Source files are also available, though they are not themselves part of the wildcard for //...:

$ bazel query --output=label 'kind("source file", deps(//...))' | grep '^//'

Without the grep we see source files from external repositories too!

External repositories

Can be shown:

bazel query //external:'*'

There are probably more than you thought, most of them are built in to Bazel, and not actually used in this repository. However, the real name @<repo>//... must be used to query for dependency paths.:

$ bazel query 'allpaths(//..., //external:*)'
INFO: Empty results


Cquery is used to query the configured graph, where selects are followed. So we only see dependencies for desired options and operating systems. You can always query for a different operating system than your own, just disable the auto-platform-configuration (if it is enabled), it will automatically add --config=linux and so on.


Follow selects

We have a configured dependency in //config:ConfiguredBinary. With just query we see that it depends of both the regular and the statically linked library.:

bazel query 'deps(//config:ConfiguredBinary, 1) intersect //Library:all'
cc_library rule //Library:Library
cc_static_library rule //Library:Static

But the config_setting are mutually exclusive, based on the --compilation_mode={fastbuild,opt,debug} value. The flag is customarily used in its short form -c=<value>, and fastbuild is the default.


$ diff \
    <(bazel cquery $TERSE -c fastbuild 'deps(//config:ConfiguredBinary, 1) intersect //Library:all') \
    <(bazel cquery -c opt 'deps(//config:ConfiguredBinary, 1) intersect //Library:all')
< //Library:Library (ca63adb)
> //Library:Static (bfe6c4d)

This switch will also show up visually in the graph output format.


Here is an example that shows the configuration of all targets in a graph. We do some sed to make it look nicer.:

$ bazel cquery                             \
    --notool_deps --noimplicit_deps        \
    'deps(//:Runner)' --output=graph       \
    | sed                                  \
        -e 's/(ca63adb)/(Generated)/g'     \
        -e 's/(null)/(Source)/g'           \
        -e '{/->/b; s/(Source)"/& [style=filled, fillcolor='lightgreen']/}'
digraph mygraph {
  node [shape=box];
  "//:Runner (Generated)"
  "//:Runner (Generated)" -> "//:Program (Generated)"
  "//:Runner (Generated)" -> "// (Source)"
  "//:Runner (Generated)" -> "@rules_python//python/runfiles:runfiles (Generated)"

This can be rendered to an svg with graphviz and the dot program.

$ bazel cquery ... | dot -Tsvg -o graph.svg

Config hash

In this example the config hash is "ca63adb", it may differ for you, update the sed command accordingly.

$ bazel cquery //:Runner //:Runner (ca63adb)

You can inspect this with bazel config to show platforms and many, many, more options.:

$ bazel config ca63adb | head
INFO: Displaying config with id ca63adb
BuildConfigurationValue ca63adb307a1bd0f693440015ddae19ec8302707b6d51da41eab328714b1af2a:
Skyframe Key: BuildConfigurationKey[ca63adb307a1bd0f693440015ddae19ec8302707b6d51da41eab328714b1af2a]

ST hash

This example does not have any ST hashes, they stick out from config hashes, in that they have ST_ in the middle. Those are created by transitions that change the config of a target, and cannot be printed directly with bazel config <ST hash>. You need their config hash, which can be found by calling bazel config without any arguments.:

$ bazel config | grep <ST hash>

This will give you the config hash.

Providers and output groups

There is a cquery Starlark file in the project root output_groups.cquery that can be used to list all providers and output groups of a target. And pretty-print some of them, you would typically create such pretty printers for all internal providers. It helps a lot during rule development to inspect the rule outputs, and keep that code out of the implementation. To select the prints interactively rather than coding in print-statements.

It also servers as a basis for powerful shell completion tools. This was used to develop the Codegen code, see block comments in Parameters/BUILD.bazel and Parameters/Codegen.bzl.

$ bazel cquery --output=starlark --starlark:file=output_groups.cquery //:Program
   - CcInfo
   - InstrumentedFilesInfo
   - DebugPackageInfo
   - CcLauncherInfo
   - RunEnvironmentInfo
   - FileProvider
   - FilesToRunProvider
   - OutputGroupInfo

   - _hidden_top_level_INTERNAL_
   - _validation
   - compilation_outputs
   - compilation_prerequisites_INTERNAL_
   - temp_files_INTERNAL_
   - to_json
   - to_proto

   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Program

   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Program
   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Program.runfiles/MANIFEST

$ bazel cquery --output=starlark --starlark:file=output_groups.cquery //:Runner
INFO: Analyzed target //:Runner (1 packages loaded, 12 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
   - PyInfo
   - PyRuntimeInfo
   - InstrumentedFilesInfo
   - PyCcLinkParamsProvider
   - FileProvider
   - FilesToRunProvider
   - OutputGroupInfo

   - _hidden_top_level_INTERNAL_
   - compilation_outputs
   - compilation_prerequisites_INTERNAL_
   - python_zip_file
   - to_json
   - to_proto

   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Runner

   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Runner
   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Runner.runfiles/MANIFEST

Here is a side-by-side that may be useful:

providers:                                                   ┃  providers:
   - *Py*Info                                                ┃     - *Cc*Info
   - PyRuntimeInfo                                           ┃  ------------------------------------------------------------
   - InstrumentedFilesInfo                                   ┃     - InstrumentedFilesInfo
   - *PyCcLinkParamsProvider*                                ┃     - *DebugPackageInfo*
-------------------------------------------------------------┃     - CcLauncherInfo
-------------------------------------------------------------┃     - RunEnvironmentInfo
   - FileProvider                                            ┃     - FileProvider
   - FilesToRunProvider                                      ┃     - FilesToRunProvider
   - OutputGroupInfo                                         ┃     - OutputGroupInfo
output_groups:                                               ┃  output_groups:
   - _hidden_top_level_INTERNAL_                             ┃     - _hidden_top_level_INTERNAL_
-------------------------------------------------------------┃     - _validation
   - compilation_outputs                                     ┃     - compilation_outputs
   - compilation_prerequisites_INTERNAL_                     ┃     - compilation_prerequisites_INTERNAL_
   - *python_zip_file*                                       ┃     - *temp_files_INTERNAL_*
   - to_json                                                 ┃     - to_json
   - to_proto                                                ┃     - to_proto
FileProvider:                                                ┃  FileProvider:
   - **                                                ┃     - *bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Program*
   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Runner                       ┃  ------------------------------------------------------------
FilesToRunProvider:                                          ┃  FilesToRunProvider:
   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/*Runner*                     ┃     - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/*Program*
   - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/*Runner*.runfiles/MANIFEST   ┃     - bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/*Program*.runfiles/MANIFEST
Pretty-print providers

This pretty-prints the custom ToolchainInfo providers from //toolchain:toolchain.bzl:

$ bazel cquery --output=starlark --starlark:file=output_groups.cquery //toolchain:ruff
   - ToolchainInfo
   - FileProvider
   - FilesToRunProvider
   - OutputGroupInfo


   - info.tool: bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/bin/ruff

Any provider can be printed. One tip is to check for struct-members with dir(<some struct>), so you know what can be dereferenced, when writing the pretty-printing code.


To show actions and their command lines use aquery. You can see a summary of what will be done:

$ bazel aquery --output=summary //...
47 total actions.

  CcStrip: 1
  TestRunner: 1
  SolibSymlink: 1
  ArMerge: 1
  CppArchive: 1
  Genrule: 1
  ExecutableSymlink: 1
  GenerateParameters: 1
  CppLink: 2
  CppCompile: 2
  PythonZipper: 3
  FileWrite: 6
  TemplateExpand: 6
  SymlinkTree: 6
  SourceSymlinkManifest: 6
  Middleman: 8

  k8-fastbuild: 47

Execution Platforms:
  @local_config_platform//:host: 47

And dig into a specific target:

$ bazel aquery //Parameters:Parameters
action 'GenerateParameters Parameters/Parameters.h'
  Mnemonic: GenerateParameters
  Target: //Parameters:Parameters
  Configuration: k8-fastbuild
  Execution platform: @local_config_platform//:host
  ActionKey: 1a618927f613610aaa53e7e0d055f716011b7552e900ac3a8e20058108276ef0
  Inputs: [Parameters/, Parameters/Parameters.json, bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate, bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/internal/_middlemen/Parameters_SGenerate-runfiles, config/config.json]
  Outputs: [bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Parameters/Parameters.h]
  Command Line: (exec bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate \
    --base \
    config/config.json \
    --output \
    bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Parameters/Parameters.h \
# Configuration: ca63adb307a1bd0f693440015ddae19ec8302707b6d51da41eab328714b1af2a
# Execution platform: @local_config_platform//:host

Configuration Examples


There is an example cc_binary with a select statement, used to illustrate how cquery can help understanding dependencies, see Follow selects.

Label Flag

A contrived example is written, and developed through the commit history to show how a label_flag can be used to add configuration to a rule. It will be used by the tool, but belongs to the rule as we will see below. This is good for ad-hoc selection, that does not belong to any well defined config_settings. Config files for tools that do not encode platform information is a good example. But there is a big area where select and label_flags can be used to solve the same problem.

Runfile to a binary

We see that it does not work well for a py_binary to use it as a data dependency, as we do not know what file to look for within the runfiles. This is done in the config directory, there is a Runner but it does not work. Try it for yourself with bazel run //config:Runner.

$ bazel query --output=build //config:Runner
# .../config/BUILD.bazel:27:10
  name = "Runner",
  deps = ["@rules_python//python/runfiles:runfiles"],
  data = ["//config:config_file"],
  main = "//",
  srcs = ["//"],
  args = [":config_file"],

The args here cannot tell the program which file to look for, it just gets the label for the flag, not of the real target we attempt to use.

Next, we attempt to implement it into the rule, where we can access the File object and find its path, even if it is changed on the command line. But we still cannot find it as a runfile:

$ bazel build //Parameters  # Output is redacted slightly
ERROR: /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/Parameters/BUILD.bazel:10:8: GenerateParameters Parameters/Parameters.h failed: (Exit 1): Generate failed: error executing command (from target //Parameters:Parameters) bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate --base config/config.json --output bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Parameters/Parameters.h Parameters/Parameters.json
Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox and retain the sandbox build root for debugging

lookup: config/config.json
found: /home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/sandbox/linux-sandbox/20/execroot/example/bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate.runfiles/config/config.json

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/sandbox/linux-sandbox/20/execroot/example/bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate.runfiles/example/Parameters/", line 59, in <module>
    main(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:])
  File "/home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/sandbox/linux-sandbox/20/execroot/example/bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate.runfiles/example/Parameters/", line 37, in main
    with open(input, 'r') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/sandbox/linux-sandbox/20/execroot/example/bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate.runfiles/config/config.json'

This illustrates some points, we did "find" the runfile, with the library. But that file could not be opened, and the action failed. That is because this is not actually a runfile to the program //Generate:Generate does not have a data attribute, we depend on it through the rule. So we do not need the runfile library at all. This is just a matter for the Starlark implementation and the action to resolve.

But we see that the runfile library does not know whether a file exists or not, and its construction of the path is purely mechanical. Runfiles do not work so well if the files are expected to change, but static file names can be given as args, as we saw in //Config:Runner.

Just a regular input to the action

We just keep it simple, we do not need the runfiles library here. As the config does not belong to the tool, it could do so, and then not be an attribute of the rule, but only the rule has the capability to look at the File object and its path.

Note, the base config file is de facto an input like all the others, and could potentially be sent as a positional argument for the same effect. But this shows the structure better.

$ bazel build //Parameters  # Output is redacted slightly
Target //Parameters:Parameters up-to-date:
$ cat bazel-bin/Parameters/Parameters.h
/* Generated by /home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/sandbox/linux-sandbox/25/execroot/example/bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate.runfiles/example/Parameters/ */
#define MER_PERCENT 105
#define key value
Change the program dependency to the statically linked program

You can add another label flag to switch between //Library:Library and //Library:Static on the command line rather than changing BUILD files:

diff --git a/BUILD.bazel b/BUILD.bazel
index 539518a..16faf0d 100644
--- a/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/BUILD.bazel
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ cc_binary(
     deps = [
-        "//Library:Library"
+        "//Library:Static"

Build a la carte

Some notes on build target selection.

--build_manual_tests seems to actually add "manual" targets back into the build. Even for build actions, so the flag does not have the best name.

By default they are not built:

$ bazel build --show_result=1000 //:all 2>&1 | grep Touch
$ bazel build --show_result=1000 --build_manual_tests //:all 2>&1 | grep Touch
Target //:Touch up-to-date:

But they show up with --build_manual_tests.

Manual tag

Some test may be expensive to execute, so we tag it as manual to avoid execution. Something, something about cloud billing. But we want to lint the source code to avoid mistakes. That is typically not possible with "manual" tags.

These targets are tagged "manual":

bazel query --output=label_kind 'attr(tags, manual, //...)'
sh_binary rule //:Touch
py_binary rule //Parameters:Generate
toolchain rule //toolchain:ruff_toolchain
The linter example

If we make //Parameters:Generate manual it can not be linted through a wildcard, even though its docstring is too long, we really want the first build to fail:

$ bazel build --aspects //:ruff.bzl%ruff //Parameters:all
INFO: Analyzed 2 targets (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 2 targets...
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.036s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 1 process: 1 internal.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action

$ bazel build --aspects //:ruff.bzl%ruff //Parameters:Generate
INFO: Analyzed target //Parameters:Generate (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
ERROR: /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/Parameters/BUILD.bazel:3:10: Ruff Parameters/Generate.ruff failed: (Exit 1): Touch failed: error executing command (from target //Parameters:Generate) bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Touch bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Parameters/Generate.ruff bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/bin/ruff check Parameters/

Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox and retain the sandbox build root for debugging
Parameters/ E501 Line too long (94 > 88 characters)
Found 1 error.
Aspect //:ruff.bzl%ruff of //Parameters:Generate failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.047s, Critical Path: 0.01s
INFO: 2 processes: 2 internal.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully

But with --build_manual_tests it does work.:

$ bazel build --aspects //:ruff.bzl%ruff --build_manual_tests //Parameters:Generate
INFO: Analyzed target //Parameters:Generate (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
ERROR: /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/Parameters/BUILD.bazel:3:10: Ruff Parameters/Generate.ruff failed: (Exit 1): Touch failed: error executing command (from target //Parameters:Generate) bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Touch bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/Parameters/Generate.ruff bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/external/bin/ruff check Parameters/

Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox and retain the sandbox build root for debugging
Parameters/ E501 Line too long (94 > 88 characters)
Found 1 error.
Aspect //:ruff.bzl%ruff of //Parameters:Generate failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.040s, Critical Path: 0.01s
INFO: 2 processes: 2 internal.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully

So we can allow more use of "manual", and not be wary of them sink-holing all the targets. But as we do enable them again in the BUILD phase, the reason why they should not still needs to be handled. And that may well be a platform compatibility issue that should be handled in the rule or with execution platforms. So if your code based can use this flag it is okay to use "manual", and then it only applies to test execution. But if you need to remove targets from the build phase you need to express that differently.

Before this flag nothing could be done

Before --build_manual_tests was introduce there was no way to build manual targets through wildcards. There is (still) a flag to filter and remove based on tags, and it can also add stuff back. But anything tagged as manual can not be retrieved through --build_tag_filters. Neither of the following does anything:

$ bazel build --aspects //:ruff.bzl%ruff --build_tag_filters=enable_again //Parameters:all
$ bazel build --aspects //:ruff.bzl%ruff --build_tag_filters=+enable_again //Parameters:all
$ bazel build --aspects //:ruff.bzl%ruff --build_tag_filters=manual //Parameters:all
$ bazel build --aspects //:ruff.bzl%ruff --build_tag_filters=+manual //Parameters:all

The workaround then was to use a query, and xargs that to bazel build.:

bazel query //... | xargs bazel build

The targets are then all named will be built.

Rule Factory

Can be used to set default values for some attributes. In //factory:factory.bzl we recreate the codegen rule. But set its default value for base, this is a common pattern.

bazel build //factory:test
Target //factory:test up-to-date:
cat bazel-bin/factory/test.h
/* Generated by /home/nils/.cache/bazel/_bazel_nils/38ee34394b564c6d0289781c6b6bf0c1/sandbox/linux-sandbox/2/execroot/example/bazel-out/k8-opt-exec-2B5CBBC6/bin/Parameters/Generate.runfiles/example/Parameters/ */
#define a a
#define base json

There are some things to note for introspection:

bazel query --output=build //factory:test
# /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/BUILD.bazel:3:8
  name = "test",
  srcs = ["//factory:a.json"],
# Rule test instantiated at (most recent call last):
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/BUILD.bazel:3:8 in <toplevel>
# Rule codegen defined at (most recent call last):
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/factory.bzl:51:15 in <toplevel>
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/factory.bzl:9:16  in make

We see that there is an additional call to make in the stacktrace, good! But the attribute for the base is completely hidden.

We can see it with special flags

But that is annoying:

$ bazel query --output=xml //factory:test | grep base.json
    <rule-input name="//factory:base.json"/>

... and with aquery of course.

We would prefer to show it

Let the users know what happens. We would prefer to show it, but make it immutable. But the classic default argument through a macro is not good, because then it could be changed.

Can we make a macro factory?

Make a macro factory

It is straight forward, the trick is to use a lambda for the macro inside the factory. And we can now query again:

bazel query --output=build //factory:test
# /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/BUILD.bazel:3:8
  name = "test",
  visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
  tags = [],
  generator_name = "test",
  generator_function = "lambda",
  generator_location = "factory/BUILD.bazel:3:8",
  srcs = ["//factory:a.json"],
  base = "//factory:base.json",
# Rule test instantiated at (most recent call last):
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/BUILD.bazel:3:8   in <toplevel>
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/factory.bzl:29:97 in lambda
# Rule _codegen defined at (most recent call last):
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/factory.bzl:64:25 in <toplevel>
#   /home/nils/task/meroton/basic-codegen/factory/factory.bzl:9:19  in make

It is a macro, with the name "lambda", oh well, and the base is clearly visible. But it is not an exported attribute and can not be modified in the BUILD file.

Nit: The rule name is stupid

This is an unfortunate consequence of the rule using whichever variable name it is assigned to, and the macro must have its name. And we often want them to be the same, the easy way out is to add an underscore, the more structured way is to hoist the rule to another file, "rule.bzl" or some such, and have the macro load that. The load statement can rename it.

load(":rule.bzl", realrule = "rule")
def rule(...):


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