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WebGL Quad Tree Sphere

A WebGL/Three.js implementaiton of a quadtree planet.

##Repository Contents

  • build - The build script for producing the packaged minified scripts.

  • demo/ - A number of example implementations of the Quad Tree Sphere

    • scripts/ - Scripts used by the demos including minified versions of the QuadTreeSphere library and its delegate worker.
    • shadedSphere.html - A basic sphere with each level of depth shaded slightly off of the primary color.
    • depthMapping.html - (SOON) An example of how to depth map quad tree sphere.
    • proceduralLandscape.html - (SOON) A procedural landscape generated in real time.
  • src/ - The main source files for the project.

    • worker/ - The worker and it's componants that perform the quadtree work.
  • bin/ - The output directory for the build script.

##Bulding Project

Build Script Dependencies

Builds depend on uglify-js to perform minification.

sudo npm -g install uglify-js

Build Script

Once you have uglify-js installed simply run the build script.


The build will generate a bin folder in which you will find minified files. The library and its delegate worker.

  • bin/
    • QuadSphere.min.js - The quad tree sphere.
    • QuadSphereWorker.min.js - The worker delegate for the QuadSphere
Build Cleanup

To clean the builds from the working directory run

./build clean

How To Use

The QuadTreeSphere consists of three main parts a QuadMaterialBuilder, the QuadTreeSphere its self, and a QuadTreeSphereWorker to which the majority of the computational work is delgated to.


The material builder is called for each quad when it is created to provide you an opertunity to define the material that will be used when rendering that quads geometry.

var quadMaterial = new QuadMaterialBuilder({

	onCreate: function () {
		// NOP

	buildMaterialForQuad: function (centerPoint, position, radius, width) {

	    var color = new THREE.Color();

		var decimalColor = ((width/1E11) * 16777215);

	    var R =	 decimalColor%256;
	    var G =	 (decimalColor/256)%256;
	    var B =	 Math.sin(width);

	    color.r = R;
	    color.g = G;
	    color.b = B;

		return new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({wireframe: true, color: color});



The quad tree sphere requires a path to the QuadTreeSphereWorker which is used to delegate the cpu intensive work of the quad tree splitting and merging. A camera is needed to track where the observer is with relation to the quad tree sphere. The radius of the sphere to be drawn. The patchSize of the patches. A scene to render into. The field of view or fov. And the quadMaterial builder.

var quadSphere = new THREE.QuadTreeSphere({
	workerPath: "scripts/QuadTreeSphereWorker.min.js",
	camera: camera,
	radius: quadSphereRadius,
	patchSize: 16,
	scene: scene,
	fov: 30,
	quadMaterial: quadMaterial

Render Loop

To tell the QuadTreeSphere to update you need to call it's update method during the main render loop of your application.

var render = function () {

    renderer.render(scene, camera);

Running Demos

Simply start a python simple http server

cd demo
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

QuadSphere DisplacementTest HorizonTest


A WebGL/Three.js implementaiton of a quadtree planet.






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