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Singly & Doubly Linked Lists in Javascript



➤ License

Licensed under MIT.


➤ Classes


Singly Linked List Class


Singly Linked List Node Class


➤ SinglyLinkedList

Singly Linked List Class

Kind: global class


Insert a new node in the Singly Linked List

Kind: instance method of SinglyLinkedList

Param Type Description
data * to be stored in the node

singlyLinkedList.getByIndex(index) ⇒

Get the node at passed index

Kind: instance method of SinglyLinkedList
Returns: the node at index position

Param Type Description
index Number of the node to be retrived

singlyLinkedList.getMiddleNode() ⇒

Return the middle node of the list

Kind: instance method of SinglyLinkedList
Returns: Return the middle node of the list


Print the Singly Linked List in human readble mode

Kind: instance method of SinglyLinkedList

singlyLinkedList.insertAtIndex(index, value)

Insert new node in the passed index of the Singly Linked List

Kind: instance method of SinglyLinkedList

Param Type Description
index Number of the List
value * to be stored in the node


Removed the current head of the Singly Linked List

Kind: instance method of SinglyLinkedList


Remove node at passed index

Kind: instance method of SinglyLinkedList

Param Type Description
index Number of the node to be removed

SinglyLinkedList.fromValues(...values) ⇒ SinglyLinkedList

Helper function to create a SinglyLinkedList from an array of values

Kind: static method of SinglyLinkedList
Returns: SinglyLinkedList - Singly Linked List created

Param Type Description
...values any data values of each node


➤ SinglyLinkedListNode

Singly Linked List Node Class

Kind: global class

new SinglyLinkedListNode(value, next)

Param Type Description
value * of the node to be stored
next SinglyLinkedListNode node to be pointed


➤ Classes


Doubly Linked List Class


Doubly Linked List Node Class


➤ DoublyLinkedList

Doubly Linked List Class

Kind: global class

doublyLinkedList.getByIndex(index) ⇒

Get the node at passed index

Kind: instance method of DoublyLinkedList
Returns: the node at index position

Param Type Description
index Number of the node to be retrived

doublyLinkedList.push(value) ⇒

The push() mehod add new node to the end of the Doubly Linked List

Kind: instance method of DoublyLinkedList
Returns: the new Doubly Linked List with the new last node

Param Type Description
value * of the new node

doublyLinkedList.pop() ⇒

The pop() method removes the last element from the Doubly Linked List

Kind: instance method of DoublyLinkedList
Returns: the new Doubly Linked List without the last node

doublyLinkedList.shift() ⇒

The shift() method removes the first element from the Doubly Linked List

Kind: instance method of DoublyLinkedList
Returns: the new Doubly Linked List without the first node

doublyLinkedList.unshift(val) ⇒

The unshift() method adds the new node to the head of the current Doubly Linked List

Kind: instance method of DoublyLinkedList
Returns: the new Doubly Linked List with the new head node

Param Type Description
val * Value of the new node


Print the Doubly Linked List in human readble mode

Kind: instance method of DoublyLinkedList

DoublyLinkedList.fromValues(...values) ⇒ DoublyLinkedList

Helper function to create a DoublyLinkedList from an array of values

Kind: static method of DoublyLinkedList
Returns: DoublyLinkedList - Doubly Linked List created

Param Type Description
...values any data values of each node


➤ DoublyLinkedListNode

Doubly Linked List Node Class

Kind: global class

new DoublyLinkedListNode(value)

Param Type Description
value * of the node to be stored


➤ Contributors

Andrea Oboe
Andrea Oboe


➤ License

Licensed under MIT.


Linked Lists in Javascript






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