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Untar Worker for Adobe AIR

Untar Worker for Adobe AIR is an ActionScript 3 Worker class used to extract uncompressed gnu-tar files, created using tar -cf, in the background.

The Worker runs once, then self-terminates on completion.

Released under BSD license. Requires AIR 3.4+.

Example Project

A simple Flex project for Adobe AIR example Flash Builder project is included in the examples folder, which enables you to select and extract a tar to a chosen folder.

Code Example

protected var untarWorker:Worker;
protected var resultChannel:MessageChannel;

[Embed(source="UntarWorker.swf", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
protected var untarWorkerClass:Class;

protected function untar(sourcePath:String, targetPath:String):void
	// giveAppPrivileges parameter MUST be set to true!
	untarWorker = WorkerDomain.current.createWorker(new untarWorkerClass(), true);
	untarWorker.addEventListener(Event.WORKER_STATE, untarWorker_workerState);
	resultChannel = untarWorker.createMessageChannel(Worker.current);
	resultChannel.addEventListener(Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, resultChannel_channelMessage);
	untarWorker.setSharedProperty("sourcePath", sourcePath);
	untarWorker.setSharedProperty("targetPath", targetPath);				
	untarWorker.setSharedProperty("resultChannel", resultChannel);				

protected function untarWorker_workerState(event:Event):void
	trace("untarWorker.state =", untarWorker.state);

protected function resultChannel_channelMessage(event:Event):void
	var success:Boolean = resultChannel.receive() as Boolean;
	switch (success)
		case true:
			trace("Error: are you sure that was a tar?");

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