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example: minimal scheduler implementation
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James DeFelice committed May 4, 2017
1 parent 3a7148e commit f4e99be
Showing 1 changed file with 222 additions and 0 deletions.
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions api/v1/cmd/msh/msh.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
// msh is a minimal mesos v1 scheduler; it executes a shell command on a mesos agent.
package main

// Usage: msh {...command line args...}
// For example:
// msh -master -- ls -laF /tmp
// TODO: -gpu=1 to enable GPU_RESOURCES caps and request 1 gpu

import (


const (
RFC3339a = "20060102T150405Z0700"

var (
FrameworkName = "msh"
TaskName = "msh"
MesosMaster = ""
User = "root"
Role = mesos.RoleName("*")
CPUs = float64(0.010)
Memory = float64(64)

frameworkIDStore store.Singleton
shouldDecline bool
refuseSeconds = calls.RefuseSeconds(8 * time.Hour)
stop func()
exitCode int
wantsResources mesos.Resources
taskPrototype mesos.TaskInfo

func init() {
flag.StringVar(&FrameworkName, "framework_name", FrameworkName, "Name of the framework")
flag.StringVar(&TaskName, "task_name", TaskName, "Name of the msh task")
flag.StringVar(&MesosMaster, "master", MesosMaster, "IP:port of the mesos master")
flag.StringVar(&User, "user", User, "OS user that owns the launched task")
flag.Float64Var(&CPUs, "cpus", CPUs, "CPU resources to allocate for the remote command")
flag.Float64Var(&Memory, "memory", Memory, "Memory resources to allocate for the remote command")

frameworkIDStore = store.NewInMemorySingleton()

func main() {
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) < 1 { // msh by itself prints usage

wantsResources = mesos.Resources{
taskPrototype = mesos.TaskInfo{
Name: TaskName,
Command: &mesos.CommandInfo{
Value: proto.String(args[0]),
Shell: proto.Bool(false),
if len(args) > 1 {
taskPrototype.Command.Arguments = args[1:]
err := controller.New().Run(buildControllerConfig(User))
if err != nil {

func buildControllerConfig(user string) controller.Config {
var (
done = new(latch.L).Reset()
caller = calls.Decorators{
stop = done.Close
return controller.Config{
Context: &controller.ContextAdapter{
DoneFunc: done.Closed,
FrameworkIDFunc: frameworkIDStore.Get,
ErrorFunc: func(err error) {
defer stop()
if err != nil {
// don't overwrite an existing error code
if exitCode == 0 {
exitCode = 10
if err != io.EOF {
log.Printf("%#v", err)
Framework: &mesos.FrameworkInfo{User: user, Name: FrameworkName, Role: (*string)(&Role)},
Caller: caller,
Handler: buildEventHandler(caller),

func buildClient() calls.Caller {
return httpsched.NewCaller(httpcli.New(
httpcli.Endpoint(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/api/v1/scheduler", MesosMaster)),

func buildEventHandler(caller calls.Caller) events.Handler {
ack := events.AcknowledgeUpdates(func() calls.Caller { return caller })
return events.NewMux(
scheduler.Event_OFFERS: func(e *scheduler.Event) error {
return resourceOffers(caller, e.GetOffers().GetOffers())
scheduler.Event_UPDATE: func(e *scheduler.Event) error {
err := ack.HandleEvent(e)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("failed to ack status update for task: %#v", err)
return err
scheduler.Event_SUBSCRIBED: func(e *scheduler.Event) error {
log.Println("received a SUBSCRIBED event")
fid := e.GetSubscribed().GetFrameworkID().GetValue()
if fid == "" {
// sanity check, should **never** happen
return fmt.Errorf("mesos gave us an empty frameworkID")
if current := frameworkIDStore.Get(); current != fid {
err := frameworkIDStore.Set(fid)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Println("FrameworkID", fid)
return nil

func resourceOffers(caller calls.Caller, off []mesos.Offer) error {
if shouldDecline {
return calls.CallNoData(caller, calls.Suppress())
var (
index = offers.NewIndex(off, nil)
match = index.Find(offers.ContainsResources(wantsResources))
if match != nil {
task := taskPrototype
task.TaskID = mesos.TaskID{Value: time.Now().Format(RFC3339a)}
task.AgentID = match.AgentID
task.Resources = mesos.Resources(match.Resources).Find(wantsResources.Flatten(Role.Assign()))

if err := calls.CallNoData(caller, calls.Accept(
)); err != nil {
return err

shouldDecline = true // safeguard and suppress future offers
if err := calls.CallNoData(caller, calls.Suppress()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// insufficient offers
log.Println("rejected insufficient offers")
// decline all but the possible match
delete(index, match.GetID())
return calls.CallNoData(caller, calls.Decline(index.IDs()...).With(refuseSeconds))

func statusUpdate(s mesos.TaskStatus) {
switch st := s.GetState(); st {
log.Println("status update", st)
if st != mesos.TASK_FINISHED {
case mesos.TASK_LOST, mesos.TASK_KILLED, mesos.TASK_FAILED, mesos.TASK_ERROR:
log.Println("Exiting because task " + s.GetTaskID().Value +
" is in an unexpected state " + st.String() +
" with reason " + s.GetReason().String() +
" from source " + s.GetSource().String() +
" with message '" + s.GetMessage() + "'")
exitCode = 3
log.Println("unexpected task state, aborting", st)
exitCode = 4

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