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Python - Version

File metadata and controls

269 lines (262 loc) · 14.4 KB

Python version overview

Python 3.x is the current branch with active development. Python 2.x is still maintained, but without adding new features.

This is a summary of major new features in recent Python versions (thousands of bug fixes, small and parser/C API/internals/performance enhancements are not mentioned):

  • Python 3.x
    • Python 3.6 · What’s New In Python 3.6
      • currently (2015-08-07) in beta phase
        • 3.6.0a0 released 2015-10-20
        • 3.6.0b4 released 2016-11-07
      • f-strings: x = "world"; y = 42; print(f"Hello {x}, {y}")
      • underscores in numbers: 10_000_000
      • __fspath__ protocol for pathlib
      • new module secrets
      • local time disambiguation: datetime(..., fold=1)
      • development moving to Github
    • Python 3.5 · What’s New In Python 3.5
    • Python 3.4 · What’s New In Python 3.4
      • 3.4.0 released 2014-03-16
      • C files preprocessor "Argument Clinic"
      • pip command should always be available
      • newly created file descriptors non-inheritable
      • new modules:
        • asyncio for asynchronous I/O
          • deprecates asyncore and asynchat
        • ensurepip
        • enum
        • pathlib with Path object for nice path abstraction
        • selectors for I/O multiplexing
        • statistics
        • tracemalloc
    • Python 3.3 · What’s New In Python 3.3
      • yield from for generator delegation
      • u'unicode' syntax is accepted again for str objects
      • venv for virtual environments
      • new modules:
        • faulthandler
        • ipaddress
        • lzma
        • unittest.mock
        • venv
    • Python 3.2 · What’s New In Python 3.2
      • stable ABI
      • logging dictionary-based configuration
      • .pyc files stored in __pycache__ directory
      • WSGI v1.0.1, PEP 3333
      • new modules:
        • argparse for command line parsing
        • concurrent.futures
    • Python 3.1 · What’s New In Python 3.1
      • collections.OrderedDict
      • format specifier for thousands separator: format(1234567.89, ',.2f') -> '1,234,567.89'
      • directories and zip archives containing a file can now be executed directly by passing their name to the interpreter
      • fields in format() strings can now be automatically numbered: 'Sir {} of {}'.format('Gallahad', 'Camelot')
        • formerly, the string would have required numbered fields such as: 'Sir {0} of {1}'
      • with statement now allows multiple context managers in a single statement: with open('mylog.txt') as infile, open('a.out', 'w') as outfile: ...
    • Python 3.0 · What’s New In Python 3.0
      • also known as "Python 3000" or "Py3K"
      • first ever intentionally backwards incompatible Python release
      • (some of 3.0 features are already present in Python 2.6)
      • print is a function
      • <int>/<int> returns float; use <int>//<int> for integer division
      • no long, only int (even big numbers)
      • dict.keys(), dict.values(), dict.items() return "views" instead of lists
        • dict.iterkeys(), dict.itervalues(), dict.iteritems() gone
      • range() returns a special object instead of list, xrange() gone
      • sorted() and list.sort() no longer accepts cmp agument, use key instead
      • Text vs bytes:
        • str is the new unicode
        • b'...' for binary data, 'foo' for strings
        • str and bytes objects cannot be mixed (like unicode and str in 2.x)
        • bytes is immutable, bytearray is mutable
      • nonlocal keyword
      • unpacking: a, b, *rest = some_sequence
      • dictionary compehensions: {k: v for k, v in stuff}
      • set literals: {1, 2, 3}
      • set comprehensions
      • except Exception, var forbidden (use except Exception as var)
      • True, False and None are reserved keywords
      • metaclasses and __metaclass__
      • ellipsis: ... can be used anywhere, not only in slices
      • super()
      • old-style classes gone, all classes are new-style
      • raw_input() renamed to input()
      • reload() removed, use imp.reload()
      • some modules renamed or restructured
      • "It is not recommended to try to write source code that runs unchanged under both Python 2.6 and 3.0" - this opinion changed in later 3.x versions :) It was expected to use the tool 2to3.
      • BTW. most problems with porting from 2.x to 3.x were unicode/str/bytes related, for example in case of WSGI
  • Python 2.x
    • Python 2.7 · released 2010-07-03 · What’s New in Python 2.7
      • last of the 2.x releases, with long-term support
      • Python 3.1 features backported to 2.7:
        • set literals: {1, 2, 3}
        • dictionary and set comprehensions: {i: i*2 for i in range(3)}
        • multiple context managers in a single with` statement
        • io library rewritten in C for performance
        • memoryview object
        • subset of importlib
      • collections.OrderedDict, collections.Counter
      • logging: dictionary-based configuration
      • dict views viewskeys(), viewvalues() and viewitems()
      • PYTHONWARNINGS env variable
      • subprocess.check_output()
      • weakref.WeakSet
      • new modules:
        • argparse
        • sysconfig from Distutils
    • Python 2.6 · released 2008-10-01 · What’s New in Python 2.6
      • prepares the migration path to Python 3.0
      • backported from 3.0:
        • __complex__() magic method for converting objects to a complex number
        • alternative syntax: except Exception as e
      • command-line switch -3 enables warnings about features removed in Python 3
      • Python development process:
        • new issue tracker Roundup
        • Sphinx and reStructuredText
      • str.format(): 'user: {0} {desc}'.format('foo', name='bar')
      • print as function (optional)
      • bytes, bytearray
      • from __future__ import unicode_literals
      • octal and binary integer literals: 0o21, 0b1011
      • class decorators
      • collections.namedtuple(typename, fieldnames)
      • new packages:
        • abc - abstract base classes
        • ast - Abstract Syntax Tree representation of Python code
        • fractions
        • io
        • json
        • multiprocessing
        • plistlib for parsing Mac OS X .plist files
        • ssl
      • deprecated modules:
        • md5
        • sets
        • sha
    • Python 2.5 · released 2006-09-19 · What’s New in Python 2.5
      • conditional expressions: x = 'foo' if something else 'bar'
      • with statement: with open('/etc/passwd') as f: print
        • context management protocol - new magic methods:
          • __enter__()
          • __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
      • absolute and relative imports: from .foo import bar
      • unified try/except/else/finally
      • generator enhancements
        • yield is now expression and returns value
        • new GeneratorExit exception
      • new __index__() magic (special) method
      • new built-in functions: any(), all()
      • new modules:
        • cProfile
        • contextlib
        • ctypes for calling C functions from Python
        • functools
        • hashlib
        • msilib for creating Microsoft Installer .msi and CAB files
        • spwd for accessing shadow password database
        • sqlite3 - SQLite database
        • uuid for creating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
        • wsgiref
        • xml.etree
    • Python 2.4 · released 2005-03-30 (2.4.1) · What’s New in Python 2.4
      • function and method decorators: @classmethod, @property etc.
      • generator expressions: (item for item in items if item.good())
      • built-in set objects set() and frozenset()
      • string.Template
      • reversed()
      • None is a constant, cannot be assigned a new value
      • new modules:
        • collections
        • cookielib
        • decimal with Decimal data type
        • subprocess
    • Python 2.3 · released 2003-07-29 · What’s New in Python 2.3
      • source code encoding header: # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
      • importing modules from ZIP archives
      • universal newline support
      • enumerate()
      • True, False
      • extended slices: L = range(10); L[::2]
      • new built-in function sum(iterable, start=0)
      • assert statement no longer checks the __debug__ flag
      • new types in datetime module: date, time and datetime
      • new modules and packages:
        • bz2
        • csv
        • itertools
        • logging
        • optparse
        • sets with Set() - new data type for mutable sets
        • tarfile
        • textwrap
        • timeit
    • Python 2.2 · released 2001-12-21 - 2002-10-14 (2.2.2) · What’s New in Python 2.2
      • any built-in type can be subclassed (including integers)
      • old-style and new-style classes
        • new-style classes are subclassed from other new-style classes or from object class C (object): pass
      • descriptors
        • objects that live inside class objects, and have a few attributes of their own:
          • __name__ is the attribute’s name.
          • __doc__ is the attribute’s docstring.
          • __get__(object) is a method that retrieves the attribute value from object.
          • __set__(object, value) sets the attribute on object to value.
          • __delete__(object, value) deletes the value attribute of object
        • For example, when you write obj.x, the steps that Python actually performs are: descriptor = obj.class.x descriptor.get(obj)
      • static methods: staticmethod()
      • class methods: classmethod()
      • properties: property()
      • slots: __slots__
      • generators: yield keyword
      • iterators: iter(obj), __iter__() method, StopIteration exception
      • multiple inheritance and diamond rule
      • __getattribute__(attr_name) (new-style classes)
      • socket with support for IPv6
      • new module hmac
    • Python 2.1 · released 2001-04-17 · What’s New in Python 2.1
      • Python Software Foundation (PSF) founded
      • Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) introduced in development process
      • statically nested scopes (optional in 2.1)
      • __future__ directives, for example from __future__ import nested_scopes
      • Python classes can overload operators <, <=, >, >=, ==, != using magic methods __lt__(), __le__() etc.
      • warnings module, warning framework
      • weakref module for weak references
      • function attributes def f(): pass = 42
      • sys.displayhook(), sys.excepthook()
    • Python 2.0 · released 2000-10-16 · What’s New in Python 2.0
      • core development team moved from CNRI to BeOpen
      • Unicode strings (u'čau', u'\u010dau')
      • list comprehensions: [s for s in items if s.startswith('foo')]
      • assignment operators: +=, -=, *= etc.
      • string methods: 'joe'.capitalize()) instead of string.capitalize('joe') from string module
      • garbage collection supports cycles (instance.myself = instance)
      • f(*args, **kwargs) instead of apply(f, args, kwargs)
      • print stream redirection: print >> sys.stderr, 'Hello'
      • dict.setdefault(key, default)
      • new packages: distutils, xml, gettext, mmap and other

You can almost learn Python just from this summary :)
