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πŸ€– AI Copilot

How to Setup

Before using the Metad Copilot framework, you need to install the relevant npm packages:

  • @metad/copilot: The Copilot abstraction layer framework, independent of any specific UI framework.
  • @metad/ocap-angular: The implementation of the Copilot framework on Angular.

And their respective dependencies.

How to Include

In an Angular project, follow these steps to use the Copilot framework:

  1. Use the provider function to provide the Copilot service and Markdown service:
provideClientCopilot(async () => Promise.resolve(environment.copilot ?? { enabled: false, chatUrl: '' })),
  1. Import the Copilot Chat component into the component that uses it:
imports: [ NgmCopilotChatComponent ]
  1. Insert this component into the html template:

Custom Commands

The Copilot framework provides some default commands, but you can also customize them. Custom commands require two functions:

  • injectCopilotCommand Inject custom commands
  • injectMakeCopilotActionable Inject the callable function of the custom command


Property Example Description
name 'form' The unique identifier of the custom command, which is used to identify the command in front of the Copilot dialog prompt
description 'Descripe how to fill the form' Describes how to use this command, prompting the user how to write the prompt
examples ['A', 'B'] Examples of how to write the prompt for this command, which helps the user to quickly enter the prompt
actions [] The operation function implementation available for this command, if not specified, all operation functions in the current context will be used


Property Example Description
name 'fill_form' The unique identifier of the operation function, which is used by the AI to identify the call to this function
description 'Fill the form' Describes the function
argumentAnnotations [] The definition of the input parameters of the function
implementation async function The implementation logic of the function, returning no value or returning a string will end the command session, returning Message will continue the command session


Property Example Description
name 'form' The name of the input parameter
type 'string' The type of the parameter
description 'The form to fill' The description of the parameter
required true Whether the parameter is required
properties [] The property definition of the input parameter of the function

For the properties attribute, you can define it directly or use the zod library for definition, for example:

import { z, ZodType, ZodTypeDef } from 'zod'
import zodToJsonSchema from 'zod-to-json-schema'

    properties: (<{ properties: any }>zodToJsonSchema(z.object({
                title: z.string().describe('The title of form'),
                desc: z.string().description('My Milestone Work Objectives'),
                standard: z.string().description('My Satisfaction Measurement Standard'),


The Copilot framework provides a demo project that you can refer to for its implementation:

You can also refer to the demonstration code in this project:

AI Copilot Form