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adding tests for travis
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metakeule committed Oct 8, 2013
1 parent 0bb8f1e commit d99429d
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Showing 3 changed files with 251 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
language: go
- 1.0
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script: go test
install: go get -d -v .
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@

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This library offers two utilities for dealing with the Go database/sql package:

1. a wrapper that can wrap any database driver that is compatible to sql/driver
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242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions dbwrap_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
package dbwrap

import (

var f, dbF = NewFake()

func TestFakeQuery(t *testing.T) {
sq := "select 1"

r1, _ := f.LastQuery()
if r1 != sq {
t.Errorf("last simple query should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r1)

sq = "select ?"
dbF.Query(sq, "1")

r2, p2 := f.LastQuery()
if r2 != sq {
t.Errorf("last query should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r2)

exp, _ := driver.DefaultParameterConverter.ConvertValue("1")

if p2[0] != exp {
t.Errorf("last query should return have parameters %#v, but returns %#v\n", exp, p2)

sq = "select ?"
_, err := dbF.Query(sq, "1")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("querying with wrong number of parameters should return error, but does not\n")

func TestFakeExec(t *testing.T) {
sq := "select 1"

r1, _ := f.LastQuery()
if r1 != sq {
t.Errorf("last simple exec should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r1)

sq = "select ?"
dbF.Exec(sq, "1")

r2, p2 := f.LastQuery()
if r2 != sq {
t.Errorf("last exec should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r2)

exp, _ := driver.DefaultParameterConverter.ConvertValue("1")

if p2[0] != exp {
t.Errorf("last exec should return have parameters %#v, but returns %#v\n", exp, p2)

sq = "select ?"
_, err := dbF.Exec(sq, "1")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("execing with wrong number of parameters should return error, but does not\n")

func TestFakePrepare(t *testing.T) {
sq := "select ?"
stmt, _ := dbF.Prepare(sq)
r1, p1 := f.LastQuery()
if r1 != sq {
t.Errorf("last prepare with exec should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r1)

exp, _ := driver.DefaultParameterConverter.ConvertValue("1")

if p1[0] != exp {
t.Errorf("last prepare with exec should return have parameters %#v, but returns %#v\n", exp, p1)

r2, p2 := f.LastQuery()
if r2 != sq {
t.Errorf("last prepare with query should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r2)

if p2[0] != exp {
t.Errorf("last prepare with query should return have parameters %#v, but returns %#v\n", exp, p2)

r3, p3 := f.LastQuery()
if r3 != sq {
t.Errorf("last prepare with query row should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r3)

if p3[0] != exp {
t.Errorf("last prepare with query row should return have parameters %#v, but returns %#v\n", exp, p3)

func TestFakeQueryRow(t *testing.T) {
sq := "select 1"

r1, _ := f.LastQuery()
if r1 != sq {
t.Errorf("last simple query row should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r1)

sq = "select ?"
dbF.QueryRow(sq, "1")

r2, p2 := f.LastQuery()
if r2 != sq {
t.Errorf("last query row should return %s, but returns %#v\n", sq, r2)

exp, _ := driver.DefaultParameterConverter.ConvertValue("1")

if p2[0] != exp {
t.Errorf("last query row should return have parameters %#v, but returns %#v\n", exp, p2)

sq = "select ?"
err := dbF.QueryRow(sq, "1")
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("querying a row with wrong number of parameters should return error, but does not\n")

type wrapResults_ struct {
Query string
Values []driver.Value

var results = &wrapResults_{}
var dbwrap = New("test", f)
var dbW, _ = sql.Open("test", "")

func init() {
dbwrap.HandleExec = func(x driver.Execer, q string, v []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) {
results.Query = q
results.Values = v
return dbwrap.Driver.(driver.Execer).Exec(q, v)

dbwrap.HandleQuery = func(r driver.Queryer, qs string, v []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
results.Query = qs
results.Values = v
return dbwrap.Driver.(driver.Queryer).Query(qs, v)

dbwrap.HandlePrepare = func(c driver.Conn, qs string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
results.Query = qs
return c.Prepare(qs)

func TestDbwrapPassthrough(t *testing.T) {
sq := "select 2"

l, _ := f.LastQuery()
if l != sq {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass an exec to the underlying driver, the inner fake should have %s, but has: %s", sq, l)

sq = "select 3"

l, _ = f.LastQuery()
if l != sq {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass a query to the underlying driver, the inner fake should have %s, but has: %s", sq, l)
sq = "select 4"

l, _ = f.LastQuery()
if l != sq {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass a query row to the underlying driver, the inner fake should have %s, but has: %s", sq, l)

sq = "select ?, ?"
dbW.Query(sq, "2", "3")

l1, p1 := f.LastQuery()
if l1 != sq {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass a query row to the underlying driver, the inner fake should have %s, but has: %s", sq, l1)

exp1, _ := driver.DefaultParameterConverter.ConvertValue("2")
exp2, _ := driver.DefaultParameterConverter.ConvertValue("3")

if p1[0] != exp1 {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass a query row to the underlying driver should have first parameter %#v, but has %#v\n", exp1, p1[0])

if p1[1] != exp2 {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass a query row to the underlying driver should have second parameter %#v, but has %#v\n", exp2, p1[1])

sq = "select ?"
stmt, _ := dbW.Prepare(sq)

l2, p2 := f.LastQuery()
if l2 != sq {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass a query row to the underlying driver, the inner fake should have %s, but has: %s", sq, l2)
if p2[0] != exp1 {
t.Errorf("drwap should pass a query row to the underlying driver should have second parameter %#v, but has %#v\n", exp1, p2[0])


func TestDbwrapCatch(t *testing.T) {
sq := "select 1"
if results.Query != sq {
t.Errorf("drwap should have tacked the exec and have %s, but has: %s", sq, results.Query)
sq = "select 2"
if results.Query != sq {
t.Errorf("drwap should have tacked the query and have %s, but has: %s", sq, results.Query)

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