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File metadata and controls

92 lines (63 loc) · 3.53 KB

Connect with wallets in the browser

In this tutorial, we will see how to connect a wallet in the browser using the Solana Wallet Adapter Library and the Metaplex JS SDK.

Once the user has connected their wallet, we will display a random NFT from their wallet and refresh it at the click of a button.

This example has been generated using the following steps:

  1. Create a new project using Next.js. Let's start by spinning off a Next.js app with the Metaplex JS SDK installed. You may achieve this by following this tutorial.

  2. Install the wallet adapter libraries.

    npm install @solana/wallet-adapter-base \
       @solana/wallet-adapter-react \
       @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui \
  3. Create the pages/useMetaplex.js file.

    The useMetaplex.js file is responsible for creating and exposing a new Metaplex Context which will be used within our components to access the Metaplex SDK.

    const DEFAULT_CONTEXT = {
      metaplex: null,
    export const MetaplexContext = createContext(DEFAULT_CONTEXT);
    export function useMetaplex() {
      return useContext(MetaplexContext);
  4. Create the pages/MetaplexProvider.js file.

    The MetaplexProvider component uses the wallet provided by the WalletProvider component to define the Metaplex Context previously created.

    export const MetaplexProvider = ({ children }) => {
      const { connection } = useConnection();
      const wallet = useWallet();
      const metaplex = useMemo(
        () => Metaplex.make(connection).use(walletAdapterIdentity(wallet)),
        [connection, wallet]
      return (
        <MetaplexContext.Provider value={{ metaplex }}>

    As you can see, it uses the walletOrGuestIdentity plugin so that the identity of the Metaplex SDK is set to "guest" when the wallet is not yet connected.

  5. Create the pages/ShowNFTs.js file

    The ShowNFTs component is responsible for retrieving, picking and showing a random NFT from the connected wallet.

    const myAssets = await metaplex.nfts().findAllByOwner({ owner: metaplex.identity().publicKey });
    if(!myAssets.length) {
    const randIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * myAssets.length);
    const nft = await metaplex.nfts().load({ metadata: myAssets[randIdx] });

    As shown here, when the user clicks the refresh button, we fetch all its NFTs and select a random one among them.

    Since the JSON metadata is not loaded automatically we load it by running the load task.

  6. That's it! 🎉 You're now ready to start building your app whilst having access to the user's wallet!

    Note that now that the wallet has been integrated with the Metaplex JS SDK, you can use all of its features on behalf of the user and it will request their approval every time they need to send a transaction or sign a message.

    Let's see a few screenshots of the final result!

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