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jsiegle edited this page Oct 11, 2012 · 6 revisions

The master branch currently compiles and runs on Windows (using Visual Studio 2012), although it's still not fully tested. We'd appreciate any input on bugs and issues with it.

Windows, which is not a Unix-based system, requires the following dependencies to work:

To build it, the glext.h is needed. You can download it here.

Note that all the dependencies, as well as the include files and libraries, are located in the windeps folder inside the windows branch. The Visual Studio project is configured to automatically use the dependencies located there. Please note that building the application on Windows might fail at the linking stage due to runtime issues inherent to Windows. If that's the case, manually building the libraries on the same system should solve the problem. We recommend first trying to build with the precompiled dependencies, though.

LibUSB-win32 installing

Due to the specific nature of the Windows system, it's impossible for a userspace library to directly access an USB device as in Linux or OS X. For this reason, you need to install the LibUSB driver to run the open-ephys software.

Follow the instructions here under "Device Driver Installation". If by any chance windows installs the actual FTDI driver, don't worry, just follow the instructions until the inf is saved and then click on "install now" on the wizard. It will replace anything already installed.

libFTDI building

To build libFTDI with Visual Studio you need to follow these steps:

  • Build libUSB-win 32
  • Copy (or rename) lusb0_usb.h to usb.h
  • Apply the ftdi_exports patch file included in the windeps folder to libFTDI
  • Open a Visual Studio console and get into the src folder of libFTDI
  • Run the following command: cl /Ox /LD -I <path_of_libusb_includes> ftdi.c /Felibftdi.dll <path_of_libusb_libs>\libusb.lib

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