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A simple, clean, secure, well documented, object-oriented, totally free and reduced to the max PHP & MySQL login script. Have a look on the develop branch for the 4-full-mvc-framework (alpha) version !


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A simple PHP & MySQL Login Script

Have a look on the official project website (but you'll always find the most current informations here on github): or follow via Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

A simple, secure, clean, stylish, non-nerdy, well documented, object-oriented, totally free and reduced to the max PHP login script. Uses the ultra-modern & future-proof PHP 5.5. BLOWFISH hashing/salting functions (includes the official PHP 5.3 & PHP 5.4 compatibility pack, which makes those functions available in those versions too). This strength of the encryption can be increased (and decreased) to stay secure, even if server technology (and hacker technology!) gets much much stronger.

Available in 4 versions:

  1. extremely reduced (perfect for quickly setting up your project, made for people who need a simple login)
  2. advanced (much more features)
  3. [coming up] styled/themed (same like "advanced", but with css themes, maybe js actions)
  4. [coming up] full-MVC-framework (same features like 1./2./3., but professional MVC-framework code structure)



  • main features: user can register, log in and log out
  • feature: username cannot be empty, must be >= 2 characters and <= 64 characters (checked in PHP and client-side in HTML5)
  • feature: username must fit the azAZ09 pattern (checked in PHP and client-side in HTML5)
  • feature: email must be provided, email must fit email format (checked in PHP and client-side in HTML5)
  • feature: password and password repeat check need to be the same (strict php string check ===)
  • security: SQL injection prevention: everything is escaped with real_escape_string()
  • security: passwords are hashed and salted using the offical PHP 5.5 password hashing functions
  • security: (works 100% too in PHP 5.3 and 5.4 due to included function compatibility file (in "libraries"))
  • security: user input is cleaned, your php app is protected against XSS attacks

#####ADVANCED VERSION (same like minimal, but with additional features)

  • main feature: username can be changed by user
  • main feature: email can be changed by user
  • main feature: user gets email after registration, has to click on verification link (one-time hash-check)
  • main feature: user can edit password (need to provide password again to prevent account takeovers when keeping browser open)
  • main feature: user can request password reset ("i forgot my password" function)
  • main feature: gravatar profile pic support

NOTE: this version needs the mail()-function (and in upcoming versions also the graphic/GD functions) of PHP. Usually naked servers don't have a mail server installed that will make it possible to send mail. In order to use this version of the script, please install a mail server by following the tutorial in the "2-advanced/_install" folder!

#####STYLED/THEMED [not published yet. coming up in late 2013]

  • same like 2., but with additional css/js stylings
  • several stylings to choose

#####FULL-MVC-FRAMEWORK (early version!)

  • same functions like advanced version, but totally new code/file structure
  • perfect for building REAL applications
  • main feature: URL rewriting (beautiful URLs)
  • main feature: professional usage of controllers and actions
  • main feature: PDO database connector (@see
  • main feature: mail sending via local linux mail tool OR SMTP account
  • COMING UP: PDF/Tutorial that shows how to use this framework
  • COMING UP: more features
  • COMING UP: code cleanup
  • COMING UP: better error handling

BIG BIG THANKS to JREAM and his excellent mvc-framework tutorial / codebase on ! The PHP Login Framework is build using code from JReam's framework (I took the base code from "Part 3" and improved with code from "Part 9", "Part 10" and "Part 11", so the code itself is still basic and not too advanced). If you like, have a look on the how-to-build-a-framework-tutorials on his site, they are excellent and very sympathic.

Screenshot (desktop) from the 4-full-mvc-framework:

Screenshot desktop

Screenshot (mobile) from the 4-full-mvc-framework:

Screenshot mobile


Here on github you'll always find a stable and secure master branch and the in-development develop branch. The master branch is ready for production, the develop branch is not (as it just shows the current state of development, maybe including some not-so-good tested features). For newbies: to download, simply click the ZIP-button on the upper left area of the github project header.


This script has been made to run out-of-the-box. Not more config stuff than necessary.


    1. create database "login" and table "users" via the sql statements or the .sql file in folder "_install"
    1. change mySQL user and or mySQL password in config/db.php ("DB_USER" and "DB_PASS").


    1. create database "login" and table "users" via the sql statements or the .sql file in folder "_install"
    1. change mySQL user and or mySQL password in config/db.php ("DB_USER" and "DB_PASS").
    1. as this version uses email sending, you'll need to install a mail server tool on your server [SMTP via PHPMailer coming up]. Maybe a mail server is already installed on your server. This is something you can do within 60 seconds on your linux command line. Please have a look into the file "how to setup mail in PHP.txt" in the "_install" folder.


    1. create database "login" and table "users" via the sql statements or the .sql file in folder "_install"
    1. change mySQL user and or mySQL password in config/db.php ("DB_USER" and "DB_PASS").
    1. change the LIB constant in config/config.php to the URL (not path!) of your app.
    1. change the RewriteBase in .htaccess to the subfolder of your web/ht_docs/www directory (not path!, not URL!) where your app is in. If your app is in the root of your web folder, then pleae delete this line. If it's in var/www/myapp, then your line should look like RewriteBase /myapp/
    1. Mail sending: if you are using a local mail server tool (sendmail) then you can skip this step. If you want to use an SMTP account then fill in your credentials in EMAIL_SMTP_... and set EMAIL_USE_SMTP to true.
    1. Change the URLs, emails and texts of EMAIL_PASSWORDRESET_... and EMAIL_VERIFICATION_... to your needs.
    1. Read the file to get an idea how everything works together !


  • you can set the lifetime of a session (until you will be logged out automatically) by changing the value of session.gc_maxlifetime in the php.ini (in seconds, for example 3600 is a hour, 36000 are ten hours)


  • needs PHP 5.3.7+, PHP 5.4+ or PHP 5.5+
  • needs mySQL 5.1+
  • needs the PHP mysqli (last letter is an "i") extension activated (standard on nearly all modern servers)
  • are the database connection infos in config/db.php correct ?
  • have you created a database named "login" like mentioned above ?
  • does the provided database user (standard is "root") have rights to read (and write) the database ?
  • please don't use this script if you have absolutly no idea what PHP or MySQL is. Seriously.

###USAGE WITH OLDER PHP VERSIONS: older than 5.3.7

Sorry, this makes no sense any more. PHP 5.2 is outdated since 2009, so supporting this would be useless. PHP 5.3.7 is needed (as this introduces the hashing algorithms used here). Using an older version of PHP, especially older than the latest PHP 5.3.x is totally unprofessional and makes you, your server and your data a good target for attacks.


See the wiki pages here for in-depth stuff.


See the wiki pages here for in-depth stuff.


A big thanks goes out to Anthony Ferrara (ircmaxell) and Nikita Popov (nikic) for creating and documenting the wonderful PHP 5.5 password hashing/salting functions and the compatibility pack for PHP 5.3/5.4 ! I love it, when people create things, that make it much much easier and safer to use other things. You can find the official info on those functions on and here and the official PHP 5.3/5.4 compatibility pack here.

I would also like to thank Jesse from for his excellent framework tutorial (and code). It's probably the best MVC/framework tutorial on the web. Get started here:

Also a big big "thank you" to the donors of this project, your tips gimme a good feeling and show that it's a useful project!


If you think this script is useful and saves you a lot of work, a lot of costs (PHP developers are expensive) and let you sleep much better, then donating a small amount would be very cool.

Visit PayPal here to donate. Thanks!


I'm available for freelance work. Remote worldwide or locally around Central Europe. Drop me a line.


A simple, clean, secure, well documented, object-oriented, totally free and reduced to the max PHP & MySQL login script. Have a look on the develop branch for the 4-full-mvc-framework (alpha) version !







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