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ikitommi committed Jun 30, 2024
2 parents 745ba10 + 63742d0 commit 3cc8116
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Showing 11 changed files with 437 additions and 282 deletions.
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions src/malli/clj_kondo.cljc
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(defmulti accept (fn [name _schema _children _options] name) :default ::default)

(defmethod accept ::default [_ _ _ _] :any)
(defmethod accept ::default [_ schema _ _] (if (m/-function-schema? schema) :fn :any))
(defmethod accept 'any? [_ _ _ _] :any)
(defmethod accept 'some? [_ _ _ _] :any) ;;??
(defmethod accept 'number? [_ _ _ _] :number)
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(defmethod accept :re [_ _ _ _] :string)
(defmethod accept :fn [_ _ _ _] :any)
(defmethod accept :ref [_ _ _ _] :any) ;;??
(defmethod accept :=> [_ _ _ _] :fn)
(defmethod accept :function [_ _ _ _] :fn)
(defmethod accept :schema [_ schema _ options] (transform (m/deref schema) options))

(defmethod accept ::m/schema [_ schema _ options] (transform (m/deref schema) options))
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(spit cfg-file (with-out-str (fipp/pprint config {:width 120})))

(defn from [{:keys [schema ns name]}]
(defn from [{?schema :schema :keys [ns name]}]
(let [ns-name (-> ns str symbol)
schema (if (= :function (m/type schema)) schema (m/into-schema :function nil [schema] (m/options schema)))]
schema (m/function-schema ?schema)]
(fn [acc schema]
(let [{:keys [input output arity min]} (m/-function-info schema)
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:args args
:ret ret}
(= arity :varargs) (assoc :min-arity min)))))
[] (m/children schema))))
[] (or (seq (m/-function-schema-arities schema))
(m/-fail! ::from-requires-function-schema {:schema schema})))))

(defn collect
([] (collect nil))
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187 changes: 137 additions & 50 deletions src/malli/core.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(declare schema schema? into-schema into-schema? type eval default-registry
-simple-schema -val-schema -ref-schema -schema-schema -registry
parser unparser ast from-ast)
parser unparser ast from-ast -instrument)

;; protocols and records
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(-regex-transformer [this transformer method options] "returns the raw internal regex transformer implementation")
(-regex-min-max [this nested?] "returns size of the sequence as {:min min :max max}. nil max means unbounded. nested? is true when this schema is nested inside an outer regex schema."))

(defprotocol FunctionSchema
(-function-schema? [this])
(-function-schema-arities [this])
(-function-info [this])
(-instrument-f [schema props f options]))

(defn -ref-schema? [x] (#?(:clj instance?, :cljs implements?) malli.core.RefSchema x))
(defn -entry-parser? [x] (#?(:clj instance?, :cljs implements?) malli.core.EntryParser x))
(defn -entry-schema? [x] (#?(:clj instance?, :cljs implements?) malli.core.EntrySchema x))
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(defn -transformer? [x] (#?(:clj instance?, :cljs implements?) malli.core.Transformer x))

(extend-type #?(:clj Object, :cljs default)
(-function-schema? [_] false)
(-function-info [_])
(-function-schema-arities [_])
(-instrument-f [_ _ _ _])

(-regex-op? [_] false)

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(let [value #?(:clj (AtomicReference. nil), :cljs (atom nil))]
(fn [] #?(:clj (or (.get value) (do (.set value (f)) (.get value))), :cljs (or @value (reset! value (f)))))))

(defn -function-info [schema]
(when (= (type schema) :=>)
(let [[input output guard] (-children schema)
{:keys [min max]} (-regex-min-max input false)]
(cond-> {:min min
:arity (if (= min max) min :varargs)
:input input
:output output}
guard (assoc :guard guard)
max (assoc :max max)))))

(defn -group-by-arity! [infos]
(let [aritys (atom #{})]
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(-children [_] children)
(-parent [_] parent)
(-form [_] @form)
(-function-schema? [_] true)
(-function-schema-arities [this] [this])
(-function-info [_]
(let [{:keys [min max]} (-regex-min-max input false)]
(cond-> {:min min
:arity (if (= min max) min :varargs)
:input input
:output output}
guard (assoc :guard guard)
max (assoc :max max))))
(-instrument-f [schema {:keys [scope report gen] :as props} f _options]
(let [{:keys [min max input output guard]} (-function-info schema)
[validate-input validate-output] (-vmap -validator [input output])
validate-guard (or (some-> guard -validator) any?)
[wrap-input wrap-output wrap-guard] (-vmap #(contains? scope %) [:input :output :guard])
f (or (if gen (gen schema) f) (-fail! ::missing-function {:props props}))]
(fn [& args]
(let [args (vec args), arity (count args)]
(when wrap-input
(when-not (<= min arity (or max miu/+max-size+))
(report ::invalid-arity {:arity arity, :arities #{{:min min :max max}}, :args args, :input input, :schema schema}))
(when-not (validate-input args)
(report ::invalid-input {:input input, :args args, :schema schema})))
(let [value (apply f args)]
(when (and wrap-output (not (validate-output value)))
(report ::invalid-output {:output output, :value value, :args args, :schema schema}))
(when (and wrap-guard (not (validate-guard [args value])))
(report ::invalid-guard {:guard guard, :value value, :args args, :schema schema}))
(-cache [_] cache)
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form (delay (-simple-form parent properties children -form options))
cache (-create-cache options)
->checker (if function-checker #(function-checker % options) (constantly nil))]
(when-not (every? #(= :=> (type %)) children)
(when-not (every? (every-pred -function-schema? -function-info) children)
(-fail! ::non-function-childs {:children children}))
(-group-by-arity! (-vmap -function-info children))
^{:type ::schema}
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(-children [_] children)
(-parent [_] parent)
(-form [_] @form)
(-function-schema? [_] true)
(-function-schema-arities [_] children)
(-function-info [_])
(-instrument-f [this {:keys [_scope report] :as props} f options]
(let [arity->info (->> children
(map (fn [s] (assoc (-function-info s) :f (-instrument (assoc props :schema s) f options))))
arities (-> arity->info keys set)
varargs-info (arity->info :varargs)]
(if (= 1 (count arities))
(-> arity->info first val :f)
(fn [& args]
(let [arity (count args)
{:keys [input] :as info} (arity->info arity)
report-arity #(report ::invalid-arity {:arity arity, :arities arities, :args args, :input input, :schema this})]
info (apply (:f info) args)
varargs-info (if (< arity (:min varargs-info)) (report-arity) (apply (:f varargs-info) args))
:else (report-arity)))))))
(-cache [_] cache)
(-keep [_])
(-get [_ key default] (get children key default))
(-set [this key value] (-set-assoc-children this key value)))))))

(defn -proxy-schema [{:keys [type min max childs type-properties fn]}]
^{:type ::into-schema}
(reify IntoSchema
(-type [_] type)
(-type-properties [_] type-properties)
(-properties-schema [_ _])
(-children-schema [_ _])
(-into-schema [parent properties children options]
(-check-children! type properties children min max)
(let [[children forms schema] (fn properties (vec children) options)
form (delay (-create-form type properties forms options))
cache (-create-cache options)]
^{:type ::schema}
(-validator [_] (-validator schema))
(-explainer [_ path] (-explainer schema path))
(-parser [_] (-parser schema))
(-unparser [_] (-unparser schema))
(-transformer [this transformer method options]
(-parent-children-transformer this [schema] transformer method options))
(-walk [this walker path options]
(let [children (if childs (subvec children 0 childs) children)]
(when (-accept walker this path options)
(-outer walker this path (-inner-indexed walker path children options) options))))
(-properties [_] properties)
(-options [_] options)
(-children [_] children)
(-parent [_] parent)
(-form [_] @form)
(-cache [_] cache)
(-keep [_])
(-get [_ key default] (get children key default))
(-set [_ key value] (into-schema type properties (assoc children key value)))
(-function-schema? [_] (-function-schema? schema))
(-function-info [_] (-function-info schema))
(-function-schema-arities [_] (-function-schema-arities schema))
(-instrument-f [_ props f options] (-instrument-f schema props f options))
(-regex-op? [_] (-regex-op? schema))
(-regex-validator [_] (-regex-validator schema))
(-regex-explainer [_ path] (-regex-explainer schema path))
(-regex-unparser [_] (-regex-unparser schema))
(-regex-parser [_] (-regex-parser schema))
(-regex-transformer [_ transformer method options] (-regex-transformer schema transformer method options))
(-regex-min-max [_ nested?] (-regex-min-max schema nested?))
(-ref [_])
(-deref [_] schema))))))

(defn -->-schema
"Experimental simple schema for :=> schema. AST and explain results subject to change."
(-proxy-schema {:type :->
:fn (fn [{:keys [guard] :as p} c o]
(let [c (mapv #(schema % o) c)
cc (cond-> [(into [:cat] (pop c)) (peek c)]
guard (conj [:fn guard]))]
[c (map -form c) (into-schema :=> (dissoc p :guard) cc o)]))}))

(defn- regex-validator [schema] (re/validator (-regex-validator schema)))

(defn- regex-explainer [schema path] (re/explainer schema path (-regex-explainer schema path)))
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:fn (-fn-schema)
:ref (-ref-schema)
:=> (-=>-schema)
;:-> (-->-schema nil)
:function (-function-schema nil)
:schema (-schema-schema nil)
::schema (-schema-schema {:raw true})})
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(defn function-schema
([?schema] (function-schema ?schema nil))
([?schema options]
(let [s (schema ?schema options), t (type s)]
(if (#{:=> :function} t) s (-fail! ::invalid-=>schema {:type t, :schema s})))))
(let [s (schema ?schema options)]
(if (-function-schema? s) s (-fail! ::invalid-=>schema {:type (type s), :schema s})))))

;; for cljs we cannot invoke `function-schema` at macroexpansion-time
;; - `?schema` could contain cljs vars that will only resolve at runtime.
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(-instrument props nil nil))
([props f]
(-instrument props f nil))
([{:keys [scope report gen] :or {scope #{:input :output :guard}, report -fail!} :as props} f options]
(let [schema (-> props :schema (schema options))]
(case (type schema)
:=> (let [{:keys [min max input output guard]} (-function-info schema)
[validate-input validate-output validate-guard] (-vmap validator [input output (or guard :any)])
[wrap-input wrap-output wrap-guard] (-vmap #(contains? scope %) [:input :output :guard])
f (or (if gen (gen schema) f) (-fail! ::missing-function {:props props}))]
(fn [& args]
(let [args (vec args), arity (count args)]
(when wrap-input
(when-not (<= min arity (or max miu/+max-size+))
(report ::invalid-arity {:arity arity, :arities #{{:min min :max max}}, :args args, :input input, :schema schema}))
(when-not (validate-input args)
(report ::invalid-input {:input input, :args args, :schema schema})))
(let [value (apply f args)]
(when (and wrap-output (not (validate-output value)))
(report ::invalid-output {:output output, :value value, :args args, :schema schema}))
(when (and wrap-guard (not (validate-guard [args value])))
(report ::invalid-guard {:guard guard, :value value, :args args, :schema schema}))
:function (let [arity->info (->> (children schema)
(map (fn [s] (assoc (-function-info s) :f (-instrument (assoc props :schema s) f options))))
arities (-> arity->info keys set)
varargs-info (arity->info :varargs)]
(if (= 1 (count arities))
(-> arity->info first val :f)
(fn [& args]
(let [arity (count args)
{:keys [input] :as info} (arity->info arity)
report-arity #(report ::invalid-arity {:arity arity, :arities arities, :args args, :input input, :schema schema})]
info (apply (:f info) args)
varargs-info (if (< arity (:min varargs-info)) (report-arity) (apply (:f varargs-info) args))
:else (report-arity))))))))))
([props f options]
(let [props (-> props
(update :scope #(or % #{:input :output :guard}))
(update :report #(or % -fail!)))
s (-> props :schema (schema options))]
(or (-instrument-f s props f options)
(-fail! ::instrument-requires-function-schema {:schema s})))))
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/malli/experimental/describe.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defmethod accept :qualified-symbol [_ _ _ _] "qualified symbol")
(defmethod accept :uuid [_ _ _ _] "uuid")

(defmethod accept :=> [_ s _ _]
(defn -accept-=> [s]
(let [{:keys [input output]} (m/-function-info s)]
(str "function that takes input: [" (describe input) "] and returns " (describe output))))
(defmethod accept :=> [_ s _ _] (-accept-=> s))
(defmethod accept :-> [_ s _ _] (-accept-=> s))

(defmethod accept :function [_ _ _children _] "function")
(defmethod accept :fn [_ _ _ _] "function")
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14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/malli/generator.cljc
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(gen/return (m/-instrument {:schema schema} (fn [& _] (generate output-generator options))))))

(defn -function-gen [schema options]
(gen/return (m/-instrument {:schema schema, :gen #(generate % options)} options)))
(gen/return (m/-instrument {:schema schema, :gen #(generate % options)} nil options)))

(defn -regex-generator [schema options]
(if (m/-regex-op? schema)
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(defmethod -schema-generator :uuid [_ _] gen/uuid)

(defmethod -schema-generator :=> [schema options] (-=>-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :-> [schema options] (-=>-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator :function [schema options] (-function-gen schema options))
(defmethod -schema-generator 'ifn? [_ _] gen/keyword)
(defmethod -schema-generator :ref [schema options] (-ref-gen schema options))
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explain-output (assoc ::m/explain-output explain-output)
explain-guard (assoc ::m/explain-guard explain-guard)
(ex-message result) (-> (update :result ex-message) (dissoc :result-data)))))))))]
(condp = (m/type schema)
:=> (check schema)
:function (let [checkers (map #(function-checker % options) (m/-children schema))]
(fn [x] (->> checkers (keep #(% x)) (seq))))
(m/-fail! ::invalid-function-schema {:type (m/-type schema)})))))
(if (m/-function-info schema)
(check schema)
(if (m/-function-schema? schema)
(let [checkers (map #(function-checker % options) (m/-function-schema-arities schema))]
(fn [x] (->> checkers (keep #(% x)) (seq))))
(m/-fail! ::invalid-function-schema {:type (m/-type schema)}))))))

(defn check
([?schema f] (check ?schema f nil))
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40 changes: 1 addition & 39 deletions src/malli/util.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(clojure.core/update children 0 #(m/form % options))
(apply f (conj children options))]))

(defn -util-schema [{:keys [type min max childs type-properties fn]}]
^{:type ::m/into-schema}
(reify m/IntoSchema
(-type [_] type)
(-type-properties [_] type-properties)
(-properties-schema [_ _])
(-children-schema [_ _])
(-into-schema [parent properties children options]
(m/-check-children! type properties children min max)
(let [[children forms schema] (fn properties (vec children) options)
form (delay (m/-create-form type properties forms options))
cache (m/-create-cache options)]
^{:type ::m/schema}
(-validator [_] (m/-validator schema))
(-explainer [_ path] (m/-explainer schema path))
(-parser [_] (m/-parser schema))
(-unparser [_] (m/-unparser schema))
(-transformer [this transformer method options]
(m/-parent-children-transformer this [schema] transformer method options))
(-walk [this walker path options]
(let [children (if childs (subvec children 0 childs) children)]
(when (m/-accept walker this path options)
(m/-outer walker this path (m/-inner-indexed walker path children options) options))))
(-properties [_] properties)
(-options [_] options)
(-children [_] children)
(-parent [_] parent)
(-form [_] @form)
(-cache [_] cache)
(-keep [_])
(-get [_ key default] (clojure.core/get children key default))
(-set [_ key value] (m/into-schema type properties (clojure.core/assoc children key value)))
(-ref [_])
(-deref [_] schema))))))
(defn -util-schema [m] (m/-proxy-schema m))

(defn -merge [] (-util-schema {:type :merge, :fn (-reducing merge)}))
(defn -union [] (-util-schema {:type :union, :fn (-reducing union)}))
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