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MvRouter is a Meveo menu component (based on lit-element) that allows browser routing for single page applications using router-slot


  • Uses a single tag for rendering the routes.
  • Written in vanilla javascript

Quick Start

Since we use router-slot for the routes, as indicated in their documentation, add a <base href="/"> tag at <head> section of the applications root html.

Note: Make sure that the declared routes will have paths that are relative to the base path. For the component path, the path should always be relative to the path of mv-router.

To add routes, just use the following syntax:

  // this is the default route
  <mv-router default route path="home" component="./pages/home.js"></mv-router>

  // this is a route that only declares the path and
  // the component that will be imported
  <mv-router route path="help" component="./pages/help.js"></mv-router>

  // this is a route that includes a path parameter "errorCode"
  <mv-router route path="error/:errorCode" component="./pages/error.js"></mv-router>

To go to a route, use the following syntax:

// route to root path
<a href=".">Home</a>

// route to a relative path
<a href="./profile">Profile</a>

// route with a query parameter "articleId"
<a href="./help?articleId=123">Help</a>

// route with path parameter "404"
<a href="./error/404">Error</a>

Path and query parameters can be retrieved in the components using the parameters property:

For example:

// the route declaration
<mv-router route path="help" component="./pages/help.js"></mv-router>

// the link declaration
<a href="./help?articleId=123">Help</a>
// in ./pages/help.js, the parameter can be retrieved using:
// the route declaration
<mv-router route path="help/:articleId" component="./pages/help.js"></mv-router>

// the link declaration
<a href="./help/123">Help</a>
// in ./pages/help.js, the parameter can be retrieved using:

For a demo:
