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Instructions for setting up XAMPP and DVWA on Linux systems.

Part 1: Install XAMPP

  1. Go to and download the linux installer for XAMPP. Make sure you download the version that uses PHP 5.6, otherwise DVWA will not work.
  2. In your terminal, cd to the directory where you saved the XAMPP installer.
  3. Run chmod +x This tells Linux that you give it permission to run the installer.
    • You need to run chmod +x on whatever your installer is called.
    • You may need sudo for this.
  4. Now run the installer: sudo ./
    • You need sudo for this because it installs XAMPP in /opt/lampp/; regular users do not have read/write privileges for /opt/.

Part 2: Install DVWA

Option 1: Git Clone

  1. Clone DVWA from git clone
  2. Rename the DVWA-master/ directory to dvwa/: mv DVWA-master/ dvwa/
  3. Move this directory to XAMPP's public folder: sudo mv dvwa/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/
  4. In your terminal, cd to the directory you just placed dvwa/ into: cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/
  5. Change the permissions to your dvwa/ directory so that XAMPP can use it: sudo chmod 777 dvwa/ -R
    • The -R flag tells chmod to apply the 777 permissions recursively.

Option 2: Zip File

  1. Download DVWA from
  2. In your terminal, cd to the directory where you saved
  3. Run unzip to extract DVWA.
  4. Rename the directory you just extracted to dvwa/: mv DVWA-master/ dvwa/
  5. Move this directory to XAMPP's public folder: sudo mv dvwa/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/
  6. Change the permissions to your dvwa/ directory so that XAMPP can use it: sudo chmod 777 dvwa/ -R
    • The -R flag tells chmod to apply the 777 permissions recursively.

Part 3: Configure DVWA

  1. From the directory /opt/lampp/htdocs/dvwa/, rename the DVWA config file: mv /config/ /config/
    • You probably want to use cp instead of mv. That way you have a backup of
  2. Using your favorite command line editor, open the file.
    • nano: sudo nano /config/
    • vim: sudo vim /config/
  3. Find the line that looks like $_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] = 'p@ssw0rd'; and change it to $_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] = '';

Part 4: Configure MySQL

  1. Go to the root directory of the XAMPP installation: cd /opt/lampp/
  2. Start XAMPP: sudo ./xampp start

You might get an error about apache already running. If you do, run sudo ./xampp stop followed by sudo service apache2 restart. Now try sudo ./xampp start again.

  1. In your browser, navigate to
  2. On the left-hand side of the page, click New.
  3. In the field called Database name, type 'dvwa'.
  4. You don't need to do anything with the collation dropdown. Click the Create button.
  5. In your browser, navigate to
  6. If your page looks like this, then you did it! If not, you did something wrong and you will either have to start over or have fun debugging.
    • Don't worry about the reCAPTCHA key: Missing or PHP function allow_url_include: Disabled messages. They don't affect us.
  7. Finally, navigate to in your browser and login with the username admin and the password password.


When you are not using DVWA, make sure you run sudo ./xampp stop from /opt/lampp/ to shutdown the XAMPP server; if you don't, then you are leaving an intentionally vunerable web application open to the world. If you don't know why that's a bad thing, then you haven't been paying attention in class!


Instructions for setting up XAMPP and DVWA on Linux systems.







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