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AdonisJS Laravel Mix

This package wraps Laravel Mix to make it work seamlessly with AdonisJS.

Getting started

Install the package using either npm or yarn:

npm i @mezielabs/laravel-mix
# or
yarn add @mezielabs/laravel-mix

Then, set up the package using the invoke command:

node ace invoke @mezielabs/laravel-mix

This will install laravel-mix and cross-env, create a webpack.mix.js file in the root of your project, and add some NPM scripts in your package.json for building your assets.

Also, the package adds some sample templates (assets/app.scss and assets/app.js) inside the resources directory. So for them to be picked up by the AdonisJS build process, we need to update metaFiles inside .adonisrc.js as below:

// .adonisrc.json

"metaFiles": [

The templates are only meant to serve as a starting point. You are free to structure your assets however you like.

How to use

The webpack.mix.js file serves as a configuration layer on top of webpack, and it's the entry point for all asset compilation:

// webpack.mix.js

const mix = require('laravel-mix')

  .js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'js')
  .sass('resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'css')

When compiled, this will create css/app.css and js/app.js inside the public directory.

To compile your asset, run Laravel Mix:

npm run mix:dev # start the build
npm run mix:watch # start the build and watch for changes
npm run mix:hot # start the build with hot reload
npm run mix:prod # build for production

This package ships with a mix helper, which you can use in your Edge templates:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}">

  <script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>

The mix() helper takes the path of an asset.


Laravel Mix wrapper for AdonisJS






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