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An XSS fuzzer capable of detecting runtime XSS vulnerabilities.


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DOM(Document Object Model) Eternal

An XSS fuzzer capable of detecting runtime XSS vulnerabilites.


  1. Clone the repository.
git clone
  1. In Google Chrome, go to chrome://extensions.
  2. Make sure "developer mode" is turned on
  3. Click "Load unpacked" and find where you cloned the repository.
  4. Choose the extension directory.
  5. Done!


System Architecture Diagram Picture

File Structure

dom-eternal/          # Root folder
|-extension/          # Chromium Extension Code
  |- assets/          # Assets shared by the DevTools, Popup, and the extension icons
  |- devtools-src/    # Source code for the DevTools panel
  |- popup-src/       # Popup source code.
  |- scripts/       # Scripts loaded to targets
  |- background.js    # Background script (instrumentation & backend)
|-js-input-generator/ # Source code for the JS input generator
  |- src/             # Webpack sources
  |- webpack-test/    # Webpack experimentation code
  |- cmake/           # CMake files
  |- inputgen.cpp     # Primary source

"API" Specification

While this product doesn't have a formal API or specification, it does utilize what could be construed as an internal-only API, which is documented below. Each "route" indicates the message.action of a message sent within the extension scope, with the direction indicating whether the message is intended for the clients or the background script, along with the input data schema and a short purpose of each "route".

"Route" Name Direction Data Schema Purpose
"start" UI->BG {tabId: Number} Begins instrumentation & recording of interactions, periodically returns data to clients
"startAnalysis" UI->BG {tabId: Number, functionsWithSelections: Array<Function>} Begins instrumentation and analysis, returns data upon completion
"resetAnalysis" UI->BG {tabId: Number} Resets stored analysis data, allowing for future analysis
"reset" UI->BG {tabId: Number} Resets all stored data for a tab, allowing for a clean re-evaluation
"resume" UI->BG {tabId: Number} Resumes recording as from "start" without duplicated instrumentation
"stop" UI->BG {tabId: Number} Stops recording & pauses instrumentation overhead
"getData" UI->BG {tabId: Number} Requests an updated broadcast of data from the background script
null BG->UI {<storedData>} Returns stored data from the background script to all listening clients (sent periodically and on demand)

Contribution Guide

Thank you for considering contributing to DOM Eternal!

See installation guide above to get started with a test environment, and refer to the file structure above to get an overview of where portions of the extension reside.

Potential future improvements include:

  • Cross-browser capability (add a bundler to create WebExtension standard extension)
  • Allow for a user-defined input schema for the input generation
  • Allow for DOM & JS stack state save + restore
  • Continue work tuning and improving the input generator

Use a Consistent Coding Style

  • 4 spaces for indentation rather than tabs
  • You can try using Shift+Alt+F in VS Code for style unification


By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.

Privacy Policy

We don't store your data, period.

We physcially can't. We have nowhere to store it. We don't even have a server to store it. DOM Eternal operates locally with no connections to any servers.


An XSS fuzzer capable of detecting runtime XSS vulnerabilities.







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