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Kewt versioning Gradle plugin

inspired by Axion release plugin

Project versioning using Git tags with type safe Gradle Kotlin DSL.

Quick start



plugins {
    id("com.github.mfarsikov.kewt-versioning") version "1.0.0"
version = kewtVersioning.version


plugins {
    id 'com.github.mfarsikov.kewt-versioning' version '1.0.0'
version = kewtVersioning.version


  • release create next tag in Git (according to branch configuration) and pushes it to remoteName = "origin" remote repository.
  • currentVersion prints current version.
  • releaseMajor, releaseMinor,releasePatch create new tag in git increasing appropriate version. Ignores branch configurations (releaseMajor increases major version even if for current branch default incrementer is Patch).


This is default configuration. It includes two pre-configured branches: master and all other (.*). Order does matter. First matched config will be used.

Kotlin `build.gradle.kts`:
import com.github.mfarsikov.kewt.versioning.plugin.Incrementer

kewtVersioning.configuration {
    gitPath = project.rootDir  // default
    prefix = "v" // default
    separator = "-" // default
    remoteName = "origin" // default
    userName = "\${GITHUB_USER_NAME}" // default
    password = "\${GITHUB_PASSWORD}" // default
    releaseTaskEnabled = true // default
    branches {
        add {
            regexes = mutableListOf("master".toRegex())
            incrementer = Incrementer.MINOR // default
            stringify = stingifier(
                useBranch = false,  // by default: true
                useSnapshot = true, // default
                useDirty = true, // default
                useSha = false,  // by default: null
                useTimestamp = false, // by default: null
                timeZone = ZoneOffset.systemDefault() // Default
        add {
            regexes = mutableListOf(".*".toRegex())
            stringify = stingifier(
                useTimestamp = false,
                useSha = false


import com.github.mfarsikov.kewt.versioning.plugin.Incrementer

kewtVersioning.groovyConfigurationDsl {
    gitPath = project.rootDir  // default
    prefix = 'v' // default
    separator = '-' // default
    remoteName = 'origin' // default
    userName = '${GITHUB_USER_NAME}' // default
    password = '${GITHUB_PASSWORD}' // default
    releaseTaskEnabled = true // default
    branches {
        add {
            regexes = [~'master']
            incrementer = Incrementer.MINOR // default
            stringify = stringifier([
                    useBranch: false,  // by default: true
                    useSnapshot: true, // default
                    useDirty: true, // default
                    useSha: false,  // by default: null
                    useTimestamp: false, // by default: null
                    useUtc: false //Default
        add {
            regexes = [~'.*']
            stringify = stringifier([
                    useTimestamp: false,
                    useSha: false
  • gitPath - path to .git folder. Default is project root gitPath=project.rootDir.
  • prefix and separator - are used for Git tags. By default prefix="v" and separator="-". Tags look like this: v-0.0.1. Submodules can use different tags to have independent versioning.
  • remoteName remote repository name. Default is "origin". To prevent pushing tags to remote could be reset to null
  • userName and password used for HTTPS connection to remote repository. If value has prefix ${ and postfix } (string in Kotlin "\${MY_PWD}") it will be resolved from environment variables. Could contain plain values (highly not recommended).
  • releaseTaskEnabled allows turning off release task for current submodule.
  • branches - per branch configuration. By default, this list has two configurations: first matches master (or main) branch, the second matches rest of branches.
    • regexes - list of regexes for branch names. Default is mutableListOf("master".toRegex(), "main".toRegex()). Hint: to avoid a lot of escape symbols use triple double-quotes in Kotlin
    • incrementer - default incrementer for the matched branch. Default value is Incrementer.Minor. Could be Major, Minor, Patch. Each branch could have its own default version increment strategy. Master and feature branches could increment their minor versions (0.1.0 -> 0.2.0). Release and fix branches could increment patch versions (0.1.0 -> 0.1.1)
    • stringify - version string configuration. Version name could include branch name, snapshot sign, dirty sign, commit SHA signature and timestamp. There is a builder smartVersionStringifier(useBranch, useSnapshot, useDirty, useSha, useTimestamp, timeZone), but if it is not enough the stringify property is of (DetailedVersion) -> String type, so implementation could be provided in place. Like:
    stringify = { version: DetailedVersion -> "here-could-be-your-prefix-${version.sha}"}


This function is responsible for creating string version generator, that will be used in gradle script.


  • useBranch if true (default) version includes branch name
  • useSnapshot if true (default) and current commit is not tagged by version tag, then version includes -SNAPSHOT suffix
  • useDirty if true (default) and there are uncommitted changes, then version includes -dirty suffix
  • useSha if null (default) version includes commit SHA if it is a snapshot. If true version always includes commit SHA
  • useTimestamp if null (default) version includes timestamp if it is dirty. If true version always includes timestamp
  • timeZone time zone used in timestamp. Default value is system default. Most likely alternative is jata.time.ZoneOffset.UTC
Examples for configurations and output

(SHA is shortened for brevity)

Released (the tag is present on current commit) Snapshot (current commit is ahead of tag) Dirty (uncommitted changes)
default 0.4.0-master 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a-dirty-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev]
useBranch = false 0.4.0 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a-dirty-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev]
useSnapshot = false 0.4.0-master 0.4.0-master-dbef6a 0.4.0-master-dbef6a-dirty-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev]
useDirty = false 0.4.0-master 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev]
useSha = true 0.4.0-master-dbef6a 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev]
useTimestamp = true 0.4.0-master-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev] 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev] 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dbef6a-2020-05-16T20-34-46.771+03-00[Europe-Kiev]
useTimestamp = false, useSha = false 0.4.0-master 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT 0.4.0-master-SNAPSHOT-dirty

Usage example