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Ember CLI IndexedDB Wrapper

This addon provides a thin wrapper around IndexedDB to easily use in your projects.

Ember Data is not currently supported.

** TL:DR I am no longer working on this library due to the wide variety in indexeddb implementations **

** Longer version, I was working on this to use in a personal project, but found that indexeddb was unpredicatable platform to platform. As a result I have abandoned development until such time as indexeddb is more widely implement and more consistent **


  • ember install:addon ember-cli-indexeddb-wrapper
  • ember g indexeddb-service <service-name>

This will then generate a file which you can use to configure the service

// Filename app/services/my-store.js
import IndexedDBStore from 'ember-cli-indexeddb-wrapper/services/indexeddb-store';

export default IndexedDBStore.extend({
  databaseNamespace: 'myStore',
  version: 1,
  objectStores: [{name: 'superheroes', indexes: [{key: 'name', options: {unique: true}}]}]

optional (but recommended!) ember g initializer <service-name>

Which will generate an initializer. The name should match that of your service.

// Filename app/initializers/my-store.js

export function initialize(container, application) {
  application.inject('controller', 'myStore', 'service:myStore');
  application.inject('route', 'myStore', 'service:myStore');

export default {
  name: 'myStore',
  initialize: initialize

This allows you to use the service without having to inject the service in every area manually.

// Filename app/routes/application.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function () {
    return this.myStore.getOne('superheroes',1);

Alternatively you can skip the initializer and simply inject the service anywhere you want to use it.

// Filename app/routes/application.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  myStore: Ember.inject.service(),
  model: function () {
    return this.myStore.getOne('superheroes',1);


After you've get things set up it should be fairly straightforward to use. All public methods return promises, so you know what to do with them.

Saving a record or records. The save method takes two parameters, storeName and thing(s) to persist. thing(s) can be a single object or an Array of objects.

// Filename app/controller/thing.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  myStore: Ember.inject.service(),
  actions: {
    save: function (things) {
      var self = this;
      self.set('saving', true);
      this.get('myStore').save('superheroes', things).then(function () {
        self.set('saving', false);
      }, function (err) {
        self.set('errorMessage', 'Failed to save...');

You can retreive records by index wtih a search term. call .getByIndex(storeName, indexName, searchTerm), This will return an array of objects where the searchTerm matches the key.

// Filename app/routes/application.js

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function () {
    return this.myStore.getByIndex('superheroes', 'alias', 'Phoenix');

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


Contributions for bug fixes are welcome with tests and documentation. Please reach out to me if you're thinking about adding a feature before sending a pull request. This reduces the likelihood of doing work that won't be merged. If you're forking for your own project then of course knock yourself out and go crazy!

If you want to make a suggestion, please open an issue on Github.

Whatever happens, remember, I put this out her for free, so if you don't like, don't agree or it doesn't work the way you want - please still be polite and constructive.


A thin wrapper for indexedDB without Ember Data







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