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Version 3.2
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jakubcerveny committed Jun 30, 2016
1 parent dbae60f commit 125ff22
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Showing 189 changed files with 25,536 additions and 22,707 deletions.
158 changes: 155 additions & 3 deletions CHANGELOG
Expand Up @@ -7,12 +7,166 @@

Version 3.2, released on June 30, 2016

Dynamic AMR with parallel load balancing, derefinement of non-conforming meshes
- Parallel non-conforming meshes can now be load balanced at any time by calling
ParMesh::Rebalance(). Elements of the mesh are redistributed in such a way
that each processor gets approximately the same number of elements (plus minus
one element). Partitioning is done by splitting a sequence of space-filling
(Hilbert) curves defined on the refinement octrees.

- Isotropically refined non-conforming meshes can now be derefined, both in
serial and in parallel, based on a per-element error measure and a
derefinement threshold. See the class ThresholdDerefiner.

- Following an arbitrary mesh change (uniform/general conforming/non-conforming
refinement, derefinement, load balancing), the FiniteElementSpace and
associated GridFunctions can be updated by interpolating or redistributing the
previous function values based on the new state of the mesh. (Internally this
is implemented through a transformation matrix that is constructed in the
FiniteElementSpace.) The user interface is quite simple:

pmesh.Rebalance(); // or GeneralRefinement, or GeneralDerefinement
fespace.Update(); // calculate a transformation matrix (by default)
x.Update(); // apply the transformation to the GridFunction
z.Update(); // apply it again

- New abstractions are available for error estimation and general mesh
operations such as refinement and derefinement. See the base classes
ErrorEstimator and MeshOperator and their descendants.

- The above features are illustrated in the new Example 15 (see also Example 6).

Tensor-based high-performance FEM operator assembly and evaluation
- Added support for high-performance, tensor-based efficient assembly and
evaluation of high-order operators.

- A number of new header files have been added to the fem/, linalg/ and mesh/
directories. They start with the prefix "t" to indicate the (heavy) use of C++
templating, similar to how the prefix "p" denotes "parallel". All the code for
the new HPC FE assembly/evaluation algorithms is fully implemented in these
header files. Note that the new interface is optional and only enabled if the
mfem-performance.hpp header is included instead of mfem.hpp. This is an
initial, reference implementation.

- Similarly to the serial-to-parallel (ex1.cpp-to-ex1p.cpp) transition, an
existing MFEM-based applications has to be transitioned to the new HPC
interface. This is illustrated in two new example codes which are the
high-performance versions of Example 1/1p. See miniapps/performance.

- The new interface reduces local operator assembly/evaluation to batched small
dense tensor contraction operations. For high performance, the sizes of these
contractions should be known at compile time, so the BilinearForm object needs
to have detailed knowledge about the mesh, the finite element space, the
quadrature rule and the integrator to be assembled. This required a new
interface, that supports a subset of the current (general) coefficients and
bilinear form integrators, including variable coefficients and mass and
diffusion integrators. It is possible to use the old and the new HPC interface
side-by-side, see the HPC version of Example 1/1p in miniapps/performance.

Advanced FEM on parallel non-conforming meshes
- Added support for discontinuous Galerkin methods on parallel non-conforming
meshes, see Examples 9p and 14p.

- Added support for hybridization on parallel non-conforming meshes, see
Example 4p.

New and improved linear solvers
- Added a wrapper for the real-valued, double precision solver in SuperLU_DIST
which is a sparse direct solver for distributed memory architectures. As such
it can only be enabled along with MFEM_USE_MPI. When MFEM is configured with
MFEM_USE_SUPERLU, one also needs to alter the version of METIS, since SuperLU
requires ParMETIS (which comes packaged with a serial version of METIS). See
http:// for SuperLU_DIST details.

- Added a wrapper for the KLU solver in SuiteSparse see for details of KLU.
If MFEM was configured with MFEM_USE_SUITESPARSE, one must now also link
against the klu and btf libraries in SuiteSparse, see config/

New and updated examples and miniapps
- Four new serial and parallel example codes that demonstrate:
* high-performance finite element operator assembly/evaluation (Example 1/1p
in miniapps/performance)
* adaptive refinement, derefinement and load balancing (in parallel) on
non-conforming meshes (Example 15/15p)

- Examples 4p now supports hybridization on non-conforming meshes.

- Examples 9p and 14p now work on non-conforming meshes.

- Example 11p now has optional support for the SuperLU parallel direct solver.

- Added several new options and example runs in the Volta and Tesla miniapps,
including support for Halbach arrays of permanent magnets.

- Added "check" and "test" targets to the top-level makefile. The former does a
quick check by running Example 1/1p, while the latter does a more thorough
verification of the build by running all example codes and miniapps.

- Added support for 2D and 3D meshes generated by Gmsh (, both
in ASCII and binary formats.

- Added a reader for Cubit meshes in the Genesis (NetCDF) format. Currently
supported are linear and quadratic tet and hex meshes.

- Added support for boundary bilinear form integrators when using hybridization.

- Added support for Robin boundary conditions for DG in BoundaryMassIntegrator.

- Moved all reference element connectivity descriptions, such as element-edge,
element-face, etc. to the template class Geometry::Constants<Geometry::Type>.

- Added support for secure socket communications in class socketstream based on
the GnuTLS library, see INSTALL for more details.

- Renamed config/ to config/ and moved all the default
build settings from the makefile there.

- Added configurable variables AR, ARFLAGS, and RANLIB in the build system. The
defaults for Mac OS X will suppress the "has no symbols" warnings.

- Various other simplifications, extensions, and bugfixes in the code.

API changes
- Changes in class Mesh
* Two-level state functionality was removed, including: UseTwoLevelState(int),
SetState(int), GetState(), GetNumFineElems(int), GetRefinementType(int),
GetFineElem(int, int) and GetFineElemTrans(int, int).

- Changes in class FiniteElementSpace
* BuildElementToDofTable() is now protected, and it is always called.
* GlobalRestrictionMatrix(FiniteElementSpace*, int) was removed, but the
prolongation operator can still be accessed via GetUpdateOperator() after
mesh refinement and a call to Update(true).

- Changes in methods related to non-conforming meshes and spaces
* The methods LinearForm::ConformingAssemble, BilinearForm::ConformingAssemble
and GridFunction::ConformingProlongate/ConformingProject are now hidden
inside (Par)BilinearForm::FormLinearSystem and RecoverFEMSolution.
* The conforming prolongation/restriction matrices can still be accessed via

- Changes in classes GridFunction and ParGridFunction
* Renamed Update((Par)FiniteElementSpace*, Vector&, int) to MakeRef.
* Renamed Update((Par)FiniteElementSpace*) to SetSpace.

Version 3.1, released on Feb 16, 2016

Substantially improved non-conforming adaptive mesh refinement
- Added support for parallel non-conforming mesh refinement, including a new
example code with adaptive mesh refinement for the Laplace problem (Example
6p). Most of the example codes can now work on non-conforming meshes in serial
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +262,6 @@ New and updated examples

- Example 3/3p now works in both 2D and 3D.

New miniapps
- Electromagnetic miniapps:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,4 +613,3 @@ Version 1.0, released on Jul 21, 2010
- Uploaded to

- Initial release.

89 changes: 75 additions & 14 deletions INSTALL
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ Example codes (serial/parallel, depending on the build):
Build everything (library, examples and miniapps) with current configuration:
make all -j 4

Quick-check the build by running Example 1/1p (optional):
make check

Building with GNU make
Expand All @@ -53,11 +56,12 @@ The OPTIONS are of the form VARIABLE=VALUE. Detailed description of the
configuration options is given below. Alternatively, the options can be
specified with an input file:

cp config/ config/
cp config/ config/
(edit config/
make config

The default configuration file (config/ can be changed with
Note that config/, if present, is loaded after config/ and
its path/name can be changed with

make config USER_CONFIG=user_config_file

Expand All @@ -77,6 +81,19 @@ are also defined:
Note that any of the above shortcuts accept configuration options, either at the
command line or through a user configuration file.

The build can be quick-tested by running

make check

which will simply compile and run Example 1/1p. For more extensive tests that
check the results from all the serial/parallel MFEM examples and miniapps use:

make test

Note that running all the tests may take a while. Implementation details about
the check and test targets can be found in the top-level makefile and the
config/ file.

An optional installation of the library and the headers can be performed with

make install [PREFIX=<dir>]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,15 +171,6 @@ MFEM_THREAD_SAFE = YES/NO
Enable (basic) experimental OpenMP support. Requires MFEM_THREAD_SAFE.

Enable MFEM functionality based on the Mesquite library. When enabled, this
option uses the MESQUITE_* library options, see below.

Enable MFEM functionality based on the SuiteSparse library. Currently, this
option adds the class UMFPackSolver (a sparse direct solver). When enabled,
this option uses the SUITESPARSE_* library options, see below.

Internal MFEM option: enable batch allocation for some small objects.
Recommended value is YES.
Expand All @@ -176,6 +184,41 @@ MFEM_TIMER_TYPE = 0/1/2/3/NO
3 - use QueryPerformanceCounter from <windows.h>
NO - use option 3 if the compiler macro _WIN32 is defined, 0 otherwise

Enable MFEM functionality based on the Mesquite library. When enabled, this
option uses the MESQUITE_* library options, see below.

Enable MFEM functionality based on the SuiteSparse library. Currently, this
option adds the classes UMFPackSolver and KLUSolver (both sparse serial
direct solvers). When enabled, this option uses the SUITESPARSE_* library
options, see below.

Enable MFEM functionality based on the SuperLU_DIST library. Currently, this
option adds the classes SuperLUSolver (a parallel sparse direct solver) and
SuperLURowLocMatrix a distributed CSR matrix class needed by SuperLU. When
enabled, this option uses the SUPERLU_* library options, see below.

Enable secure socket support in class socketstream, using the auxiliary
GnuTLS_* classes, based on the GnuTLS library. This option may be useful in
multi-user environment to prevent users from sending/receiving visualization
data to/from other users. When this option is enabled, the default behavior
in class socketstream is to use secure sockets, e.g. when connecting to a
GLVis visualization server. In order for this to work, one needs to generate
GLVis server/client key pairs (in ~/.config/glvis), similar to ssh keys --
the script '' in the main GLVis directory can be used to do
bash ["Your Name"] ["Your Email"]
When MFEM_USE_GNUTLS is enabled, the additional build options, GNUTLS_*, are
also used, see below.

NetCDF is the library that is used by the SNL Cubit mesh generator to create
Genesis mesh files. This option enables a reader for these files, which
requires that NetCDF be installed, see the NETCDF_* build options below.

MFEM_BUILD_TAG = (any value)
An optional tag to characterize the build. Exported to config/
Can be used to identify the MFEM build from other makefiles.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,6 +257,10 @@ The specific libraries and their options are:
- OpenMP (optional), usually part of compiler, used when MFEM_USE_OPENMP = YES.

- High-resolution POSIX clocks: when using MFEM_TIMER_TYPE = 2, it may be
necessary to link with a system library (e.g.
Option: POSIX_CLOCKS_LIB (default = -lrt).

- Mesquite (optional), used when MFEM_USE_MESQUITE = YES.
Expand All @@ -222,9 +269,23 @@ The specific libraries and their options are:

- High-resolution POSIX clocks: when using MFEM_TIMER_TYPE = 2, it may be
necessary to link with a system library (e.g.
Option: POSIX_CLOCKS_LIB (default = -lrt).
- SuperLU_DIST (optional), used when MFEM_USE_SUPERLU = YES. Note that
SuperLU_DIST requires ParMETIS which, in turn, requires METIS (see above URL).

- GnuTLS (optional), used when MFEM_USE_GNUTLS = YES. On most Linux systems,
GnuTLS is available as a development package, e.g. gnutls-devel. On Mac OS X,
one can get the library through the Homebrew package manager (

- NetCDF (optional), used when MFEM_USE_NETCDF = YES, required for reading Cubit
mesh files. Also requires installation of HDF5 and ZLIB, as explained at the
NetCDF web site. Note that we use the plain vanilla "C" version of NetCDF, you
don't need the C++ or parallel versions.

Building without GNU make
Expand Down
27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions config/
Expand Up @@ -32,18 +32,9 @@
// Enable experimental OpenMP support. Requires MFEM_THREAD_SAFE.
// #define MFEM_USE_OPENMP

// Enable MFEM functionality based on the Mesquite library.

// Enable MFEM functionality based on the SuiteSparse library.

// Internal MFEM option: enable group/batch allocation for some small objects.

// Enable functionality based on the Gecko library
// #define MFEM_USE_GECKO

// Which library functions to use in class StopWatch for measuring time.
// The available options are:
// 0 - use std::clock from <ctime>
Expand All @@ -53,6 +44,24 @@
// If not defined, an option is selected automatically.

// Enable MFEM functionality based on the Mesquite library.

// Enable MFEM functionality based on the SuiteSparse library.

// Enable MFEM functionality based on the SuperLU library.

// Enable functionality based on the Gecko library
// #define MFEM_USE_GECKO

// Enable secure socket streams based on the GNUTLS library
// #define MFEM_USE_GNUTLS

// Enable functionality based on the NetCDF library (reading CUBIT files)
// #define MFEM_USE_NETCDF

// Windows specific options
#ifdef _WIN32
// Macro needed to get defines like M_PI from <cmath>. (Visual Studio C++ only?)
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions config/
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,14 @@ MFEM_DEBUG = @MFEM_DEBUG@

# Compiler, compile options, and link options
Expand Down

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