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moved prompt stuff to moainit - including two aliasses to turn the pr…
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…ompt on & off
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mfiers committed Apr 4, 2011
1 parent b6a825f commit b570e8f
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 2 deletions.
116 changes: 114 additions & 2 deletions bin/moainit
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,5 +13,117 @@ export PATH=$MOABASE/bin:$PATH
source $MOABASE/etc/bash_completion.d/moa

##set a convenient alias to capture history
alias moa!='moa adhoc -t "set from history" -- `history -p \!\!`'
### Moa prompt stuff!
alias moa_prompt_off='export PROMPT_COMMAND=`echo $PROMPT_COMMAND | sed "s/_moa_prompt;*//"`'
alias moa_prompt_on='if [[ ! "$PROMPT_COMMAND" =~ "_moa_prompt" ]]; then PROMPT_COMMAND="_moa_prompt;$PROMPT_COMMAND"; fi'

function _moa_prompt_2 {

#prepare for visualization
local blue="\033[34m"
local black="\033[30m"
local bright="\033[1m"
local gray="\033[30;1m"
local red="\033[31m"
local magenta="\033[35m"
local green="\033[32m"
local bg="\033[47m"
local reset="\033[0m"

#get status information
[[ -f '.moa/status' ]] && rawstatus=$(< .moa/status)
case "$rawstatus" in
error) status="${red}Error${gray}"
success) status="${green}Success${gray}"
interrupted) status="${black}Interrupted${gray}"
*) status=$rawstatus

#get template information
template=`(grep moa_id .moa/template | cut -c9-) 2>/dev/null`

#get last run dates
if [[ -f '.moa/log' ]]; then
ll=`tail -1 .moa/log`
tstart=`echo ${ll} | awk '{print $3}'`
tstop=`echo ${ll} | awk '{print $4}'`
startseq=`date -d "${tstart}" +%s`
stopseq=`date -d "${tstop}" +%s`
tdiff=$(($stopseq - $startseq))
pstart=`echo ${tstart} | sed "s/\.[^\.]*$//" | sed "s/T/ /" `
minute_secs=60 hour_secs=$((60 * minute_secs)) day_secs=$((24 * hour_secs))
# parse
days=$((tdiff / day_secs))
hours=$((tdiff % day_secs / hour_secs))
minutes=$((tdiff % day_secs % hour_secs / minute_secs))
seconds=$((tdiff % day_secs % hour_secs % minute_secs))
# pretty-print
timing=":${pstart} ("
if [[ ${days} > 0 ]]; then
timing="${timing}${days}d, ${hours}h, ${minutes}m & ${seconds}s)"
elif [[ ${hours} > 0 ]]; then
timing="${timing}${hours}h, ${minutes}m & ${seconds}s)"
elif [[ ${minutes} > 0 ]]; then
timing="${timing}${minutes}m & ${seconds}s)"
echo -en $bg
printf "%$(($COLUMNS-${#txtbit}))s" " "
echo -e ${frmbit}

function _moa_prompt {

#Get the last command
#based on:
# ...saving-current-directory-to-bash-history
local lc=$(history 1)
lc="${lc# *[0-9]* }"

#save the last command to a user specific location
echo $lc > ~/.moa.last.command

[[ -d '.moa' ]] || return 0

#and add it to the local history if this is a mob job
echo $lc >> .moa/history

#if there is no template, there is not much we can do
[[ -f '.moa/template' ]] || return 0

# now display the prompt
# two step procedure - here we define a trap & call
# the second function..
function exxx() {
return 0

trap "exxx" ERR SIGUSR1

_moa_prompt_2 &

# and a sleeping process that kills the prompt process
# if it does not return
{ ( sleep 1; kill -SIGUSR1 $PID) & } 2>/dev/null
#disown prevent a terminated message - don't know how
#else to achieve that
disown $SPID

# wait for $PID (the prompt command to complete normally)
wait $PID
# if it has: kill the sleeper
kill $SPID 2>/dev/null
trap - ERR SIGUSR1

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