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docker-registry quickstart for OpenShift

This quickstart will allow you to run your own Docker repository for Docker images (see docker-registry).


First, you need to have the OpenShift account. Since docker-registry is a Python application, for the start we need to create the python app:

rhc app create registry python-2.7

Now, we need to setup some environment variables that Docker registry needs in order to upload your images. This quickstart is configured to store your images in Amazon S3, so first you need to create an Amazon account and create a bucket in S3 where your images will be stored. You will also need your Amazon API key and Amazon Secret key. You can obtain those under the 'Security Credentials' page in Amazon.

Then just run these commands:

rhc env set AWS_BUCKET=bucketname -a registry
rhc env set AWS_KEY=<amazon api key> -a registry
rhc env set AWS_SECRET=<amazon secret key> -a registry
rhc env set SETTINGS_FLAVOR=prod

Now is the time to install the quickstart:

cd registry/
git remote add upstream -m master git://
git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master
git push

Installing dependencies will take some time, but when it finishes, you should have the Docker registry running at

How to use it

The process is described in this awesome blog post. To push your images into Docker registry running on OpenShift you need to do following:

$ docker pull busybox
$ docker tag busybox
$ docker push

The output should be as follows:

The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository (1 tags)
511136ea3c5a: Image successfully pushed
bf747efa0e2f: Image successfully pushed
48e5f45168b9: Image successfully pushed
769b9341d937: Image successfully pushed
Pushing tag for rev [769b9341d937] on {}

Now to pull your image from repository you can do:

$ docker pull


  • Add authentication
  • Removed bundled 'backports' once the xz-devel RPM is available


For now, this quickstart is using the gunicorn web server instead of default Apache/WSGI. The reason is that registry use gevent library that require more complex threading that cannot be handled right now using the WSGI approach. I didn't find any problems when using this approach, but if you find a bug, please fill an issue.


Same as the docker-registry license.


A docker-registry quickstart for OpenShift







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