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allow specify default value for ocaml.type (closes #13)
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ygrek committed Feb 8, 2016
1 parent 11a0383 commit f59bb45
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Showing 4 changed files with 93 additions and 75 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ OMakefile.omc
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .merlin
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
S compiler
S runtime
PKG extlib
PKG extlib camlp4
161 changes: 89 additions & 72 deletions compiler/
Expand Up @@ -82,8 +82,72 @@ let maybe_all f = function
init tl
in List.rev l

let rec default_value = let _loc = Loc.ghost in function
Vint (Bool, _) -> Some <:expr< False >>
let lookup_option name ?(global = false) (opts : type_options) =
let pick n = (global && n = name || n = "ocaml." ^ name) in
List.fold_left (fun _ x -> Some x) None @@
List.filter_map (function (n, v) when pick n -> Some v | _ -> None) @@

let bad_option ?msg name v = match msg with
Some m ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Bad OCaml option value for %S: %S --- %s" name v m
| None ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Bad OCaml option value for %S: %S" name v

module Caml = Camlp4OCamlParser.Make(Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser.Make(Syntax))

let parse_string kind entry s =
Gram.parse_string entry ( "<string>") s
with Loc.Exc_located (_, b) as e ->
Printf.eprintf "Parse error in OCaml %s: %s\nin\n%s\n"
kind (Printexc.to_string b) s;
raise e

let ctyp_of_path = parse_string "type" Syntax.ctyp
let expr_of_string = parse_string "expression" Syntax.expr

type type_info = { ty : string; ctyp : Ast.ctyp; fromf : Ast.expr; tof : Ast.expr; default : Ast.expr option; }

let get_type_info opts =
match lookup_option "type" opts with
| None -> None
| Some v ->
let (ty,fromf,tof,default) =
match String.strip @@ String.nsplit v "," with
| [ty; fromf; tof] -> ty, fromf, tof, None
| [ty; fromf; tof; default] -> ty, fromf, tof, Some default
| _ -> bad_option "type" v
Some {
ty = ty;
ctyp = ctyp_of_path ty;
fromf = expr_of_string fromf;
tof = expr_of_string tof;
default = expr_of_string default;
with exn -> bad_option ~msg:(Printexc.to_string exn) "type" v

let get_type default opts =
Option.map_default (fun { ctyp; _ } -> ctyp) default (get_type_info opts)

let get_type_opts = function
| Vint (_, opts)
| Bitstring32 opts
| Bitstring64 (_,opts)
| Bytes opts
| Sum (_, opts)
| Record (_, _, opts)
| Htuple (_, _, opts)
| Message (_, _, opts)
| Tuple (_, opts) -> opts

let rec default_value t =
let _loc = Loc.ghost in
let default_value =
match t with
| Vint (Bool, _) -> Some <:expr< False >>
| Vint ((Int | Int8), _) | Bitstring32 _ | Bitstring64 _ | Bytes _ -> None
| Sum (l, _) -> begin (* first constant constructor = default*)
Expand All @@ -108,75 +172,28 @@ let rec default_value = let _loc = Loc.ghost in function
| Some [] -> failwith "default_value: empty tuple"
| Some [_] -> failwith "default_value: tuple with only 1 element"
| Some (hd::tl) -> Some <:expr< ($hd$, $Ast.exCom_of_list tl$) >>

let lookup_option name ?(global = false) (opts : type_options) =
let pick n = (global && n = name || n = "ocaml." ^ name) in
List.fold_left (fun _ x -> Some x) None @@
List.filter_map (function (n, v) when pick n -> Some v | _ -> None) @@

let bad_option ?msg name v = match msg with
Some m ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Bad OCaml option value for %S: %S --- %s" name v m
| None ->
Printf.ksprintf failwith "Bad OCaml option value for %S: %S" name v

exception Bad_option of string
match get_type_info @@ get_type_opts t, default_value with
| Some { default=None; ty; _ }, Some _ -> failwith @@ sprintf "no default value specified for external type %s" ty
| Some { default=None; _ }, None -> None
| Some { default=Some override; _ }, _ -> Some override
| None, v -> v

let ident_of_ctyp ty =
let _loc = Loc.ghost in
<:ctyp< $id:Ast.ident_of_ctyp ty$ >>
with Invalid_argument _ -> ty

module Caml = Camlp4OCamlParser.Make(Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser.Make(Syntax))

let parse_string kind entry s =
Gram.parse_string entry ( "<string>") s
with Loc.Exc_located (_, b) as e ->
Printf.eprintf "Parse error in OCaml %s: %s\nin\n%s\n"
kind (Printexc.to_string b) s;
raise e

let ctyp_of_path = parse_string "type" Syntax.ctyp
let expr_of_string = parse_string "expression" Syntax.expr

let expr_of_path expr = match List.rev @@ String.nsplit expr "." with
[] -> raise (Bad_option "Empty expr")
| e :: mods ->
let _loc = Loc.ghost in
(* TODO: check that path is correct *)
(fun e m -> let m = <:expr< $uid:m$ >> in <:expr< $m$.$e$ >>)
<:expr< $lid:e$ >>

let get_type_info opts = match lookup_option "type" opts with
None -> None
| Some v -> match String.strip @@ String.nsplit v "," with
[ty; from_fun; to_fun] -> begin
Some (ctyp_of_path ty, expr_of_path from_fun, expr_of_path to_fun)
with Bad_option msg -> bad_option ~msg "type" v
| _ -> bad_option "type" v

let get_type default opts =
Option.map_default (fun (ctyp, _, _) -> ctyp) default (get_type_info opts)

let generate_container bindings =
let _loc = "gen_OCaml" in

let typedecl name ?(params = []) ctyp =
Ast.TyDcl (_loc, name, params, ctyp, []) in

let typedef name ~opts ?(params = []) ctyp =
let ctyp = match get_type_info opts with
None -> ctyp
| Some (ty, _, _) -> ty
<:str_item< type $typedecl name ~params ctyp $ >> in
let ctyp = get_type ctyp opts in
<:str_item< type $typedecl name ~params ctyp $ >> in

let type_equals ~params ty tyname =
let applied =
Expand All @@ -192,7 +209,7 @@ let generate_container bindings =
| Some tyname ->
type_equals ~params ty (String.strip tyname)
with Bad_option msg -> bad_option ~msg "type_equals" tyname in
with exn -> bad_option ~msg:(Printexc.to_string exn) "type_equals" tyname in

let message_typedefs ~opts name ctyp =
let internal = typedef ~opts:[] ("_" ^ name) ctyp in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,7 +317,7 @@ let generate_container bindings =
begin match get_type_info opts with
| None ->
(try <:ctyp< $id:Ast.ident_of_ctyp t$ >> with Invalid_argument _ -> t)
| Some (t,_,_) ->
| Some { ctyp = t; _ } ->
(* Substitute free variables in "ocaml.type" annotation
with specific [args] from type application *)
assert (List.length args = List.length params); (* checked in Ptypes *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,8 +358,8 @@ let generate_container bindings =
let wrap x =
match get_type_info opts with
None -> x
| Some (_, unwrap, _) ->
<:expr< $unwrap$ $x$ >> in
| Some { fromf; _ } ->
<:expr< $fromf$ $x$ >> in

let default_func = match Gencode.low_level_msg_def bindings mexpr with
Message_single (namespace, fields) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,11 +566,11 @@ struct
{ c with c_pretty_printer =
Some <:str_item< value $lid:"pp_" ^ msgname$ pp = $expr$;
value pp = $lid:"pp_" ^ msgname$; >> }
| Some (_, _, wrap) ->
| Some { tof; _ } ->
{ c with c_pretty_printer =
value $lid:"pp_" ^ msgname$ pp x = $expr$ ($wrap$ x);
value $lid:"pp_" ^ msgname$ pp x = $expr$ ($tof$ x);
value pp = $lid:"pp_" ^ msgname$; >> }

let add_typedecl_pretty_printer bindings tyname typarams texpr opts c =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,7 +606,7 @@ struct
match get_type_info opts with
None -> <:expr< fun pp -> fun [ $Ast.mcOr_of_list cases$ ] >>
| Some (_, _, tof) ->
| Some { tof; _ } ->
<:expr< fun pp -> fun x ->
match ($tof$ x) with [ $Ast.mcOr_of_list cases$ ] >>
Expand All @@ -607,7 +624,7 @@ struct
match get_type_info opts with
None ->
<:expr< $pp_func "pp_struct"$ $expr_of_list pp_fields$ >>
| Some (_, _, tof) ->
| Some { tof; _ } ->
<:expr< fun ppf -> fun x ->
$pp_func "pp_struct"$ $expr_of_list pp_fields$
ppf ($tof$ x) >>
Expand All @@ -616,7 +633,7 @@ struct
let ppfunc_expr = pp_poly_texpr_core ptexpr
in match get_type_info opts with
None -> ppfunc_expr
| Some (_, _, tof) ->
| Some { tof; _ } ->
<:expr< fun ppf -> fun x -> $ppfunc_expr$ ppf ($tof$ x) >>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,7 +663,7 @@ struct
let _loc = "<generated code at Make_reader>"

let wrap_reader opts expr = match get_type_info opts with
Some (_, fromf, _) ->
Some { fromf; _ } ->
$fromf$ $expr$
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1079,7 +1096,7 @@ end
let raw_rd_func reader_func =
let _loc = Loc.ghost in
let wrap opts readerf = match get_type_info opts with
Some (_, fromf, _) ->
Some { fromf; _ } ->
(fun s ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1204,7 +1221,7 @@ let rec write_field ?namespace fname =

and wrap_value opts expr = match get_type_info opts with
Some (_, _, tof) -> <:expr< $tof$ $expr$ >>
Some { tof; _ } -> <:expr< $tof$ $expr$ >>
| None -> expr

and write v = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1263,7 +1280,7 @@ let rec write_field ?namespace fname =
let match_cases = constant_match_cases @ non_constant_cases in
begin match get_type_info opts with
None -> <:expr< match $v$ with [ $Ast.mcOr_of_list match_cases$ ] >>
| Some (_, _, tof) ->
| Some { tof; _ } ->
<:expr< match $tof$ $v$ with [ $Ast.mcOr_of_list match_cases$ ] >>

Expand All @@ -1272,7 +1289,7 @@ let rec write_field ?namespace fname = (fun f -> (f.field_name, true, f.field_type)) fields in
let v = match get_type_info opts with
None -> v
| Some (_, _, tof) -> <:expr< $tof$ $v$ >>
| Some { tof; _ } -> <:expr< $tof$ $v$ >>
<:expr< let b = aux in
let msg = $ v $ in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1320,7 +1337,7 @@ and write_message msgname =
in <:expr< match msg with [ $match_cases$ ] >>

let wrap_writer _loc opts expr = match get_type_info opts with
Some (_, _, tof) ->
Some { tof; _ } ->
let msg = $tof$ msg in
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test_types.proto
Expand Up @@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ message prim_promotion0 = { v : string }
message prim_promotion1 = { v : string; foo : sum_type<int, int, int> }
message prim_promotion2 = { v : prim_promotion1; }

type ocaml_type_poly1 'a = [ (string * 'a) ] options "ocaml.type" = "(string * 'a) list, List.rev, List.rev"
type ocaml_type_poly1 'a = [ (string * 'a) ] options "ocaml.type" = "(string * 'a) list, List.rev, List.rev, []"
message otp1i = { f : ocaml_type_poly1<int> }
message otp1f = { f : ocaml_type_poly1<float> }

type ocaml_type_poly2 'a 'b = [ ('a * 'b) ] options "ocaml.type" = "('a * 'b) array, Array.of_list, Array.to_list"
type ocaml_type_poly2 'a 'b = [ ('a * 'b) ] options "ocaml.type" = "('a * 'b) array, Array.of_list, Array.to_list, [||]"
type otp2i 'a = { i : ocaml_type_poly2<ocaml_type_poly1<int>,'a>; }
message otp2if = { f : otp2i<float>; }

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