Triangulation of points from multiple views without correspondences
Triangulate leaf tips of Sorghum plants captured in a phenotyping facility.
More generally, triangulation of 3D points:
- from mulitple views
- with occlusions
- without correspondences
- without assuming a rigid motion of points between views
Mathieu Gaillard, Bedrich Benes, Michael C. Tross, James C. Schnable. (2023). Multi-view triangulation without correspondences. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG).
title = {Multi-view triangulation without correspondences},
author = {Mathieu Gaillard and Bedrich Benes and Michael C. Tross and James C. Schnable},
journal = {Computers and Electronics in Agriculture},
volume = {206},
pages = {107688},
year = {2023},
issn = {0168-1699},
doi = {10.1016/j.compag.2023.107688},
url = {},
keywords = {High-throughput phenotyping, Multi-view 3D reconstruction, Sorghum leaf counting},
Cheng, Y. Q., Collins, R., Hanson, A., & Riseman, E. (1994, November). Triangulation without correspondences. In DARPA Image Understanding Workshop (IUW).
# Build the software on a Linux platform
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ cmake --build . --config Release --parallel 16
# Run tests
$ ctest
# Create virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install numpy matplotlib scipy
$ pip install -r LeafTipTriangulationPython/requirements.txt
# Run the leaf counting
$ cd ..
$ bash
This snippet triangulates the leaf tips visible from two views.
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
# Add the module to the path to import it
file_path = Path(__file__).resolve()
project_path = file_path.parent
# Path to the workspace folder
module_path = project_path / 'build' / 'LeafTipTriangulationPython' / 'Release'
from LeafTipTriangulationPython import loadCamerasFromFiles, \
computeRays, \
camera_directory = project_path / 'Phenotyping' / 'sorghum_2018' / 'cameras'
cameras = loadCamerasFromFiles([
str(camera_directory / 'camera_0_72_0.txt'),
str(camera_directory / 'camera_0_216_0.txt')
points2d = [
# Camera 72
np.array([803, 884]), np.array([877, 576]),
np.array([931, 1260]), np.array([1195, 1258]),
np.array([1285, 1094]), np.array([1481, 1356]),
np.array([1609, 1116]), np.array([1627, 686])
# Camera 216
np.array([815, 696]), np.array([841, 1112]),
np.array([1189, 1096]), np.array([1007, 1364]),
np.array([1449, 1280]), np.array([1627, 1266]),
np.array([1731, 880]), np.array([1575, 584])
rays = computeRays(cameras, points2d)
# Theta is high to enforce matchings
theta = 4000.0
points3d = matchRaysAndTriangulate(cameras, points2d, rays, theta)
print("Triangulated {:d} points:".format(len(points3d)))
for i in range(len(points3d)):
See example Python files in folder LeafTipTriangulationPython
for more python examples.
Mathieu Gaillard
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University
See the LICENSE file.