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cartogram-cpp: Cartogram generator in C++ DOI License: MIT

This program uses the fast flow-based method developed by Michael T. Gastner, Vivien Seguy, and Pratyush More. For more information, you may refer to the following paper:

Gastner MT, Seguy V, More P. Fast flow-based algorithm for creating density-equalizing map projections. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115(10):E2156–E2164 (2018).

Data produced by code in this repository are subject to the MIT license found here and should cite the aforementioned paper by Gastner et al. (2018).



Installing Homebrew

Install homebrew by running the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Installing dependencies through Homebrew

Install llvm, pkg-config, boost, fftw, cgal, nlohmann-json, and cmake by running the following command:

brew install llvm@17 libomp pkg-config boost fftw cgal nlohmann-json cmake cairo matplotplusplus

Debian-based distributions (Ubuntu, Arch Linux etc.)

Installing GNU g++-13

Run the following commands to install it:

sudo apt install build-essential manpages-dev software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt update && sudo apt install gcc-13 g++-13

Installing dependencies through apt

Install nlohmann-json, cgal, openmp, fftw3, cairo, matplot++, boost, and cmake by running the following command:

sudo apt install nlohmann-json3-dev libcgal-dev libomp-dev libfftw3-dev libcairo2-dev libmatplot++-dev libboost-all-dev cmake


Go to the cartogram-cpp directory in your preferred terminal and execute the following commands.

cmake -B build
make -C build
sudo make install -C build

If your computer has multiple cores, you may use the make command with the -j flag to use all your cores, or -j followed by a number to use the specified number of cores (for example, -j4 to use 4 cores). You may perform the entire installation at once with:

sudo cmake -B build && sudo make install -j -C build

Using lesser cores than you have is recommended so that your computer still has some headroom for other tasks. Thus, it may be a good idea for you to modify the above snippet, appending your preferred number of cores to -j.


  • If compilation suddenly stopped working for you, you may remove the build directory with rm -rf build and run the installation commands again.
  • If running cmake -B build gives you an error, it is likely that a dependency was not installed correctly. Rerun the appropriate commands above to install the required dependencies and try again.
  • If you get an error which mentions permission issues, try running the command that gave you the error with sudo prefixed, as done with sudo make install -C build above.
  • If cmake complains that it could not find a particular library, please try uninstalling it and installing it again. After reinstalling it, please also unlink it and link it with the --force flag.


Run the following command (replace your-geojson-file.geojson file with your geographic data and your-csv-file.csv with your visual variables file, containing target areas for each geographic region):

    cartogram your-geojson-file.geojson your-csv-file.csv
  • The first argument's input is a GeoJSON or JSON file, in the standard GeoJSON format.
  • The second argument's input is a .csv file with data about target areas.

Note: use the -h flag to display more options.

The CSV file should be in the following format:

NAME_1 Data (e.g., Population) Color
Bruxelles 1208542 #e74c3c
Vlaanderen 6589069 #f1c40f
Wallonie 3633795 #34495e
  • NAME_1 should be the same as the identifying property's name in the GeoJSON. The rows should also have the same data as is present in the identifying property.

  • Data contains the data you would like your cartogram to based on.

  • Color is the color you would like the geographic region to be. Colors may be represented in the following manner:

    1. cornflowerblue: html color codes supported by CSS3 (case-insensitive), full list of supported colors may be found in the "Extended colors" section of web colors.
    2. "rgb(255, 0, 120)" or rgb(255 0 120) or "255, 0, 120" or 255 0 120: red, green and blue values out of 255.
    3. #e74c3c: hex code of color, must start with #.

You may find sample GeoJSON (containing geographic data) and CSV (containing information about target areas, colors and other visual variables) files in the cartogram-cpp/sample_data directory.


If you'd like to contribute to the project, please run our tests after you make any changes.

To run the unit tests, execute the following command:

ctest --verbose

To learn more about the tests, you may go to the cartogram-cpp/tests directory and read the file.

Additionally, you may go to the cartogram-cpp/tests directory and run the following command:



Go to the cartogram-cpp directory in your preferred terminal and execute the following command:

sudo make uninstall -C build

Upon successful uninstallation, the following will be outputted:

> Built target uninstall

Further, running cartogram should no longer work.


Cartogram generator in C++







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