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Reads strace -f output and produces a process tree. Example

$ strace -f -e trace=process -s 1024 -o /tmp/trace.out make binary-package

$ strace-process-tree /tmp/trace.out
25510 make binary-package
  ├─25511 /bin/sh -c 'dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '\''$1 == "Source:" { print $2 }'\'''
  │   ├─25512 dpkg-parsechangelog
  │   │   └─25514 tail -n 40 debian/changelog
  │   └─25513 awk '$1 == "Source:" { print $2 }'
  ├─25515 /bin/sh -c 'dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '\''$1 == "Version:" { print $2 }'\'''
  │   ├─25516 dpkg-parsechangelog
  │   │   └─25518 tail -n 40 debian/changelog
  │   └─25517 awk '$1 == "Version:" { print $2 }'
  ├─25519 /bin/sh -c 'dpkg-parsechangelog | grep ^Date: | cut -d: -f 2- | date --date="$(cat)" +%Y-%m-%d'
  │   ├─25520 dpkg-parsechangelog
  │   │   └─25525 tail -n 40 debian/changelog
  │   ├─25521 grep ^Date:
  │   ├─25522 cut -d: -f 2-
  │   └─25523 date --date=" Thu, 18 Jan 2018 23:39:51 +0200" +%Y-%m-%d
  │       └─25524 cat
  └─25526 /bin/sh -c 'dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '\''$1 == "Distribution:" { print $2 }'\'''
      ├─25527 dpkg-parsechangelog
      │   └─25529 tail -n 40 debian/changelog
      └─25528 awk '$1 == "Distribution:" { print $2 }'


Use your favourite pip wrapper to install strace-process-tree, e.g.

pipx install strace-process-tree


Usage: strace-process-tree [-h] [--version] [-c] [-C] [-U] [-A] [-v] filename

Read strace -f output and produce a process tree. Recommended strace options for best results:

strace -f -ttt -e trace=process -s 1024 -o FILENAME COMMAND
positional arguments:
filename strace log to parse (use - to read stdin)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-c, --color force color output
-C, --no-color disable color output
-U, --unicode force Unicode output
-A, --ascii force ASCII output
-v, --verbose more verbose output