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Running MIRACL commands on Sherlock (Stanford supercomputer)

This tutorial highlights the registration workflow but a similar approach applies to other commands.

Setting up MIRACL (first time)

Log in to Sherlock:

$ ssh -Y

Start an interactive session:

$ sdev

Move to your scratch folder:


Pull (download) Singularity container:

$ singularity pull miracl_latest.sif library://aiconslab/miracl/miracl:latest


singularity pull requires :program:`Singularity` version 3.0.0 or higher. Please refer to our Troubleshooting section ("Q: Can I build a :program:`Singularity` container from the latest MIRACL image on Docker Hub") if you are using an older version of :program:`Singularity`.


If you have a particular :program:`Singularity` container of :program:`MIRACL` that you want to use on Sherlock, just copy it to the servers directly using e.g. :program:`scp` or :program:`rsync` instead of pulling (downloading) the latest version of :program:`MIRACL` from the :program:`Singularity` registry

Copying your data to Sherlock

Copy a folder called, e.g. :file:`input_clar` with tiff files that you want to register to the Allen Atlas using :program:`scp`:

$ scp -r input_clar<username>/clarity_registration/.

or :program:`rsync`:

$ rsync -avPhz input_clar<username>/clarity_registration/.


Make sure to replace <username> with your Sherlock username

Running MIRACL in an interactive session

For quick jobs that don't require much resources you can login to Sherlock:

$ ssh -Y

Move to your scratch folder:


Start interactive session:

$ sdev

Start :program:`Singularity` with binded data:

$ singularity shell miracl_latest.sif bash

Within the shell, load the GUI:

$ miraclGUI

Or use the command-line:

$ miracl lbls stats -h


Please consult our Troubleshooting section if you experience problems with opening :program:`MIRACL`'s GUI on Sherlock

Running SBATCH jobs

If you want to run jobs with specific resources for larger, longer jobs (e.g. running the registration workflow) you can do the following:

First get the data orientation (please check the registration tutorial for setting orientation):

$ miracl conv set_orient

After setting the orientation, a file called :file:`ort2std.txt` will be created that might look like this:

$ cat ort2std.txt

Use that orientation code (ARS) in your registration workflow.

First check the workflow arguments:

$ miracl flow reg_clar -h

Assuming you wanted to run this command with the following arguments, for example on your data:

$ miracl flow reg_clar -f input_clar -n "-d 5 -ch autofluo" -r "-o ARS -m combined -v 25"

Create an sbatch script named, for example reg_job.sbatch and paste the following lines:

#SBATCH --job-name=clar_reg
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=05:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=12
#SBATCH --mem=32G

module load singularity

singularity exec ${SCRATCH}/miracl_latest.sif miracl flow reg_clar -f ${SCRATCH}/clarity_registration/input_clar -n "-d 5 -ch autofluo" -r "-o ARS -m combined -v 25"


Note that the miracl function call comes after invoking the :program:`Singularity` call singularity exec ${SCRATCH}/miracl_latest.sif and that full file paths were used for the .sif container and the input data

This sample job (called: clar_reg) asks for 5 hours, 12 cpus and 32G of memory on one node. Adjust the requested resources based on the job you are submitting.

Next submit the sbatch script:

$ sbatch reg_job.sbatch

To check on the status of your submitted job use:

$ squeue -u $USER
.. SeeAlso::

   For more resources on SLURM sbatch jobs check Stanford's tutorials on
   `submitting <>`_
   and `running <>`_
   jobs on Sherlock