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197 lines (143 loc) · 8.44 KB

STA workflow

Run the structural tensor analysis (STA) workflow for fiber quantification and tracking.


Run workflow after running the CLARITY-Allen registration first

Workflow for STA:

  1. Converts Tiff stack to nii incl. down-sampling
  2. Uses registered labels to create a seed mask at the depth (ontology level) of the desired label (seed)
  3. Creates a brain mask
  4. Runs STA analysis using the seed and brain masks
  5. Computes virus intensities for all labels at that depth



Main Outputs

File Description
clarity_sta_{label}_seed/dog{dog}_gauss{gauss}/filter_ang{angle}.trk Tract file
virus_signal_stats_depth_{depth}.csv Virus stats csv
sta_streamlines_density_stats_depth_{depth}.csv Streamline density stats csv


From the main GUI (invoked with: $ miraclGUI), select Workflows -> CLARITY STA:


The following window will appear:



To open the STA workflow menu directly use: $ miracl flow sta

Click on Select Input tiff folder and choose the folder that contains the virus channel from the dialog window.

Then choose the registered Allen labels inside the final registration folder (reg_final) from the dialog window by clicking on Select CLARITY final registration folder.

Next choose the output file name (Output nii name), e.g. Mouse05. Our script will automatically append downsample ratio and channel info to the given name.

Set the tracking parameters:

Parameter Description Default

Seed label abbreviation


From Allen atlas ontology, for the seed region. Examples:

Combined hemispheres:

  • CP for Caudoputamen
  • PL for Prelimbic Area

Right hemisphere:

  • RCP for Right Caudoputamen
  • RPL for Right Prelimbic Area

Labels hemisphere. Accepted inputs are:

  • combined` (both)
  • split (left or right)

Required. Function will exit with error 1 if not provided.


Derivative of Gaussian (dog) sigma

Example: 1


Gaussian smoothing sigma Example: 0.5 0.5,2

Tracking angle threshold Use 2nd order runge-kutta method for tracking

Example: 35

Use 2nd order runge-kutta:

  • 0 (don't use)
  • 1 (use)

25,35 0

And the tiff conversion parameters:

Parameter Description Default
Downsample ratio Set the downsample ratio. 5
chan #

For extracting single channel from multiple channel data.


chan prefix String before channel number in file name. Example: C00
Resolution (x,y) Original resolution in x-y plane in um.


Thickness Downsample in z

Original thickness (z-axis resolution/spacing between slices) in um.

Downsample in z dimension. Binary:

  • 0 (no)
  • 1 (yes)

5 1

Users can also input their own brain mask, as well as their own seeding mask. Both masks would respectively replace the automatically generated brain mask and regional mask used for the tractography. Users also have the option to dilate the seed mask across any of the three dimensions, by a value (indicated by the Dilation factor fields).


Note that the following parameters are required:

  • tiff folder
  • output nii name
  • Seed label abbreviation
  • CLARITY final registration folder
  • hemi
  • Derivative of Gaussian
  • Gaussian smoothing sigma
  • Tracking angle threshold

After choosing the parameters, first press Enter to save them and then Run to start the workflow.



$ miracl flow sta -f [ Tiff folder ] -o [ output nifti ] -l [ Allen seed label ] -m [ hemisphere ] -r [Reg final dir] -d [ downsample ratio ]


$ miracl flow sta -f my_tifs -o clarity_virus -l PL -m combined -r clar_reg_final -d 5 -c AAV g 0.5 -k 0.5 -a 25

Or for right PL:

$ miracl flow sta -f my_tifs -o clarity_virus -l RPL -m split -r clar_reg_final -d 5 -c AAV -g 0.5 -k 0.5 -a 25


arguments (required):
  -f: Input Clarity tif folder/dir (folder name without spaces)
  -o: Output nifti
  -l: Seed label abbreviation (from Allen atlas ontology)
  -r: CLARITY final registration folder
  -m: Labels hemi
  -g: Derivative of Gaussian (dog) sigma
  -k: Gaussian smoothing sigma
  -a: Tracking angle threshold

optional arguments:
  -d: Downsample ratio (default: 5)
  -c: Output channel name
  -n: Chan number for extracting single channel from multiple channel data (default: 0)
  -p: Chan prefix (string before channel number in file name). ex: C00
  -x: Original resolution in x-y plane in um (default: 5)
  -z: Original thickness (z-axis resolution/spacing between slices) in um (default: 5)
  -b: Brain mask (to replace brain mask automatically generated by workflow)
  -u: Seed mask (in place of regional seed mask generated by workflow)
  -s: Step length
  --downz: Downsample in z
  --dilationfx: Dilation factor for x (factor to dilate seed label by)
  --dilationfy: Dilation factor for y (factor to dilate seed label by)
  --dilationfz: Dilation factor for z (factor to dilate seed label by)
  --rk: Use 2nd order range-kutta method for tracking (default: 0)
  --out_dir: Output directory