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README for UCM Tools

This repo is for all of my Cisco UCM tools using Python. I also added a directory with an AppleScript script I put together to automate some graphing of route group/route list in OmniGraffle.

The Cisco AXL SQL Toolkit is required to use the scripts. The scripts will reference the axlsqltoolkit directory under the script location.

All tools in this repo have the following prerequisites:

  • suds-jurko package (pip install suds-jurko)
  • Cisco axlsqltoolkit (from UCM plugins)
    • This directory should be placed in the same directory the script is in as that is how the script references the axlsqltoolkit.
  • User account with AXL access to the UCM server

The tools are named with two different prefixes depending on how the script can be or must be used. The two prefixes are:

  • Single
    • This indicates the script is designed to modify one item type at a time.
  • Bulk
    • This indicates the script is designed to use an accompanying text file with the data to be modified.


This tool was created to move DNs from one partition to another, one at a time.


You can execute the script without any additional options or with the following options. If you don't include options on the command line you will be prompted with questions.

Usage: [options]

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -i HOST              Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER              Enter Username.
  -p PWD               Enter Password.
  -v VER               Enter Version. (10.0, 10.5, 11.0, 11.5)
  -c CURRENTPARTITION  Enter current partition
  -n NEWPARTITION      Enter new partition

After entering a number you will be provided with a success or failure message. You will then be prompted to enter another number. If you hit enter <CR> you will be dropped out of the script back to a prompt.

If the DN is found in the "current" partition and there is not already a DN in the "new" partition it will successfully move the DN from the "current" to the "new". If the DN does exist in the "new" partition already it will fail and you should look in the route plan report to figure out what should be moved. In that event this script cannot help you.

This script allows for modifying speed dials on devices individually. It will ask for the device name, the speed dial number you want to modify, the new speed dial number, and a new label if wanted. The script will let you know if it was successful and provide the option to enter another device name. If you hit enter <CR> you will be dropped out of the script back to a prompt.


Device? Hit <CR> to exit. > SEPBEEFBEEFBEEF
Number to look for > 1234
Number to replace with > 5678
Label to replace with  (<CR> to keep the same) > New 5678
Success - Changed Speed Dial on phone SEPBEEFBEEFBEEF.
Device? Hit <CR> to exit. >


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

This tool was created to change the line description, line alerting name, and line display name fields on a line associated with a device. The line description and line alerting names can be updated with only a DN and partition. The display name (Caller ID) is a function of the line as associated with a device, which is why the input requires a device name. The caveat is currently this will only work properly if the line you are updating is the first line on the device. I might revisit this sometime to make it functional regardless of the line. But be warned for now this is how it functions.

The file to be used with the script should consist of the following comma separated lines: Device Name, Directory Number, DN Partition, DN Description, DN Alerting Name, DN Display

Example: SEPBEEFBEEFBEEF,1001,Phone_DN,MyPhoneLineDescription,Test Line,Test Line

The alerting name and display names update both the normal field and the ascii fields with the assumption you want to set both of them the same.


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FILE     Please specify file name with extension.
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

This tool was created to change the External Phone Number Mask in bulk to a list of phones.


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FILE     Please specify file name with extension.
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

The file to be used with the script should consist of the following comma separated lines: Device Name, External Phone Number Mask

Example: SEPBEEFBEEF0001,8005551212

This tool was created to change the Speed Dials in bulk to a list of phones.


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FILE     Please specify file name with extension.
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

The file to be used with the script should consist of the following comma separated lines: Device Name, Speed Dial to be replaced, New Speed Dial, Speed Dial Label

The fourth value is the new speed dial label. This fourth value is optional but still requires a comma regardless of whether or not you decide to modify the label. Every line should have 3 commas.


SEPBEEFBEEF0001,1112223333,1112223333,Page 3333
SEPBEEFBEEF0001,2223331234,2223331234,Label 1234

This script will take a file formatted as phone,user and will update the phone device with the user as the owner and will update the user with the phone as a controlled device.


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FILE     Please specify file name with extension.
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

It also updates the user groups the user is a member of. Previous versions of this script just overwrote any groups the user had with the groups we wanted to add. The latest script pulls in all of the existing groups and adds the groups we want to add. So there is no loss of functionality with user groups now.

This tool was created to change the device description.

The file to be used with the script should consist of the following comma separated lines: Device Name, Device Description

Example: SEPBEEFBEEFBEEF,My Phone Description


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FILE     Please specify file name with extension.
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

This tool was created to move a known set of phones to a different Device Pool.

The file to be used with the script should consist of the following comma separated lines: Device Name, Device Pool



Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FILE     Please specify file name with extension.
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

This tool was created to change Directory Numbers in bulk.


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FILE     Please specify file name with extension.
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -v VER      Enter Version.

The file to be used with the script should consist of the following comma separated lines: Current DN, Partition, New DN

Example: 1234,Phone_P,5678

This tool was created to use the Real-Time Information Port SOAP API to produce reports with how many phones of which type are registered to each server in a cluster. I had taken the idea from an example script I found and rewrote it to use suds-jurko so it's a bit more pythonic. This script can take a while to execute as RIS has some throttle rates which I try to make sure we don't hit. The output will produce a file with the name of the publisher node and a date and timestamp.


Usage: [options]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -i HOST     Please specify UCM address.
  -u USER     Enter Username.
  -p PWD      Enter Password.
  -d DIR      Log Directory


This is an AppleScript I assembled to help take exported information from either Import/Export or Uplinx and generate a diagram to help me visualize the routing through Route List, Route Group, and SIP Trunks/Gateways. I have a few UCM clusters I work on where things change and I want to be able to look at how things are operating today. This script helps with this. I added example csv files and an example output png file from OmniGraffle.

I will likely work on this more later. I would like to add some additional information using the exported Route Plan Report to add more blocks with DN/CSS/Partition information. But, for now, this script helps me enough.


Export the Trunks, Route Group, and Route List files from UCM. You need to modify them slightly so they follow the format as shown in the example documents. If editing in Excel, open in a text editor to strip off any trailing commas from the files. If you don't do this you will get diagrams with all kind of empty bubbles and bubbles that are then too large.

Open the AppleScript with the "Script Editor" app and run it. You will be prompted for 3 files, starting with the Trunk/Gateway, then Route Group, and then Route List. The script creates all of the bubbles with the main item, as represented in the first column of the files, as a large bubble with the other elements inside of it. The script also adds all of these named items to a "record" list, similar to a dictionary in Python so we can go back and find the location of these items. Once it generates the bubbles it starts drawing lines between the newly created bubbles attached to the corresponding bubble on the right.

You will likly need to modify some of the order details regarding whether the line is above or below items to look correct.

Example Diagram


Python scripts written for CUCM






No releases published


