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PostgreSQL git scripts

This projects holds some misc scripts for the PostgreSQL git repository, mainly hooks. They're not intended to be complete - just to do the parts that the PostgreSQL projects require.

Parts of it may of course apply to other projects as well...

git commit message script

This is a simplified (in some ways) and enhanced (in other ways) script for sending commit messages from a git repository, specifically written for the PostgreSQL repositories.

It doesn't deal with "advanced git workflows", it only accepts regular commits in straight order. This is how the PostgreSQL project uses git, so it's by design.

It creates commit messages that look a lot like those previously used in the cvs environment. The main difference is that there will be a single link to the full diff (using gitweb) instead of individual links for each file. This is natural given that git deals with commits as atomic units and not individually for each file like cvs does.

Installation & configuration

Copy or link the script as hooks/post-receive in your (bare) git repository. Make sure python is available at the given path, or adjust the first line of the script to match where it is. git has to be available in the path as well.

Create a file called hooks/commitmsg.ini. This file will contain all the configuration for the script. It should contain something like:

destination =
fallbacksender =
forcesenderaddr =
forcesendername = Some Git Repository
replyto =, $committer
subject = pgsql: $shortmsg
gitweb =;a=$action;h=$commit
debug = 0
commitmsg = 1
tagmsg = 1
branchmsg = 1
pingurl =

Expansion variables are available for the following fields:

action, commit

The following fields are all available under the [commitmsg] header:

is the address to send commit messages to. Multiple addresses can be specified with a comma in between, in which case multiple independent messages will be sent.
is the sender address to use for activities which don't have an author, such as creation/removal of a branch.
is the email address to use as sender of email, when an author can be found. In this case the name of the sender will be taken from the commit record, but the address is forced to the one specified here (to ensure DKIM compliance)
is the name to use as the sender, instead of the committer name.
is a comma separated list of addresses to add as reply-to. Use $committer to insert the email address of the committer (if one exists)
is the subject of the email
is a template URL for a gitweb link
set to 1 to output data on console instead of sending email
commitmsg, tagmsg, branchmsg
set to 0 to disable generating this type of message. If unspecified or set to anything other than 0, the mail will be sent.
set to a comma separated list of branch names that will not get commit messages sent for them (such as a CI branch or so). Branch creation and removal messages are still sent for such branches (assuming branchmsg is enabled).
include the diff of the commit (up to 500 lines) at the end of the message
set to 1 to attach a complete .tar.gz file of the entire branch that a commit was made on to the email. Only use this if the git repository is small!!!
set to one or more URLs to make the script send an empty HTTP post to this URL whenever something is received. This is useful for example to trigger a redmine installation to pull the repository. Separate multiple URLs with spaces. If $branch is included in the URL, insert the branchname in that position, and if multiple branches are pushed then ping all of them.

git policy enforcement script

This script performs some simple policy enforcment on git commits. Git supports a lot of advanced operations that the PostgreSQL project doesn't use - or wants to use. This script attempts to enforce as many of these policies as possible.

Installation & configuration

Copy or link the script as hooks/update in your (bare) git repository. Make sure python is available at the given path, or adjust the first line of the script to match where it is. git has to be available in the path as well.

Create a file called hooks/policyenforce.ini. This file will contain all the configuration for the script. It should contain something like:

debug = 0



The policy section lists which policies are available. Set a policy to 1 to enforce the check, or 0 (or non-existant) to disable the check.

Enforce no merge commits. It's recommended that you use the core git feature for this as well (denyNonFastforwards = true).
Enforce that commits are GPG signed
Enforce that tags are GPG signed
Enforce that the user listed under "committer" is the same as that under "author". This is for projects that track authors in the text contents of the message instead.
Enforce that the username and email of the committer is listed in the config file. This ensures that committers don't accidentally use a badly configured client. All the commiters should be listed in the [committers] section, in the format User Name=email.
Enforce that the username and email of the author is listed in the config file. It uses the same list of users as the committerlist, thus it should be listed in [committers]. This allows one committer to push things made by another committer, while still making sure all authors are registered.
Enforce that there are no lightweight tags - only tags carrying a description are allowed.
Enforce that new branches cannot be created.
Enforce that existing branches cannot be removed (by pushing a branch with the name :branch)

There are also policies that should be set to a string:

Set to a regular expression that will be applied to all new branches created. If the expression matches, the branch creation will be allowed, otherwise not. The expression will always be anchored at the beginning, but if you want it anchored at the end you need to add a $ at the end. Setting nobranchcreate will override this setting and not allow any branches at all.
Set to a comma separated list of regular expressions (or just strings) that represent branches that allow forced pushing. If left empty, no check against forced pushing is made, and everything is allowed. If set to any value, then any branch that does not match a pattern configured will refuse a forced push.

git command wrapper script

This script wraps the command run through ssh to make sure that it can only be approved git commands, and to make sure the commands are logged with who does what.

The script is adapted from the one running on, but significantly simplified.

Installation & configuration

Put the script "somewhere". In the same directory, create a file called gitwrap.ini with contents like this:


Make sure the git user has permissions on these directories.

When this is done, put something like this in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys for the git user:

command="/home/git/gitwrap/ 'Some User'",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa ABCDABCD<sshkeyhere>

One row for each committer.

The script will only allow access to repositories in the top level directory, and only those that already exist. All users will be granted access to all repositories.