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Super QA Demo

This project was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator version 3.3.0. A lot easier than version 4+.



Getting Started


  • Run npm run setup to do all of the npm-related things.
  • Run npm run setup:quick to install all dependencies.



Node.js, npm, Yarn, Bower, Gulp, Grunt, Babel, Karma, Mocha, JSHint, Node Inspector, LiveReload, Protractor, Jade, Stylus, Sass, Less, and EditorConfig.


  1. Run yarn install or npm install to install server dependencies.
  2. Run bower install to install front-end dependencies.
    • If there's something wrong when serving the app, run bower install --save angular separately, then choose the last option. This is due the current angular-pagedown that I'm using is about obsolete. Will upgrade it soon.
  3. Run mongod in a separate shell to keep an instance of the MongoDB Daemon running. Homebrew and Lunchy make this easy.
  4. Fix some problems with Semantic. Just a quick rename.
  5. Run gulp serve to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.


Edit server/config/local.env.js to suit your OAuth needs.

Build and Development

Run gulp build for building and gulp serve for preview.


Run npm test will run the unit tests with Karma.


Server Endpoint Prefix: /api


Method URL Description
GET / Get home page


Method URL Description
GET /users Get list of users (if admin)
POST /users Create a user
POST /auth/local Auth with local strategy
GET /users/me Go to user home page
DELETE /users/:id Delete a user (if admin)
GET /users/:id/password Get my settings for password
GET /users/:userId Get my questions
GET /users/:userId/votes Get my voted questions


Method URL Description
GET /questions Get all questions
GET /questions/:id Get a question
POST /questions Post a question
PUT /questions/:id Update a question title/content
PATCH /questions/:id Patch a question title/content
DELETE /questions/:id Delete a question


Method URL Description
POST /questions/:id/answers Create answer for a question
PUT /questions/:id/answers/:answerId Update an answer in the question
DELETE /questions/:id/answers/:answerId Delete an answer in the question


Method URL Description
POST /questions/:id/vote Upvote a question
DELETE /questions/:id/vote Unvote a question
POST /questions/:id/answers/:answerId/vote Upvote an answer
DELETE /questions/:id/answers/:answerId/unvote Unvote an answer


There is an automatic wiredep:client in gulp process. In client/bower_components/semantic/bower.json change the provided main property likewise:

"main": [