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at_lat_ea/ (libat_lat_ea.a) is a library for computation in atomic lattice
ordered effect algebras. Each such algebra is a union of blocks (atomic
MV-effect algebras). Each block is specified by the list of atoms (atom_id(s))
and by the list of orders of these atoms. If all orders are 1, it provides
computation in orthomodular lattices.

*MV_Block* is a class that contains `number of atoms`, the list of atom_ids, the
list of corresponding orders.
	Example: MV_Block b{3, {1,2,3}, {2, 3, 5}};
		- b represents atomic MV-effect algebra with 
		  atoms `1`, `2`, `3` with orders 2, 3, 5, respectively, i.e., `1`(2), `2`(3), `3`(5).

*Lattice_EA* is a class that specify a list (std::vector) of MV_Block(s)

	Examples: Lattice_EA l{b};
		- l is a atomic lattice effect algebra consisting of a single block
		Lattice_EA l2{{2, {1,2}, {3, 4}}, {3, {2,3,4}, {4, 1, 1}};
		- l2 contains two blocks, one with two atoms `1`(3), `2`(4) and other with `2`(4), `3`(1), `4`(1).
*Lattice_EA_ops* is a class that take Lattice_EA specification and provides basic operations on it.

	Examples of usage are in lattice_ea_tests.cpp file.

	Example: Lattice_EA_ops lo{l2};
		get_size() - provides number of elements in lo.
		Each element is specified in Lattice_EA class as a pair (b, e), 
		where b is block index (from 0) and e is index of an element in block b. 
		In Lattice_EA_ops each element is specified just by an index (int).

		Operations provided: 

		*Before accessing any operation generate_ops() method must be called.*

		order(e1, e2) - returns 1 if e1 <= e2, otherwise it returns 0
		inf(e1, e2) - returns infimum of e1 and e2, if infimum does not exists it returns -1
			- e1 ^ e2

		sup(e1, e2) - returns supremum of e1 and e2, if supremum does not exists it returns -1
			- e1 v e2

		oplus(e1, e2) - return e1 + e2, if it does not exists, returns -1

		orthosupplement(e) - returns e'

		impl(e1, e2) - returns e1' + (e1 ^ e2)


Atomic lattice effect algebras computation






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