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Mich Mich edited this page Dec 30, 2018 · 20 revisions

[Public released : 9-April-2018]


Welcome to the dawnboard wiki!

  • The BeagleSDR will mainly bring up above the Beagleboard, Xilinx XC3S500E Spartan 3E FPGA, ATmega328 8-bit AVR Microcontroller, ADC TI-ADS5522 12 bits, DAC Analog Devices AD9764 14 bits TxDAC, and Linear Tech LTC6904 I2C 10kHz-68MHz programmable CMOS clock oscillator


In some simple words, it is an add-on board ("cape") that turns your Beagleboard into higher robotic systems level. photo_beagleSDR photo_beagleSDR


This board should be connected to Beagleboard to extend its original functionnalities. It stems from the old Tracker board with proven integrated circuits technology, but still has evolved enough to be a bit different. It turns out an open source project with my personnal hobbist involvment.


Extension board including ADC/DAC/FPGA/AVR/SDRAM for Beagleboard, schematics free online. It uses only Beagleboard port P17 and measures 82 x 84 mm.

Xilinx XC3S500E Spartan 3E FPGA up to 250 Mhz.
Micron M25P40 4Mb SPI Flash configuration memory.
256Mb Synchronous High-Speed CMOS DRAM MT48LC16M16A2P-7E, 16Mb x 16Bit x 4 Banks.
ATmega328 8-bit AVR Microcontroller @ 8 Mhz.
ADC TI-ADS5522 12 bits / 80 Mhz with SMA conn. input.
DAC Analog Devices AD9764 TxDAC 14 bits / 125 Mhz with SMA conn. output.
50 MHz crystal oscillator and 125 Mhz crystal oscillator
Linear Tech LTC6904 I2C 10kHz-68MHz programmable CMOS clock.
3.3V I2C port for off-board expansion.
UART port / AVR and UART port / FPGA.
ISP/ICSP port for AVR Arduino development and debugging.
Xilinx JTAG port for FPGA development and debugging.
5 Diagnostic LEDs (2 Leds / AVR. and 3 Leds / FPGA).

Transmission(TX) / Reception(RX) bandwith covering up large spectrum. Low power ~ 5V @ 0.8A


100% Open Source Hardware. Free to copy, to share, to improve. Would be great as an easy hardware and software for public domain. Nice design, easy for beginners.

Manufacturing status

This PCB has been assembled in prototype.

Where to purchase

You can purchase it just on eBay by typing keyword "beagleSDR".

Futur objectives

I want to design an add-on that provides certain features, at as low as possible cost, I also wanted to provide a self-contained platform for experimentation in university labs. photo_beagleSDR photo_beagleSDR

I'm so sorry to tell you if you own the first revision "2017/12/26", to solder one wire between FPGA (pin 71 and pin 45). The pin 71 is input only. You should have both McSPI3 and McSPI4 working in full duplex SDR project. The SPI link should be established here between Beagleboard and BeagleSDR in order to use with Gnuradio plugin gr-spi.
