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Releases: mhelke/ChessComClubManagement


17 Apr 03:57
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This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.


  • Fixed a crash caused by's /player endpoint now returning a list of streaming platforms the player has connected to their account. This caused a fatal error when trying to convert the list to a data frame. For the scope of this project, the streaming_platforms field is ignored.


02 Feb 00:26
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This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.


  • When a match is canceled due to the minimum required players not being met, the match will no longer be counted in the results of getMatchDetailsForMatches or getAllTimeLeaderBoard. Previously, the match was counted for each player and the games were marked as "In progress".


12 Nov 01:36
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This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.

New features

  • The parameter access_token has been added to all functions and it permits the use of an access token, obtained through, on all API requests. The presence of an access token will bypass API rate limiting, allowing multiple scripts to run in the background in parallel. The token is optional for all functions. Note that it is up to the user to manage the validity of the token; the API accepts expired or invalid tokens without error, but rate limiting will be applied.


03 Aug 02:44
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This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.

New features

  • displayUsername column has been added to getAllMemberStats which preserves any capitalization in the username.
  • name column has been added to getAllMemberStats which is the name on the user's profile.
  • A new function, getGameResultsForPlayer, has been added to return all daily games from a user's archive for given months.
  • A new function, getAllGameResultsForPlayer has been added to return all daily games grouped by time control, event type, result, and vacation allowed flag.
  • Console logs messages have received a major improvement thanks to cli.
    • On long operations, a progress bar will be displayed with an ETA time. Individual update messages have been removed.
    • Errors and warnings are more clear.
    • HTTP errors now display a detailed error in the console without aborting execution.
  • The package httr for web requests has been added for better request handling.


  • "NAs introduced by coercion" warnings have been suppressed when calculating a user's team match results.
  • HTTP 5xx errors will no longer cause execution to abort when the data is not relied on by subsequent operations.
  • Documentation errors have been fixed in the package description and standardized.
  • Man page inconsistencies have been fixed.

Performance enhancements

  • Dependencies are no longer required to be installed locally and are now loaded with the package. You may now uninstall any unwanted packages.
  • JSON conversion improvements.


10 Jun 19:08
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This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed parameters to follow standard R naming conventions. The following parameters have changed: clubId -> club_id and userId -> user_id
  • Added a new column to the data returned from getAllMemberStats(). The new column is the total number of completed daily games a user has played.

New features

  • New function to assist in recruiting new members based on certain criteria such as timeout percentage, completed games, account age, last online date, and country.
  • New function to check the eligibility of players in a given team match based on their timeout percentage and completed games.
  • Timestamps are now converted to date-time objects in all functions.
  • Calculate the total completed daily games for a user when collecting user stats.
  • Better message logging and error handling.


  • Execution will no longer stop receiving an HTTP error when fetching details of a user or match. Instead, the call will be skipped with a warning printed.

Performance enhancements

  • Calculated variables are now stored internally when needed.


06 May 19:10
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This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.

For installation steps, follow the steps outlined here.


15 Apr 15:56
Choose a tag to compare

This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.

New features:

  • New function that calculates your club's record against other clubs.


07 Apr 02:04
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This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.

New features:

  • New function for calculating the team's match leaderboard. Returns all club members and their wins, draws, losses, score, and total games played.
  • When fetching team match details, you can now specify the number of days ago the match started, including fetching all matches.

Performance enhancements:

  • Fetching matches by status will now only parse the data requested.


  • Failed API requests for team match IDs will now provide a warning message instead of stopping execution.


31 Mar 23:13
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Bug fixes:

  • Filter the match URLs returned to only include matches for the daily time class.


31 Mar 02:37
Choose a tag to compare

This package provides useful functions to help retrieve clean data for any club using the official public API. Skip right to gaining insights into your club, all you need is the club ID!

  • Retrieve details for all club members such as join date, last online date, and activity level within the club.
  • Retrieve useful stats for all club members such as ratings, timeout percentage, and more.
  • Retrieve details on all club matches such as total wins, timeouts, and participation rates.

New features:

  • Club activity status is now included in the club stats
  • The club member list and member stats are now joined when fetching member info