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Add a tool

Marco Hinz edited this page Nov 17, 2016 · 7 revisions


If you don't like the default arguments to a grep tool or you want to add a new one, just add/replace the key to g:grepper:

let g:grepper = {
    \ 'tools': ['pt', 'git'],
    \ 'pt': {
    \   'grepprg':    'pt --nocolor --nogroup',
    \   'grepformat': '%f:%l:%m',
    \   'escape':     '\+*^$()[]',
    \ }}


These are the tools that you can choose between. The order matters. The first element is the default tool and will be used if no tool was specified.

Defaults to: ['ag', 'ack', 'grep', 'findstr', 'rg', 'pt', 'git']

Because of a name clash, some systems use "ack-grep" instead of "ack". If you include "ack" here, "ack-grep" will be found, too.


The tool has be executable, but it doesn't have to be in $PATH. This works just as well:

'grepprg': '~/bin/greppy -a -b --c'

In cases where the arguments don't come last, use $* as a placeholder:

'grepprg': 'grep -Rn $* .'

If you want to use the tool on all currently opened files (instead of the current directory), use $+ as a placeholder:

'grepprg': 'ag --vimgrep $* $+'

If you want to use the tool only on the current file, use $. as a placeholder:

'grepprg': 'ag --vimgrep $* $.'


In the case of -buffer, 'grepprgbuf' is used. If it doesn't exist, $* $. will be appended to 'grepprg' instead.

Same goes for -buffers, only that $. will be replaced by $+.


This is optional. If the output of 'grepprg' uses a format that is not already recognized by the default grepformat, define it yourself here. See :h 'grepformat'.


This is optional. All these characters will be escaped in the query.

Advanced example: :vimgrep

This is a bit of a hack, but you could even use an async :vimgrep like this:

let g:grepper = {
      \ 'tools': ['git', 'ag', 'vimgrep'],
      \ 'vimgrep': {
      \   'grepprg':    "vim -es +'vimgrep /$*/ ** | cw | %p | qa'",
      \   'grepprgbuf': "vim -es +'vimgrep /$*/ $. | cw | %p | qa'",
      \   'grepformat': '%f|%l col %c|%m' }}

Depending on your vimrc, you might need to prepend grepprg/grepprgbuf with set nonumber norelativenumber | etc.

Everything but the operator works with these settings.

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